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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 2.69
ultravioletshiroi wrote on 19.03.2024:
[2.0] "Boring wrestler, no charisma, subpar in-ring skills. Man's entire gimmick and purpose is literallly just "I'm very big". Aside from being one of Brock Lesnar's henchmen for a brief period he was extremely forgettable and had no personality. Only geezers want to see 6 ft 8 and taller guys wrestle. The only thing he had going for him was strength and an intimidating look. No personality, just loootsa strenghth. It's a miracle he got fired."
JediSaiyanMaster1203 wrote on 18.11.2023:
[1.0] "This guy was so bad, WWE decided to pull out on him teaming with The Undertaker at WrestleMania XIX against A-Train and The Big Show, that alone is enough to warrant my current rating."
Giantfan1980 wrote on 20.05.2023:
[1.0] "Got a monster push going into Mania 19 but they chickened out at the last minute because of how green he was so Undertaker was booked into a crappy handicap match against Big Show and A-Train. Jones eventually got involved in some matches by the end of the year, but decided to go Hollywood instead and was quickly forgotten to wrestling history (for the most part)"
crs285 wrote on 13.04.2023:
[3.0] "Similar to several big men in his era they had the look but lacked both charisma and in ring ability. His pairing with the Undertaker showed how highly management thought of him but he never showed that. Would have benefitted from a little longer in developmental."
Conquistador37 wrote on 08.04.2023:
[0.0] "I read about this guy back in '03 but quickly forgot about him, now that I actually have the time to watch this era of wrestling: This is so blatant, that they tried their best to keep him OUT of the ring with angles and segments. When in the ring it was brazening apparent: no skill, no ability, no natural comfort in the ring. His air time could have been dedicated to literally any other worker on the roster at the time and we would be better off. When you see him, go ahead and fast forward to save minutes of your life. Literally nothing is offered here except time wasted. No exaggeration, no hyperbole ~ fast forward."
kewf1988 wrote on 05.03.2023:
[2.0] "Nathan Jones was very similar to numerous "hosses" from the Ruthless Aggression era in that he was very basic and awkward in the ring and had absolutely nothing going for him except his look. To think he almost tagged with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania..."
Ma Stump Puller wrote on 02.11.2022:
[2.0] "Jones is the definition of "and then the bell rang" in terms of performers. It's obvious why that is considering he had a incredible look and could've easily main-evented any card with enough build-up, workrate be damned: nearly 7 foot, built like a tank and a legitimate strongman. Issue was that he generally stunk in the ring, and it wasn't his fault, it was just a combination of his height and real lack of athleticism that killed any motions of him being a big deal. His ZERO-ONE stuff actually isn't that bad all things considered but Jones was obviously carried by far better in those. That said, he just wasn't built for wrestling: say what you will about guys like Khali or Big Show, they broke their bodies down for the sport and were tough enough to do so even when times were real hard. Jones unfortunately just couldn't cut it, but hey, can't blame people for trying."
JTI wrote on 23.04.2022:
[1.0] "Nathan Jones was simply born in the wrong decade. If this 7' 300+ lb powerlifter had broken out in the 80s he would've been one of the hottest acts in pro wrestling history. Unfortunately for Jones, he got into wrestling right when Workrate (tm) really started to become a thing, so just being this enormous, scary, legitimately tough dude simply wasn't enough to get over. Jones was an atrocious, absolutely terrible wrestler, with no upside but all those adjectives I used in the previous sentence. Could've gotten away with that in 1987 but not so much in 2003. I mean he was so bad that Vince didn't even feel comfortable having him in a tag match with Undertaker, Albert, and Big Show (easily 3 of, if not the 3 best big men that's ever worked for the company) at Wrestlemania. Oh well. Jones seems to have found a nice niche for himself in movies as an enormous, scary, legitimately tough dude but not having to do anything actually athletic, so he's got that going for him. There's also something to be said about the fact that this dude spent SEVEN YEARS locked up in prison but quit WWE after like a year because the schedule was too hard."
KyleEnjoysWrestling wrote on 07.08.2019:
[1.0] "When promo videos started airing for Jones, I thought he seemed like the most awesome dude ever. "The Colossus of Boggo Road"... what a badass nickname! He was jacked, had a cool accent, had an already made backstory as he legit served prison time... how could this go wrong? Well... that question was answered in short time. He was an absolute dud in the ring. You can't make it as a wrestler if you can't wrestle."
JEK 1991 wrote on 09.12.2018:
[3.0] "No talent at all. Just a 7"0 MMA fighter that was wanted to be a big star in wrestling. He was good in MMA, decent in WWA in Australia feuding with Scott Steiner. When it came to the WWE absolutely nothing. The only two great matches he had was defeating Bill Demott and Shannon Moore. He tired to team up with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 19 and appeared at Survivor Series. Too bad WWE didn't give him a fast push. He quit wrestling because of too much touring. Part of it was his fault and nature's fault. Nature's fault meaning that wrestling was not his forte. When your with the WWE you have to tour with them all over the world. He didn't last long in MMA either."
CHN325 wrote on 01.02.2018:
[1.0] "Big guy who couldn't wrestle. When you look like that and the WWE doesn't trust you to work a tag team match where you are going to be heavily sheltered, it's time to pack it in."
ferrante207 wrote on 16.11.2016:
[6.0] "Huge yoked up dude who couldn't really work much. Had amazing physical presence and stood out among even the "big" wwe guys."
DanTalksRasslin wrote on 28.12.2015:
[2.0] ""The Colossus of Boggo Road" had a lot going for him: look, power, intensity, legitimate backstory. And then the opening bell rang. He unfortunately lacked coordination in the ring and had no selling ability whatsoever. Slated for major storylines as an ally of the Underaker, Jones' lack of ability led to the company losing faith in him and his run there ended in less than a year. He made a handful of independent appearances in his native Australia after that, but has largely focused on his acting career in the last decade, which has garnered him roles in several major pictures including, recently, "Mad Max: Fury Road. ""
Wrestling Forever wrote on 27.10.2015:
"Nicht gerade ein guter Wrestler. Wurde damals 2003 ja sehr groß in Promos angekündigt was für ein Monster er sei wegen seinem Aufenthalt im Gefängnis konnte das im Ring aber nicht richtig zeigen. Lustig fand ich wie der Undertaker ihm in Ring trainierte und das vor Publikum. Inzwischen ein richtig guter Schauspieler der hier seine Badass Rolle richtig gut rüber bringt. Ich belasse es aber bei einem Kommentar da ich zu wenig Matches von ihm gesehen habe."
WrestleArts wrote on 05.10.2015:
[1.0] "Hatte eine imposante Statur, einen coolen Look und joah... das war's dann auch. Gemeingefährlich im Ring."
Almatolmen wrote on 05.12.2014:
"Another comment disparaged Jones. I want to note that over nearly 8 years he won 71. 3% of his 101 matches. His record was 100%, in up to 13 matches, against Lenny Lexx, Lodi, Bill DeMott, Buff Bagwell, Chris Kenyon, Matt Hardy, Big Valbowski, Disco Inferno, Malice, Crash, Jimmy Snuka jr. , Johnny Swinger, Mark Hilton, Arch Kineard, James Noble, Lee Starr, Lex Lugar, and Rob Conway. That ain't no slouch!"
Leone wrote on 23.08.2014:
[2.0] "Nathan Jones definitely had the look and the personal background (Prison, Hong Kong movies, and strongman competitions) to be labelled a complete bad-ass. And if he actually learned how to tell stories in the ring, perform more moves, and perform them better, I honestly think he could have been an excellent Big-Man Powerhouse in the WWE. But sadly this wasn't the case - Nathan Jones' only decent match was a squash match against Shannon Moore on 25/11/2003, in which Moore made him look like a real threat, with fantastic selling and even making his gut wrench suplex look like a legitimate finisher. But this didn't happen again, when even the likes of Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit struggled to carry their matches with him. Thankfully he seems to have found his calling as an actor"
Lecter wrote on 06.06.2013:
[1.0] "Well, he had the 'intensity' part down pretty well. He could also kick and stuff. Shame he couldn't wrestle, at all."
Boggenauer wrote on 30.04.2010:
[8.0] "Haha ich weis noch als ich ihn das erste mal gesehen habe, da dachte ich mir was macht Bruce Willis im Ring. Nathan Jones hat mir ehrlich gesagt sehr gut gefallen, er hatte zumindest etwas drauf das er im Ring zeigte eine Gewisse Brutalität die er mit sener Kraft immer wieder zu beweis stellte, er konnte sich am Mic leider nie beweisen, aber einige gute Gimmicks hätte man ihm schon geben können da der Kerl eine gewisse Psycho ausstrahlung hatte, das wäre bestimmt interesannt geworden. Ich meine wenn man aus John Cena und Batista was machen konnte hätte man aus Jones auch was machen gekonnt. Deshalb von mir 8 Punkte."
Eddie wrote on 03.03.2010:
[3.0] "Sah krass aus, konnte aber nur wenig.. Leider, denn vom Look her war da durchaus Potenzial da."
The-Game91 wrote on 20.05.2009:
[0.0] "Typischer 0815 Wrestler den man genau so gut austauschen konnte."
EvenflowDDT wrote on 02.05.2008:
[8.0] "Ich find ihn eigentlich gar nicht mal so schlecht. Wenn man sieht das Leute wie Great Khali World Champs wurden... Ich hätte da Nathan Jones noch eher World Champ gemacht. Abgesehen davon war das Gimmick einfach genial und ... naja passen zu ihm kann man nich sagen, er IST eigentlich das Gimmick. Außerdem wie andere schon gesagt haben er hat halt etwas. Der Grund warum Charlie Haas nich im Main Event ist, ihm fehlt halt das "It" , das "Etwas" um oben zu sein. Nathan Jones hat das finde ich warum auch immer. Ich finde anstatt Batista hätte man ihn auch zu Evolution packen können hätte wohl keinen Unterschied gemacht was heute dabei rauskommt..."
HCN007 wrote on 23.03.2008:
[6.0] "Big Men mit sehr gut passendem Gimmick aber zu kurzer Karriere innerhalb der WWE, kann weitaus mehr als alle anderen Squashmonster und wäre, sofern er im WM-Match des Takers über die komplette Zeit dabei gewesen wäre, ein Teil Wrestling-Geschichte geworden. Ein guter Australienexport ! Hätte er und die WWE mehr von ihm gezeigt, wäre aus ihm mehr als ein typischer Big Men und Squasher geworden."
LexLuger4ever wrote on 25.02.2008:
[4.0] "Reiht sich in die Reihe der Heidenreichs, Zeus und wie sie alle heißen ein: Big Man, der außer Schlägen, Tritten und böse gucken nur ganz wenig kann."
Rob Van Duesenschrauber wrote on 06.02.2008:
[0.0] "Er ist groß... was ihm noch lange nicht zum Wrestler macht!"
Bullit69 wrote on 04.02.2008:
[6.0] "Find ihn nich soooo schlecht! Seine Filmrollen sind auch akzeptabel besonders, sein Fight mit Jet Li in "Fearless" is cool! ^^"
Compton wrote on 19.12.2007:
[2.0] "Der Mann hat in seiner Karriere bereits mehr erreicht, als er jemals verdient hat - er hatte eine Storyline mit dem Undertaker. Ein grottenschlechter Wrestler. Warum verpflichtet die WWE so etwas?"
Hypocrisy wrote on 14.12.2007:
[0.0] "Er war mal vorgesehen für ein Tag Team Match mit dem Undertaker gegen The Big Show und A-Train. Er wurde jedoch herausgenommen und der Undertaker durfte alleine ran. Das spricht ganz klar für die schlechteste Note: Setzen, sechs!"
Clover wrote on 02.10.2007:
[6.0] "Hatte ein gutes und dabei auch sehr passendes Gimmick (siehe "Wissenswertes"). Schon seine Trailer Anfang 2003 bei RAW waren super. Im Ring zwar schwach, aber auch nicht mies.. zumindest nicht für seine Statur. 5. 5 - 6 Punkte ist er mir auf jeden Fall noch wert."
Nick Toxic wrote on 21.09.2007:
[0.0] "Mit einer der größten Anti-Wrestler die es jemals gegeben hat. Mein Gott war der Mann schlecht..."
Steven McWheeler wrote on 31.08.2007:
[6.0] "Ein brauchbarer Bigman mit durchschnittlichen In-Ringskills für seine Statue, aber auch nicht so schlecht... Mit dem Undertaker ein gutes Team gewesen"
shannonmoore wrote on 08.08.2007:
[0.0] "Grosser starker Mann aber nicht lustig im Ring. Hölzern wie Mokujin in Tekken."
Giant2 wrote on 20.07.2007:
[2.0] "Sah beeindruckend aus und das war´s dann aber auch leider schon."
Kimi Groenkjaer wrote on 24.06.2007:
[6.0] "Er war zwar kein großartiger Wrestler, aber zumindest mich konnte er mit seiner Erscheinung überzeugen."