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Displaying items 1 to 24 of total 24 items that match the search parameters.
505.01.2013HHH Pedigree8.0This girl is amazing. Very quick, high-flyer moves... She is a great aerial wrestler.
609.11.2021Ma Stump Puller8.0Legitimately one of the most underrated women's wrestlers of all time. The whole clown shtick didn't really land for me but under that comedy is a tremendously talented wrestler with incredible versatility and some great technical wrestling under her resume. I can understand back in the day not really knowing who she is, considering the status of places like JWP and ARSION in terms of visibility was next to nothing, but now people like Bolshoi are finally getting more and more credit thanks to more stuff getting out publicly. Extremely well-rounded and while she was never going to be a real main eventer due to her gimmick and size, she absolutely smashed it in the Jr division while not having the greatest competition to work around with. The closest comparison I can come up is someone like Liger, which should say a lot about her capabilities. Great wrestler.
717.11.2022CoolKyle8.0Like the user below me said, one of the most underrated wrestler of all time. She's had lots of good to great matches which are really overlooked and there's still many matches from her back catalogue that I have yet to watch. On the other hand, I have seen her in some stuff that was pretty bad/underwhelming. The plus side is she stayed good for a really long time, like she was clearly good up to her retirement, just dealing with really bad opponents most of the time.
912.02.2023No One9.0 
1315.04.2021Wrestling Forever 9.0Ich habe inzwischen einiges von ihr gesehen und finde im Ring war sie fantastisch. Sie kann auch sehr gut Gitarre spielen. Schon interessant das ihr damaliges Clown Gimmick als Inspiration für Doink the Clown herhielt. Die ES Elemente sind da nicht gemeint. Kleine Empfehlung ihr YouTube Kanal wo zig Matches von ihr zu sehen sind.
1426.02.2014Matzinho9.0Keine Ahnung, wie alt sie ist. Aber wenn wir mal annehmen, dass sie mit etwa 16 Jahren mit Wrestling angefangen hat, dann wäre sie jetzt 38. Für das Alter und ihre Erfahrung hat sie nicht nur einen unglaublichen Körper, sie wrestlet auch nach wie vor verdammt gut und zeigt weiterhin ihr High Flying-Arsenal. Sicherlich eine der besten Wrestlerinnen der Welt, zumal mit guter Ausstrahlung.
1508.10.2021Crippler Crossface10.0 
1609.06.2020Shoot Headbutt Lover10.0 
2105.07.2015CJ Dusk10.0She may be very small but this little clown can wrestle! I can't say enough good things about her. Strikes, high flying movies, and holds most people have never seen. Very well rounded. Can be throwing blows with Kana one night and then be playing games and throwing candy to kids the next. I wish more of her matches were on youtube so others could see how amazing she really is.
2327.09.2012Navid10.0Ich sah sie zwar nur beim 2012er King of Trios muss anhand dieser aber sagen das sie die aussergewöhnlichste Highflyerin ist die ich jemals gesehen habe. Sie definierte dort weibliches Bewegungspotenzial neu und dafür kann es nur 10 Punkte geben. Das sie laut Cagematch bereits 20 Jahre aktiv sein soll kann ich einfach nicht glauben.
2429.11.2023Bar78678810.0When I first stumbled upon a match featuring Bolshoi I was blown away. I agree with the previous two users - one of the most underrated wrestlers of all time. And she stayed that way even in her later years, once she lost the clown gimmick and became more serious. But I wont discredit the clown gimmick either - she was incredibly innovative and talented. Shed tightrope walk circles around her opponent, then sucker them in by crying, and later hit them with a Moonsault or even a 619. Im giving her a 10 based on her charisma and in-ring skills being inferior to none. She just didnt get the opportunity to shine as much as she shouldve because of her size, JWP, and probably how great she was in her role.