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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 7.97
danzitorock wrote on 19.12.2023:
[8.0] "Excellent tag team but never really reached their full potential, Gable and Jordan in a short period of time provided some great matches and showed a lot of chemistry and similarities."
SierraHotelIndiaEchoLimaDelta wrote on 22.05.2023:
[9.0] "These two really helped elevate tag team wrestling in WWE. They both profited from their connection and worked great as a team."
SoaKas wrote on 29.12.2022:
[10.0] "Just saw a clip on twitter that Cash Wheeler posted. It was a highlight compilation from the tag title match between The Revival and American Alpha from TakeOver: The End. It made me feel nostalgic as this was just a great time to be a wrestling fan but then I realized how much I miss American Alpha. Great matches, incredible chemistry between the two members, over with the crowd and the PERFECT counterpart to FTR's gimmick at the time. Really sad that Jason Jordan got injured as we would not only be talking about FTR vs The Briscoes if it still were for this great tag team."
AlDente01 wrote on 18.10.2022:
[7.0] "My opinion is very different from the average. I have never considered American Alpha to be an outstanding tag team, for me they were always just decent, not bad but also not very good, so okay+. In my opinion they had a little too little charisma but very good ring skills."
PavelDragunov wrote on 02.06.2022:
[7.0] "A team with huge potential and with a big missed opportunity. The team that in NXT immediately won the hearts of fans with its already classic matches with The Revival, but after quickly leaving NXT, the fighters initially looked good in a new place on SmackDown, but unfortunately Chad Gable was injured and the team parted due to their separation by different brands. As a result, the success story of the team remained in NXT, they were also team champions on SmackDown, but this title period can be considered a filler. The company thought about their single careers, but after that they could not become stars and Jason Jordan ended his career after a terrible injury, and Chad Gable returned to team wrestling. I will say that WWE often miss the opportunity to make the team division cool and the collapse of this top team is a vivid confirmation of that."
Legend003 wrote on 03.12.2021:
[8.0] "Da wäre so viel möglich gewesen mit diesen beiden, jedoch entschied man sich für den falschen Weg. Jordan und Gable hatten eine so starke Chemie miteinander und das merkte man vor allem in deren NXT-Zeit, wo die beiden Hammer-Matches miteinander bestritten. Ebenso bei SmackDown konnten sie ihr Talent zeigen, jedoch wurden die beiden zu schnell voneinander getrennt, was sehr schade für die beiden war, denn der Singles-Run war bei beiden nicht von Erfolg gekrönt."
BrayanLaPre wrote on 06.07.2021:
[7.0] "All the potential in the world to be a great tag team. We saw more than a few flashes of that between WWE and NXT. I think a fair comparison is World's Greatest Tag Team / Team Angle, but they managed to put their own spin on who they were. It's a shame injuries and booking came into play, but I'm so happy I got to see them while they were together. Supremely talented."
KyleEnjoysWrestling wrote on 30.03.2021:
[7.0] "Before Chad came into the fold, I remember Jordan floundering for a long time. His tag team he had with Tye Dillinger was where he had the most success, & that is not saying much. When Gable started interacting with Jordan, you could really see something click. Jason played the straight man, while Gable was more of the comedic part of the duo. But they could both back it up in the ring. They had a very memorable set of matches against The Revival. But much like many NXT talents, they were destroyed very quickly up on the main roster."
TheFrenchDisaster wrote on 15.12.2019:
[9.0] "American Alpha are full of dynamism and talent, thanks to that, they easily manage to gain the support of the crowd. They were certainly one of the most promising and deserving teams and certainly deserved a brighter future than the one they knew, they could have been stars, have a tag team championship reign and have good matches. Instead, they had a forgettable reign as Smackdown tag team champions and a strange split-up for the very awkward storyline of the illegitimate son with Jordan and Angle. Another unjustly wasted team..."
zephyr wrote on 26.09.2019:
[7.0] "Used to be one of the most promising prospects for WWE's tag division but got totally wasted on the main roster before being unceremoniously split up."
KENTAfan wrote on 11.09.2019:
[8.0] "It's a damn shame how they ended up. AA was one of the best tag teams in NXT and looked to have a great future ahead of them but they quickly fell victim to that talent vacuum that is the main roster. Gable was always the better wrestler between the two so it's at least nice to see him doing somewhat well on the main roster now, but Gable and Jordan should have had a much, MUCH better run in WWE then they did."
RatingsMachine wrote on 26.10.2018:
[7.0] "Gable and Jordan were one of a number of teams from NXT who could have been part of a vibrant tag team scene in WWE. But WWE, as they usually do, screw things up and the end result is Jordan was put in a lame duck angle as Kurt Angle's 'son', and Gable is barely above preliminary status."
MAGICIAN wrote on 18.09.2018:
[8.0] "Super charismatisches Tag Team, das mir sehr gefällt. Die Chemie zwischen den beiden ist fast nicht zu übertreffen und ihr Auftreten großartig. Es ist praktisch die sehr gute Weiterentwicklung des Benjamin/Haas Teams. Sehr gut!"
TheLoudMouth wrote on 04.01.2018:
[9.0] "Herausragendes Tag Team mit zwei absoluten Assen im Ring, die perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt sind. Leider mangelt es den Beiden völlig am Charisma und am Micwork, was sie im Tag Team-Bereich aber durch ihre tollen Leistungen im Ring gut kaschieren können."
TooSweetPhil wrote on 12.07.2017:
[8.0] "Insgesamt ist American Alpha ein sehr gutes TagTeam. Im Ring sind sie sehr harmonisch mit vielen ansehnlichen TagTeam Manövern. Beide technisch ziemlich versiert und Auch ihre NXT Matches sind mehr als gut gewesen, doch da muss man leider sagen, dass sie im Main Roster noch nicht so überzeugen können. Insgesamt bei NXT 9/10, im MR 6/10 - runde aber auf 8 auf."
awsmpwnie wrote on 24.04.2017:
[8.0] "Super harmonisches Tag Team. Das Gimmick ist irgendwie 80er 90er aber cool und zusammen zeigen die beiden immer eine gute InRing Peformance. Finde auch nicht das sie zu stark dargestellt werden. Bin auf die zukünftige Entwicklung gespannt"
DanTalksRasslin wrote on 14.12.2016:
[8.0] "With a ring style drawing on their respective legitimate collegiate and Olympic wrestling backgrounds, Jordan and Gable can easily be compared to teams like the Steiner Brothers and WGTT, but have enough style, including a very cool tandem finisher, to set themselves apart. With a reign as NXT Tag Champs under their belts after a series of great clashes with the Revival, American Alpha have hit the main roster and will almost certainly be major faces of the tag division of their brand - they just might need a little something extra to put them over the top (perhaps, as many have suggested, a mouthpiece/mentor figure such as a returning Kurt Angle)."
The Chosen One wrote on 12.11.2016:
[1.0] "While they have had some really good matches this team just doesnt do it for me. Jason Jordan is defiantly the better member. Gable while is a good mat wrestler really isnt good at anything else. Their time on the main roster has been a sad flop. Really dont see them going anywhere after a while of squashing The Ascension and The Vaudevillians."
PistolPeteMatty wrote on 04.11.2016:
[9.0] "American Alpha are one of the best tag teams around these days, but sadly on the current Smackdown landscape there isn't really anyone on the same level as them in terms of in-ring talent. A good chunk of my current tag team dream matches involve American Alpha, and once WWE gives them the Smackdown Tag Team titles, and someone good to feud with, they're gonna be stars for sure."
Luv all wrestling wrote on 10.10.2016:
[9.0] "American Alpha are great induvidual wrestlers that become so much better together, constantly entertaining."
Leo Evans wrote on 02.09.2016:
[8.0] "Bei NXT hab ich Ihnen 10 Punkte gegeben, die Anforderungen an das Aushängeschild der Tag Team Division der zweitmeist gesehenen Weekly der Welt sind aber so deutlich viel höher, dass ich 8 Punkte für angemessen halte, denn noch gehören sie noch lange nicht zum Kreis der legendären Teams"
ShooterMcShoot wrote on 25.08.2016:
[10.0] "They're the best tag team currently in WWE. Gable is a great worker who has a ton of charisma and he's very good at playing Ricky Morton. Jordan is also a great worker and he is very good at making the explosive comeback."
Longa-46 wrote on 10.08.2016:
[8.0] "Nun sind sie also im Main Roster angekommen und ich hoffe, dass sie da auch gut eingesetzt werden. Sie haben aufjedenfall die Chancen mehrfach Tag Team Champions zu werden, denn die beiden waren bei NXT schon klasse. Die Chemie stimmt einfach und bei den Fans kommen sie eh super an. Ich bin gespannt wie es mit den beiden weitergeht. Momentan finde ich 8 Punkte angesessen."
Hypocrisy wrote on 06.08.2016:
[7.0] "American Alpha sind sicherlich eines der besten Tag Teams, welches in NXT geformt wurde. Jetzt schon die Höchstwertung rauszuhauen halte ich jedoch für deutlich verfrüht. Da fehlen einfach noch ein paar Jahre feste Zusammenarbeit und eben auch die Matches im Hauptroster gegen dann vielleicht nicht mehr so motovierte Teams wie bei NXT. Stark jedoch schon jetzt ihre Chemie miteinander und beim Publikum sind sie schon jetzt over wie Sau. Ich freue mich auf viel gute Unterhaltung mit American Alpha!"
NastyYaffa wrote on 07.07.2016:
[1.0] "These 2 just don't do it for me. I just don't get the hype behind the American Alpha, Chad Gable & Jason Jordan. In every match of theirs that I've watched, they have never been the better team. Never. They are pretty bad babyface workers, as their FIP segments pretty much always are just shitty & boring. They do some cool movez though, and in some matches it works, and in some matches it doesn't. As of July, 2016, they are my pick for the most overrated team in the world."
Ulisepp wrote on 27.06.2016:
[10.0] "Ich muss einfach 10 Punkte verteilen, weil wenn nicht hier wo dann. Auch wenn sie noch am Anfang ihrer WWE Karriere stehen, bringen und liefern sie alles mit/ab. Im Ring sind beide bärenstark: Beide sind technisch einwandfrei, Gable macht natürlich niemand was vor. ;) Ihr Charisma ist sehr gut und ihre Promos sind auch toll. Dieses Tag Team ist einfach das beste Tag Team was WWE aktuell hat. Freue mich auf die Zukunft im Mainroster."
Wrestling Forever wrote on 09.06.2016:
[9.0] "Schon jetzt eins der Tag Teams 2016 jedenfalls für mich. Das die beiden so gut wurden hätte ich gar nicht gedacht aber es ist so das man sich meistens auf dem ersten Blick täuscht. Verstehen sich auch privat sehr gut und hamonieren als Tag Team klasse. Die sollen ruhig noch einige Jahre als Tag Team zusammenarbeiten und mich so unterhalten."
SE Finest wrote on 09.06.2016:
[9.0] "Probably the best tag team in WWE at the moment in terms of in-ring excitement. They engage really well with the fans. Put 2 of the best tag team matches in WWE in recent memories against The Revival at Takeover Dallas and The End . The only reason I'm not giving 10 is because their mic skills, which is going to be important once they move to the main roster. Other than that, these 2 have a really bright future as long as they stick as a tag team (and if Vince didn't screw them)."
ErycK24 wrote on 06.06.2016:
[10.0] "This tag team is one of the greatest tag teams to cone along in the past 10 years. That's saying a lot, the potential is through the roof for these 2."
Mizzle Assault Ant wrote on 18.05.2016:
[7.0] "A team with potential but I think they are becoming a little overrated. Two talented guys but they do not have any really classic matches yet, some very good but not quite at that top level. They also aren't especially developed as characters beyond the fact that they are "athletes". Still a good team and I could easily rate them higher in time."
KingofKingsHHH wrote on 07.04.2016:
[9.0] "Das beste Team in der WWE momentan. Die beiden sind einfach sehr erfrischend und es macht einfach sehr großen Spaß ihnen zuzuschauen. Beide waren schon großartige Ringer und sie setzen diese Fähigkeiten auch gut ein. Am Mic gehen sie vollkommen in Ordnung und mit der Crowd sind sie auch sowas von over. Hoffentlich versaut man es mit ihnen nicht."
JuliTheCage87 wrote on 07.04.2016:
[10.0] "Jetzt schon mein Lieblingsteam in der WWE (, da Tyson ja noch verletzt ist). Nach zwei Matches so eine Wirkung und Präsenz zu haben, zeugt schon von Klasse und Team-Chemie. Team-Chemie ist das richtige Stichwort, denn die beiden sind einfach so urkomisch verschieden, dass sie sich hervorragend ergänzen. Die kleinen Spannungen machen's immer wieder sehr interessant. Über die Wrestlingfähigkeiten der beiden muss man glaub ich nicht mehr viel sagen. UPDATE: Es tut mir im Herzen weh, den ersten Platz der Comment Section aufzugeben, aber die 10 ist kaum besser angebracht als bei den beiden."
Ice wrote on 06.03.2016:
[10.0] "This is a no contest. Their matches are completely flawless, they engage the crowd. There isn't a lick of wasted motion in this tag team, every motion they make in the ring is slick and down right impressive. Chad Gable is Rookie of the Year for 2015 and Jordan has developed more and more personality by hanging with Chad Gable and has finally come into his own. 10. Perfect Tag Team."
MusSan wrote on 25.12.2015:
[9.0] "Einfach ein geniales Team. Es ist nur noch eine Frage der Zeit bis sie sich die NXT Tag Team Titel schnappen werden. Im Main Roster werden sie auch irgendwann landen. Das Main Roster braucht solche Teams."
PWF wrote on 12.10.2015:
[8.0] "Very good team that is stepping up in NXT recently. They have some similarities with Haas and Benjamin's World Greatest Tag Team. Outside the notorious physical resemblance, both tag teams have two very technical wrestlers with good athletic ability too and portrait a gimmick very close to those of the olympic/college wrestlers. Chad Gable has conquered the crowd's heart already but let's not forget to give Jordan his credit for being a pretty solid wrestler too. After a couple of character improvements to make (including a tag team name, they need one), they have all the tools to become one of the newest top teams in NXT (and WWE) Tag Team division."