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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 7.94
KKeanel wrote on 07.04.2023:
[9.0] "Maybe not "first-line" legend of puroresu, but I really appreciate longetivity in this business - putting body on this kind of pressure level threw so many years really gets me. Beyond his run with World Junior championship between 89 and 93 his single career wasn't successful, but that's not the reason to underestimate his legacy."
Conquistador37 wrote on 12.09.2022:
[5.0] "Oh ho my goodness, this is going to be fun! Because I have only seen his Mid Atlantic stuff which gives me an entirely different perspective! His name there was Masa Fuchi. But Bob Caudle would pronounce it "Mr Fuji". Cuz, yknow. Mr. Fuji was a main event talent in New York/The WWF, so this was a jab at NY; wrestling has always been a mature sport. He played the enhancement talent role well, so many use the derogatory term "jobber", but you can easily spot the difference. I watch him on Mid Atlantic and realize he had something, and wondered if he ever did anything with it. Looks like he did LOL! I am sorry everyone, I never watched much Japanese stuff. I had a long life outside of wrestling and I'm just now getting back into the whole thing. This is a case where I will need to watch his career outside of America! Until then: 4.75 rounded up."
benny5bellys wrote on 28.12.2021:
[10.0] "Fuchi is the absolute don. I love watching just all the little things he does that separate him from the pack and elevates his character and in ring work to the next level"
BEER CAT wrote on 11.10.2021:
[8.0] "Bend people the wrong way, age grace-ish-fully, have the best AJPW Junior Heavyweight Championship reign, take the pin for Kawada in ****+ tag matches. A lot of his best stuff seems to be incomplete commercial tape + TV footage but it's better than nothing. "Masanobu Fuchi only had one good singles match" is a first-ballot Bad Take Hall of Fame inductee."
Ma Stump Puller wrote on 03.07.2021:
[7.0] "Tell you what, Fuchi was actually fairly solid back in the day when he was a Jr babyface and developed into a great heel wrestler later on. Solid on the mat, very skilled, but knows how to throw little bits here and there to make it stand out better. 90% of people will know him for being a supporting guy in 90's AJPW legendary tag matches and yes, sure, he did his bit part in those as a vicious and vindictive part of Tsuruta-Gun extremely well, but his singles bouts were actually fairly good and he knew how to work effectively in those also. He's basically just in the same role as the old AJPW opening vets were now as a comedy guy, which is hit and miss. Regardless, don't get confused about if he's good without being in a tag match: he was Jr heavyweight champion 5 times over for a reason."
KENTAfan wrote on 10.04.2021:
[6.0] "Contrary to what some people are saying, Fuchi was not a successful singles wrestler. He was alright, but only had about one standout singles bout against Kikuchi. Where he really shined was in tag scenarios, where he was truly great at playing a more supportive role in league with more standout wrestlers, such as Tsuruta and Kawada"
Jetlag wrote on 02.09.2020:
[10.0] "Auch wenn Fuchi unscheinbar wirkt: er ist einer der 5 wichtigsten japanischen Juniorweights. Exzellente Submission-Skills + hohe Ringintelligenz + Punch-Combos & Backdrop des Todes + böser Folterknecht-Faktor = herausragender Wrestler. In zahllosen Tags unschätzbar wichtig. Der große Singles-Run blieb aufgrund der Zusammensetzung von All Japan verwehrt, auch wenn er ein paar megastarke Kämpfe gegen etwa Kawada, Momota, Hiro Saito und natürlich Kikuchi auf dem Konto hat."
KinchStalker wrote on 05.08.2020:
[9.0] "AJPW had a hard glass ceiling for junior heavyweight talent, but even if Fuchi singles matches never became a major fixture of the All Japan product, he nevertheless did transcend in other ways. His sadistic character is a fantastic one, and his work in the early 90s six-man tags that defined the period for AJPW easily makes him one of the greatest ensemble wrestlers of all time. He gets an 8 for his career and longevity, but I'm giving him an extra point since, according to Stan Hansen's autobiography, Fuchi's backstage role involved working as the road agent behind 90s All Japan. Which, as far as I'm concerned, makes him one of the greatest road agents ever."
JEK 1991 wrote on 21.08.2019:
[8.0] "Great at reversal moves. He is a legend in AJPW. Now 65 he is doing well. Exciting to watch with the holds he perfects at."
Mudam wrote on 30.08.2014:
[10.0] "this guy is all about loyalty he's a great wrestler even in his older age he used to be a great junior heavyweight back in the 80's his style has changed since then to more of a comedy type but he can still thrown down very well he really never lost it in my opinion!"
Kenshin Uesugi wrote on 29.08.2013:
[7.0] "Bodyslam Challenge! Ist das letzte verbliebene Original ein längst vergangen Zeit, respektiert und noch immer hinter den Kulissen mit wichtigen Aufgaben betreut. War früher natürlich ein herausragender Junior Heavyweight Wrestler, der mit seinem technischen aber sehr bodenständigen Stil über Jahre seine Division beherrscht. Lebt für AJPW und hat unter neuer Führung als Comedy Wrestler und unterstützendes Beiwerk seinen Platz gefunden. Sein Art mal den kränklichen alten Mann zu spielen und nur dann doch nun klein Kniffen an zu wenden ist nur ein Beispiel, aber ein wenig von altem Glanz kam in seinem Titelmatch gegen Kaz Hayashi hervor. In seiner jetzigen Position können junge Wrestler gut von ihm lernen."
Leone wrote on 30.10.2012:
[8.0] "He has participated in some of the best tag team matches of all time, and as a singles wrestler deserves a lot of credit for having good skill and lots of loyalty to AJPW (even when the Junior Heavyweight division was lacking, he was at least a decent and believable champion)."
MaikBaader wrote on 19.09.2011:
[8.0] "Schaut aus wie ein netter japaner, der keiner Fliege etwas zu leide tun kann. Wenn er aber mal im Ring los legt merkt man wie fies der Typ doch ist. Fuchi ist der hammer!"
Fountain of Misinformation wrote on 20.02.2011:
[8.0] "Still Alive and Bumping, denn Mann muss man einfach mögen und ich sehe ihn heute nachwievor gerne im Ring, auch wenn seine großen Zeiten und Taten bereits lange zurückliegen. Für die gesamte Karriere hat sich Japans ewiger Junggeselle und der alte fiese Möpp die acht Punkte redlich verdient."
xspikex wrote on 01.11.2007:
[8.0] "Neben Kikuchi ein kongenialer Junior bei All Japan in den 90ern gewesen. Dazu die Treue zu All Japan gerechtfertigen diese Benotung."
Rancor wrote on 05.07.2007:
[6.0] "All Japan auf Lebenszeit. Allein für diese Treue würde ich ihm gerne die volle Punktzahl geben. Realistisch betrachtet ist er jedoch ein respektierte Veteran, der wenn die Umstände es erfordern auch in der Lage ist zu glänzen. Von seinen früheren Kämpfen habe ich selbst wenig gesehen, kann sein, dass ich deshalb zu niedrig bewerte."