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LA Park

Also known as La Parka, LA Par-K, La Parka Original, Adolfo Tapia, Principe Island, Invasor del Norte I, El Gringo, El Minero, El Asesino de Tepito

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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 8.44
All Cops Are Bossman wrote on 07.01.2024:
[10.0] "If God didn't want us to have LA Park he wouldn't have invented chairs. Iconic style and presence, a great base, a good flyer in his own right and a modern brawler who brings the hate to his matches. "Psycho Clown, I'm going to cut up this pork like it was your pig of a father." - LA Park talking through his taco cooking show."
Giantfan1980 wrote on 22.05.2023:
[6.0] "Fun character during the WCW years if you were tired of the nWo stinking up the place! One of the more entertaining luchadores they had signed."
Psycho6 wrote on 13.05.2023:
[10.0] "The most charismatic luchador of all time. His dancing, screaming, and strutting endeared him to many. He could hold his own in the ring. Now he's more of a brawler, but damn he's still entertaining"
Conquistador37 wrote on 31.01.2023:
[10.0] "My ratings are based upon personal "watchability" and this guy was always the underlining #1 reason to make sure I recorded Nitro and if nothing else, made time to squeeze in a La Parka match. Priorities. As an adult, ah of course I still love the thing! A chunky dancing skeleton who will WALLOP YOU with a chair. He also plays chair guitar and struts around like he owns the place with it. What a scene. Love his Mexican intros with "Thriller", often including elaborate dance routines. Oh yeah, he wrestlers fine enough too. Best wrestling character ever? (ps: RIP to the most intense burgers I've ever had named after the guy, including but not limited to brazed goat in ghost pepper mole, orale! )"
ajsmiles wrote on 30.01.2023:
[8.0] "This guy was one of the few reasons to watch WCW past 1997. Isn't amazing in the ring but he gets the job done and knows how to play to a crowd. Was pretty over in WCW and his native Mexico. Cool albeit slightly goofy look with the skeleton costume. Can make you bust out laughing any second with the strut and his goofy ass screams."
jamzell00 wrote on 09.08.2022:
[10.0] "Park owns because he does cool old man brawls and is kind of a fucking psychopath. Wouldnt have it any other way honestly and crowds feel the same way as I do"
MatZeClown wrote on 20.10.2021:
[6.0] "Way past his peak, but still a hell of an entertainer. I also respect how honest he is these days about what he has gone through in this business, even calling out some promoters. He is currently one of the few respectable lucha libre veterans out there."
mjs2212 wrote on 23.05.2021:
[8.0] "It's hard to not love La Parka. I always loved his attire and the air guitar with the chair he did was so good. I found his dubbing gimmick to be pretty funny and kind of unique. It was a bit similar to what Kai-En-Tai was doing, but La Parka usually got into more trouble for 'his words'. Despite him being a bigger guy than most luchadores, he was able to pull off some impressive spots and had good chemistry with most opponents. To this day, I have a soft spot for La Parka and he's up there as one of my favorites from WCW."
Brett1980 wrote on 16.01.2021:
[8.0] "Was one of my favourites a few years back but he just sort of limps his way through matches now. Consistent top draw in Mexico, One of the most Charismatic performers in Lucha Libre history, only has to strutt or play air guitar with a chair and crowd goes crazy."
Wrestling Forever wrote on 12.01.2020:
[9.0] "Da nun Jesus Alfonso Huerta Escoboza der den La Parka bei AAA verkörperte starb, denken viele der Original LA PARKA ist gestorben. Ohne richtigen Quellen und halt Wrestling Wissen würde ich vielleicht auch das denken. Denn das mit Namen ist doch etwas verwirrend. Dieser LA PARKA erfreut sich bester Gesundheit ist aber inzwischen genauso alt wie der andere. Eine Legende des Mexikanischen Wrestling. Es beherrscht viele Stile, kann auch bluten und teilweise weiß man auch nicht ist er Face oder Heel."
Mhart8102 wrote on 18.09.2019:
[10.0] "If your onky exposure to L. A. Park is what he did in WCW then you have no idea who he really was or just how big of a star this man ended up being and still is as of this day. Park currently in the twilight of his career is also about as hot as you can possibly be in Mexican wrestling. He's the top legend currently performing and should still be considered one of the very best brawlers in the world."
KyleEnjoysWrestling wrote on 02.08.2019:
[6.0] "I'm still a little foggy on what went down with the name thing. I guess he lost the rights somehow? Anyhow, this guy was always entertaining in WCW with the over-the-top skeleton garb & and chair guitar. He was mostly a jobber for other cruiserweights, but he was solid in the ring & never a disappointing guy to watch in the ring."
King of Strong Style wrote on 17.07.2019:
[10.0] "La Par-K ein sehr gutes Gesamtpacket, das Gimmick passt einfach und ist sehr gut , er hat viel Charisma. Im Ring ist er auch sehr stark und sehr variabel kann klassiches Lucha, Hardcore und auch Comedy Absolute Mexikolegende mit viele starken Matches in seiner Karriere."
RatingsMachine wrote on 04.11.2018:
[8.0] "In his prime, , the original La Parka was a great worker and super charismatic. Today, LA Park isn't the athlete he once was, but he can still work, can get over, and is red hot once again."
nwo4204life wrote on 18.06.2018:
[10.0] "Gets better every year, one of the greatest luchadors of all time. Was a 30 year old heavyweight coming into WCW and has managed to overcome every hardship thrown his way. Most deserving of being the first wrestler I know of to main event a countries top two promotions top two shows of the year, not to mention doing it at the age of 53. Has been a regular main eventer ever since leaving WCW, and has stayed true to Mexico after the experience of Vince Russo booking. It is a shame we have not got to see more of him in America, Japan or anywhere like that, but his body of work in Mexico speaks for itself. May he retire mask in place, hijo headed for greatness, and an immortal legend left in his place."
Luv all wrestling wrote on 15.09.2016:
[8.0] "The overall fact that La Park still recieves so much praise for his current work even more so then his old work speaks to the level of La Park's popularity. This skull faced luchador is charismatic, funny and has replaced any semblance of high flying with brawling, and has made that transition quite smooth. While mostly a mid carder, La Park is a legendary mid carder."
jesusvv9 wrote on 24.05.2016:
[10.0] "This wrestler was athletic in his best moments, innovator, carismatic, however burly ; nowadays he have experience, tecnic, and is very friendly with the fans."
Thundercracker23 wrote on 02.03.2014:
[10.0] "When Canada first started getting Nitro by way of TSN, it was my introduction to lucha libre. I loved the masks and costumes, and La Parka especially was a favourite. The chairman never failed to entertain me."
Phenomenal91 wrote on 26.02.2014:
[8.0] "I remember him from WCW. Despite his "jobber" status, he was one of my favorite wrestlers and I would often imitate him. I had no idea what a legend he was in his native Mexico. Plus he was a highlight of the early days of TNA, simply because I got to see him again, however briefly."
Cactus Foley 88 wrote on 14.08.2013:
[8.0] "La Parka der Skull-Captain und Chairman der WCW. Der beste Jobber den ich je gesehen habe und das Publikum hat ihn immer abgefeiert. Das Kostüm, die Promos, also wenn mir etwas aus der alten WCW fehlt dann gehört er definitiv dazu."
Sinestro wrote on 11.05.2012:
[10.0] "Kult. Thriller Entrance in Mexiko ist einfach nur göttlich."
MaikBaader wrote on 05.08.2011:
[8.0] "Meine Fresse, La Parka.. Der Typ ist so gold, er rockt so unglaublich. Unglaubliche Tanzskills und im Ring auch hammer. Kann jeden Stil gehen, ob Lucha, Hardcore oder Comedy."
Iksuepsilon83m wrote on 22.05.2011:
[10.0] "La Parka... Die beste Kombination aus Wrestling, Lucha Libre, Hardcore und Comedy... Sowas gibt es selten im Wrestling/Sports Entertainment"
Necron wrote on 05.12.2010:
[5.0] "In den USA eigentlich nur als Comedy-Act ohne große Beeutung unterwegs. Hat durch leicht trashiges Gebahren seine Punkte verdient, mehr aber auch nicht. Seine Mexiko-Auftritte kann ich nicht bewerten."
jerseyhool wrote on 29.08.2010:
[8.0] "Ich fand La Parka zu WCW Zeiten grandios, seine synchronisierten Promos & Comedy Einlagen bei seinem Einzug & während seiner Kämpfe haben mich immer sehr gut unterhalten. Zwar hatte er zugegeben nie das Potential zum Main Eventer, aber als solider Midcarder war er doch mit Basis und Garant für gutes Entertainment. Zumal er trotz seiner Statur doch einer der besseren Luchadores war. Natürlich hat auch seine Form in den vergangenen Jahren gelitten, aber das Alter geht nunmal an niemanden spurlos vorbei!"
Lions Den wrote on 30.07.2010:
[10.0] "Wenn mir irgendwer aus alten WCW-Tagen fehlt, dann dieser völlig durchgeknallte und spektakuläre Sack. Ich liebe La Parka, und hoffe das man ihn nochmal im TV zu Gesicht bekommt!"
Henne wrote on 06.06.2010:
[6.0] "Hat mir in der WCW ganz gut gefallen, aber auch nichts besonderes. Hat mittlerweile seinen Zenit schon um einige Jahre überschritten und wird Jahr für Jahr schlechter. Naja, was solls, als stuhlschwingender Maskenmann war er unterhaltsam."
Anti-Champion wrote on 03.02.2010:
[9.0] "Der Mexican-Skeletor, guter Wrestler, guter Entertainer."
PrideFC wrote on 26.12.2009:
[8.0] "Auf jeden Fall Kult. Für seine Statur ein ganz guter Luchador der von seinen Gimmick lebte. Ich fand ihn immer cool, sogar die Comdy Segmente als er mit Synchronstimme im Ring Promos hielt."
Balls wrote on 06.10.2009:
[9.0] "Kult! Zu WCW Zeiten sehr lustig und geil und auch jetzt rult er immer noch. Leider ein bisschen underrated"
Hirnklops wrote on 29.08.2009:
[8.0] "Hatte in den 90ern eine unglaublich gute Phase, danach ging's jedoch leicht bergab. Aus ihm hätte vielleicht der zweite Santo werden können."
The-Game91 wrote on 03.06.2009:
[7.0] "Sehr witziger Charakter und sein Wrestling ist auch nicht übel. Hab nicht so viel von ihm gesehen aber dieser Einzug von ihm war totale Klasse!"
MattBorne wrote on 13.04.2009:
[8.0] "WCW- Kult. Würde mich auch freuen, ihn wieder häufiger zu sehen."
Soeren wrote on 22.12.2008:
[8.0] "KULT. Würde mir wünschen, er würde regelmäßig wieder in den Staaten auftreten."
Tomko wrote on 06.10.2008:
[10.0] "Es war schon klasse, als er auf den Stühlen und Gürteln seine Gitarrensolos losschrabbelte. Wenn er kam bebte die Halle, obwohl er ausschließlich verlieren musste, was eigentlich schade ist, da er wohl einer besten mexikanischen Heavyweight-Wrestler überhaupt ist. Mein All-Time Favourite aus Mexiko!"
Heat wrote on 28.05.2008:
[7.0] "Hat mir gefallen in der WCW, sein Kostüm hatte schon was."
LexLuger4ever wrote on 26.03.2008:
[8.0] "Leider ein Jobber vom Dienst, deshalb auch ein bisschen underrated, obwohl im Ring ein Guter und vor allem totaler Kult!"
Masterpiece wrote on 22.10.2007:
[8.0] "La Parka ist für mich Kult, habe ihn immer gerne gesehen und die Matches in der WCW waren auch gar nicht mal so schlecht!"
Hijo Rudicio wrote on 11.10.2007:
[10.0] "Das tanzende Skelett! Mein absoluter Liebling zu WCW-Zeiten. Musste leider (fast) immer verlieren."
Obermacker wrote on 26.09.2007:
[8.0] "Einer der wenigen guten Schwergewichtler Mexikos, trotzdem sehr beweglich."
ghost wrote on 24.09.2007:
[8.0] "Es mi luchador preferido! (Sorry para mi bad espanol.. ) haha!"