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Displaying items 1 to 100 of total 287 items that match the search parameters.
324.10.2024RJP3608.0Good wrestler but has no charisma or personality so he never could connect with the audience, now with his best years on the past only remember him with his time on Nexus and as a good high flyer in the low card, still was one of my favoorites at the time.
625.06.2024Crippler Crossface7.0 
2205.09.2023No One6.0 
3619.12.2022Antimaster5.0Wer drauf achtet wird sehen, wie sehr Black besonders in den letzten Jahren AJ Styles kopiert. An die Genialität des Originals reicht er aber bei weitem nicht heran. Bei WWE mit seinem 450 hatte er ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal, nach seiner Entlassung solider Journeyman-Wrestler, der überall war, ohne aber den ganz großen Impact zu hinterlassen. Insgesamt ein solider Mann, aber dass er sich nirgendwo nachhaltig durchsetzen kann, hat eben auch seine Gründe.
3903.11.2022Reinhard Lohengramm5.0I feel like the only memorable thing about him was his 450 splash, nothing else. Really bland personality.
4025.09.2022GM56 Champion6.0 
4114.09.2022TheOneAndOnlyCactus6.0The Darewolf has always been a guy you can count on for awesome aerial action, though he rarely had anything better to offer. Still making his way in the independent scene, he remains someone who is a pleasure to watch operate in the ring.
4713.03.2022Thewrestlingcritic89 I really, really wish I could? ve loved Justin Gabriel and I truly think I would have if he was given an actual gimmick and more opportunities rather than being stuck in the low-card/jobber tier and having 90% of his matches be random tag team matches in house shows, I truly think it? s a crime how he has been treated after the whole Nexus/Corre factions he was involved in, especially in the later years (mid 2013-early 2015), let me make a quick recap of his WWE career. He started off in NXT in 2010, then had a solid run with the Nexus in 2010 and I personally thought he was on the side that actually had talent and could? ve been something big in the future along with Wade Barrett and Daniel Bryan, then the Corre faction came along and to this day I? m not too sure how I feel about that era.. then after both factions ended this is where I thought things got interesting. He tagged with Heath Slater for a few weeks and was then in a somewhat rivalry with him which I personally thought they had some pretty decent matches. Then he just got forgotten, he barely had anything to do for the entirety of 2013 and by 2014 became one of those wrestlers where on TV you only really see in random battle royals like #1 US/IC championship ones and Andre The Giant memorials, and soon enough he was released. What did I learn after seeing all this? That he deserved way better. If given some improvements on the microphone and if he was given an actual gimmick (seriously he has no gimmick lmao) he could? ve easily carried a 100+ day Intercontinental championship reign. He has an absolutely great moveset which where he really shines in are the high flying moves. Gabriel has one of if not the best 450 splash I? ve seen performed. It still saddens me to see how he was treated. He was definitely way ahead of his time in the WWE and his controversy with Triple H behind the scenes still kind of infuriates me, I really wish he could? ve been given a chance instead of being stuck on the preshow with Fandango and in live events with Curt Hawkins and Adam Rose.
5014.12.2021Shadow Explosion7.0 
5203.10.2021Luv all wrestling6.0 
5313.09.2021JayJT5.0He's a pretty average high fly wrestler who never seems to be able to get a handle on a gimmick which kind of makes him entertaining in a funny way.
5514.07.2021wavbird4.0He is a very decent high flyer you could put in the lower card but anything more than that might test a crowd's patience. A largely uneventful run in WWE and not much to speak of outside of it either.
5707.07.2021ProWrestlingGuy3164.0Ein Wrestler der Kategorie "hat man 1 bis 2 Matches von ihm gesehen, hat man alle gesehen". Ganz annehmbarer Spot Wrestler, dem allerdings jegliche Ausstrahlung sowie Fähigkeiten am Mikrofon fehlen, um irgendwie interessant zu sein.
5803.06.2021Ma Stump Puller5.0Decent as a low-card wrestler but he's just so generic and boring that no one can pay attention to him for long. I don't watch STRONG so I can't say much about his performances there (mainly because it's full of guys like himself) but he's always been meh. Decent in tags but there's never been a point where I've been blown away and he seems like one of those wrestlers that just ends up everywhere without a proper defined run anywhere.
6122.05.2021Kung6.0PJ Black is alright. He doesn't really do anything that I haven't seen before, but he does have one of the best 450s I've ever seen.
6207.05.2021WRESTLINGFOREVER2610.0unfortunately PJ is more known for his work under the ring name "Justin Gabriel" but ever since leaving WWE, he's had more opportunities to express who he really is as a professional wrestler. he's more known for his high flying style of wrestling but recently he decided to switch it up a bit and do some Mat wrestling as some people saw in the ring of honor pure tournament and the NJPW strong episodes. unfortunately he got injured last year but he has fully recovered and made his return to NJPW STRONG tapings last week. overall he is one of my favorite "technicians" and has a great moveset including the 450 splash which he calls "the placeblo affect", a move rarely used which is a backflip double stomp called"wildness", a beautiful springboard moonsault, and his most common finisher used currently, is the crucifix driver. all great moves that look awesome! I reccomwnd to check his work out in lucha underground against guys like prince puma, Rey Mysterio, along with ring of honor against guys like Tony deppen, and bandido. and of course new Japan strong against guys like Alex Zane and his wars with bullet Club and team filthy. and I'm sure his upcoming match on new Japan strong in the next few weeks will be good as well. a totally different guy now than he was 5-6 years ago. overall and amazing athlete who never fails to treat you with a few special moves every match.
6330.04.2021Okaro1436.0Decent. He was my favourite in the Nexus after Bryan quit. Unfortunately he didn't get a lot of chances after both the Nexus and Corre disbanded and ultimately he got released. 450 splash was great but his overall wrestling ability was decent at best.
6728.02.2021Belka 0178.0 
6829.01.2021Pro wrestling fan 2610.0My favorite wrestler currently. I have followed him since early 2014. A great great high flyer with awesome matches in ring of honor. His match with Alex Zane was awesome! Unfortunately he is injured but I dont doubt that he will come back stronger than ever in the next few weeks.
6931.12.2020Khalid Ace6.0 
7019.12.2020Strong Zero Machine6.0 
7130.11.2020Wrestling Forever 8.0Auch einer den ich bei PWG und wXw sehen möchte und ich denke irgendwann wird der Darewolf dort gebookt. Nach seiner WWE Zeit hauptsächlich bei LU, in einigen unbekannteren Indie und in englischen Ligen wrestlen gesehen. Top ist er immer noch. Man sieht auch total wie viel Spaß er hat. Edi 15. 06. 2017 Mein Gott der Junge hat vielleicht ein Pech nachdem er schon letztes Jahr sich beim Basejumping schwer verletzt hat ist er wieder schwer durch das Basejumping verletzt. Bein und Hand hat er sich gebrochen und auch einen Finger verloren. Er hat jetzt nur 7 Finger glaube auch nicht das man den wieder findet um ihm anzunähen. Vielleicht bekommt er eine Prothese. Also man wird wieder lange ihn nicht im Ring sehen. Edit: 30. 11. 2020 Hatte wieder viel Pech. Beim Versuch eines World Records Stunt ist er böse eine Treppe runtergestürzt und hat sich böse das Bein gebrochen. Er wurde operiert und fällt wieder lange aus.
7526.06.2020Booker C5.0Guter Wrestler, aber bietet mir abseits des Rings zu wenig um eine hohe Wertung recht zufertigen. Hatte nach Nexus natürlich Potenzial, aber viel Nennenswertes kam danach nicht wirklich.
8129.12.2019JEK 19918.0One of the best modern day high flyers. He was a great cruiserweight wrestler. Missed the criuserweight division era in WWE. He could have been an excellent WWE Cruiserweight champion! Needs to come back to WWE for the 205 live!
8217.11.2019Liam Willows9.0 
8407.08.2019KyleEnjoysWrestling6.0PJ Black always reminds me of Paul London. He's good in the ring. Was a standout from the Nexus days & I don't think they got as much out of him as they could have. His 450 always looked pretty bad though & he always came very close to not being able to rotate enough.
8928.09.2018Oliver95x7.0Ich finde Justin Gabriel hat ein gutes Move Set und ist unterhaltsam. Auch wenn er gelegentlich gebotched hat war er im ring doch solide. Nur an Charisma hat es ihm was gefehlt. Trotzdem vermutlich mein Lieblingsmitglied des Nexus.
9128.06.2018El Burrito8.0 
9319.05.2018El Idolo8.0 
9623.04.2018Viper998.0Justin Gabriel ist ein ziemlich guter High Flyer mit netter Ausstrahlung. Danach hört es schon auf. Man kann ihn durch seinen Stil super für Opener oder Ähnliches verwenden, aber um ein Topstar zu brauch es dann schon mehr. Gut, aber kein Top Worker.