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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 6.51
Leo Evans wrote on 16.01.2024:
[7.0] "Sehr schade, dass er nie sein volles Potential ausschöpfen konnte. Vor allem im Tag Team mit Chad Gable war er hervorragend, die beiden haben zusammen gepasst wie die Faust aufs Auge. Bei seinem Körperbau und Veranlagung wäre auch eine Singles Karriere drin gewesen, er hatte immer eine natürliche Babyface-Aura."
GoldLiger wrote on 08.11.2021:
[6.0] "Jordan was Hot Tag: The Man. He shined as the guy Gable tagged in after getting the heat on him and just going wild, and he had the prowess to make their tandem offense look great too. I think he was okay as his own guy, but American Alpha was something special and breaking them up was just not a good idea; I think both him and Gable would've been better off with that team lasting a longer time. He was lacking in some aspects but in that specific spot in that specific team, he was awesome."
Jorhorge wrote on 09.09.2021:
[6.0] "He was a good wrestler, he had some decent technique and moves, but his coding and storylines were terrible, being Angle's son didn't really help much, wwe always wanted to put it on TV. As Wrestler Tag he did quite well, but not solo."
arkhamoutlaw10 wrote on 14.06.2021:
[8.0] "The later stages of the Kurt Angle storyline were incredibly fun and Jordan's whininess every week was a consistent point of excellence on Raw in that era. I always wish he'd been able to return from injury, since he was always a talented worker and he was putting the pieces of his overall promos and character together."
haroldanthony3 wrote on 10.12.2020:
[7.0] "Great tag specialist who had potential as a potential wrestler however got suck with a bad gimmick and had a career-ending injury before he was able to overcome it"
Ma Stump Puller wrote on 03.11.2020:
[5.0] "More of a tag specialist than a singles star, Jordan was lost after the great run with American Alpha and really struggled to properly get over by himself: he lacked any real charisma or ring presence and while physically impressive, never really carved out anything for himself. It doesn't help that he wasn't particularly great in ring and was fairly basic in terms of how he wrestled, which gave him no favour with the crowd. Decent, but considering his very early retirement, we'll never know if he could have became something greater or not."
Damian wrote on 13.05.2020:
[7.0] "Original comment (2015): When I first watched Jordan wrestle, I was under the impression that he is a mediocre (at best) wrestler. After Jordan started teaming up with Gable I finally realized how awesome this guy is. 9/10. Update: I loved the guy but unfortunately never reached his potential. A 7 seems fair."
DanTalksRasslin wrote on 25.04.2020:
[6.0] "Jordan came off as a gifted legitimate athlete who perhaps didn't quite have personality going for him, but got it done in the ring. He and Chad Gable made for a very good tag team as American Alpha, which garnered Jordan Tag Title accomplishments in both NXT and the WWE main roster, though the team was prematurely dissolved. His run on his own was somewhat mixed, with Jordan seeming to gravitate back towards a tag team role (for instance, his brief tag run with Seth Rollins), and the jury remains out on whether or not he would have been able to recover from questionable booking decisions (the aforementioned American Alpha split and the lame and unconcluded storyline of him being the long-lost son of Kurt Angle). Unfortunately his career seems to have been ended, or at least put on hold, by neck injuries before he could reach his full potential."
PuroresuLover wrote on 16.02.2020:
[7.0] "Jason Jordan is a pretty good wrestler, but the problem is: He has a poor mic-skill, a bad booking and can have a lack of charisma. Still, I would definetely bet him as a Up-Carder or something like that, hell, even get a shot for the Main Championship. His mic-skill problem can be fixed with a manager or simple promos, and the lack of charisma, well... you can develop his character with two or three years of building, you just have to be patient."
ZestyZuluWarrior wrote on 07.02.2020:
[6.0] "Jason Jordan was a very athletic and technically gifted wrestler. He was a very good tag team wrestler being in an awesome team with Chad Gable and a very interesting one with Seth Rollins. The sudden end of his career was tragic. Unfortunately, he is most remembered for being shoved into a position hard to win AKA being Kurt Angle's illegitimate bastard son. Perhaps he would have come out a winner if the story wasn't cut short due to his neck injury. His suplex was a thing of beauty. His only downfall was his mic skills."
TheGorgis309 wrote on 14.10.2019:
[6.0] "Very solid technical wrestler, but being overpushed as Kurt Angle's son combined with his rambling promos hurt his standing with fans. A good tag team specialist, but as a solo act, very bland and vanilla. It's a shame that his career has been on hold due to his nasty injury, but his if had not been injured, I'm afraid he would have gotten the Reigns treatment. He had a killer belly to belly though."
Iceq wrote on 09.10.2019:
[6.0] "Hat ein wirklich zum Mainroster passenden Körper, hat halt leider nun seit fast 2 Jahren nicht mehr gewrestelt. Am besten gefiel er mir mit Gable als American Alpha und ich finde das er als Tag-Wrestler wohl am besten funktioniert hat. Die ganze Sache mit Angle war dann einfach WWE at its best."
KyleEnjoysWrestling wrote on 01.08.2019:
[4.0] "I really feel bad for Jordan that his career ended before it ever really got started. But that said, I never was very fond of him as a talent. The best thing he was a part of was American Alpha, but their success & charisma can be almost entirely attributed to Chad Gable. Jordan was good in the ring & quite powerful, but he had zero "it factor". Even down to his stupid alliteration fake name. His team with Tye Dillinger in his early days was bad for both guys & they both seemed lost. The worst thing to come for Jordan was the beyond ridiculous story of him being Kurt's son. Not sure if it's a good thing or not that that's one that we'll never know how would have played out."
MAGICIAN wrote on 04.10.2018:
[5.0] "Jason Jordan ist ein ziemlich guter Tag Team Wrestler, aber ein grauenhafter Singles Wrestler ohne Ausstrahlung und/oder Charisma."
Foxmagic37 wrote on 25.04.2018:
[7.0] "It's sad to see him being Kurt Angle's ''''''''son'''''''', 'cause it really killed his career. He's athletic, good in-ring skills, very good in the mat but he lacks charisma. And definetly the Jason-Angle storyline doesn't help him."
Okaro143 wrote on 29.03.2018:
[4.0] "Jason Jordan was on his way to great things and then he was given one of the worst gimmick in wrestling history as the son of Kurt Angle."
Oliver95x wrote on 23.03.2018:
[6.0] "Im Ring ist er ganz ok aber seine Schauspielerischen Fähigkeiten sind nicht wirklich gut. Er muss mehr Charisma ausstrahlen."
Makai Club wrote on 25.02.2018:
[5.0] "He is very hit and miss at everything. One week he can be entertaining and a compelling character, the other week he can be a charisma vacuum and totally not worth any TV time. His wrestling is okay at best. People tell e that he has good matches and I just don't see it. He wrestles a real solid but dull match which has one meanwhile spot (double nothernlight suplex)."
rjsbx11 wrote on 11.02.2018:
[7.0] "While his "son of Kurt Angle" storyline is one of the more hilariously stupid in term of writing and intention -- it hasn't completely doomed Jordan. Jordan is still one hell of an athlete, and when he gets time for his matches (vs. Cena/Reigns come to mind) he shows how skilled he is in between the ropes. He really was beginning to nail down his smarmy heel act before an injury sidelined him. Hopefully, he can regain that momentum, because if Jordan can nail the character aspect of wrestling, the ceiling is very high for him."
TheLoudMouth wrote on 04.01.2018:
[7.0] "Im Ring ein extrem toller Worker, dem es leider völlig an Charisma und Micwork mangelt. War im Tag Team mit Chad Gable perfekt aufgehoben und ich befürchte, dass sein aktueller Singles-Run aufgrund fehlender Entertainer-Fähigkeiten völlig floppen wird, wenn man ihm kein Sprachrohr an die Seite stellt."
Dragon Fighter wrote on 17.11.2017:
[6.0] "I feel really sorry for jj. Sure, he is a good athlete, wrestler to me. His suplexes are very well done. The thing is his lack of charisma and mic work. In addition, the storyline as kurt angle's son has been totally awful. It is so fake. The fans feel like being insulted. So they boo him so hard. It is a good example of how to ruin a potential superstar. He is now a dead fish out of water."
Klabauter wrote on 13.11.2017:
[6.0] "Er hat die Fähigkeiten im Ring ein ganz großer zu werden. Allerdings auch nur da, am Mikrofon schwer zu ertragen. Mit der Kurt Angle Storyline nun ein hartes "Erbe" zu tragen. Ich bin gespannt, ob er sich daraus nochmal befreien kann. Ich würde es ihm wünschen, sehe aber bei ihm außer dem Mid- bis Undercard Bereich wenig bis garnichts, da es an allem abseits der wrestlerischen Fähigkeiten mangelt."
Antimaster wrote on 29.10.2017:
[6.0] "Im Ring überlebensgroßes Potential, welches er noch lange nicht ausgeschöpft hat. Sein Fake Sohn Gimmick wird ihm auf lange Sicht jedoch leider Gottes das Genick brechen. Man kann nur hoffen, dass Jordan sich irgendwann von dieser Totgeburt erholen kann, denn eigentlich ist er World Champ Material! Charisma ist da, aber wie alles an Jordans Arbeit braucht er einfach noch ein wenig Feinschliff, ein Singles Run bei NXT wäre für seine Entwicklung aus meiner Sicht Gold wert gewesen."
TheChampIsQueer wrote on 25.10.2017:
[3.0] "This guy is a total charisma vacuum. I don't know what else to say about Jason Jordan, other then he's technically sound in the ring, but man this guy is as bland and generic as they come. He's a throwback to the developmental system of the early 2000s. It seems it will take his entire career before he actually excels, much like The Miz. Keep him as far away from a microphone as possible and give him a manager, might speed up the process."
Deviant wrote on 23.10.2017:
[6.0] "Solid talent in ring, but falls short at showing any personality out of it. Unfortunate for now, but it definitely can be worked on. Good potential."
Viktor Vaughn wrote on 27.09.2017:
[5.0] "Im Ring gefällt er mir ziemlich gut, allerdings hat er abseits davon überhaupt nichts zu bieten. Meiner Meinung nach hat man ihm mit der Storyline als Kurt Angles unehelicher Sohn keinen Gefallen getan, da er in meinen Augen keinerlei Potenzial für einen Singles-Run besitzt, und im Team mit Chad Gable hervorragend aufgehoben war."
TooSweetPhil wrote on 25.09.2017:
[6.0] "Jason Jordan nun im Singles Bereich weiß durchaus ab und zu zu unterhalten. Das Gimmick außen vor hat man hier natürlich einen technisch versierten Wrestler, der in Ausführung seiner Moves stets sauber und geschickt bleibt. In der Underdog Rolle ist sein Work from Underneath toll und er zeigt gutes Feuer. Dennoch ist er mir an manchen Stellen einfach emotionslos und ohne wirklich den Sinn für Selling & Dringlichkeit. Seinen aktuellen Job macht er gut, 6 Punkte."
Kid Rock wrote on 22.09.2017:
"Derzeit schwer zu bewerten. Dass er zum Hauptleidtragenden des neusten kreativen Schwachfugs von Vince McMahon und dessen Schreiberling-Minions wurde, ist gewiss nicht seine Schuld, aus seiner derzeitigen Rolle macht er das Beste, keine Frage, dennoch wird diese, sollte er weiterhin als Babyface präsentiert werden, langfristig für Jordan zum Karriere-Killer werden. An sich ist er ein talentierter, fähiger Techniker, in der Lage gute Matches zu zeigen, was er im Team mit Chad Gable oft genug unter Beweis stellen konnte und auch bei seinen bisherigen Auftritten als Teil von Raw. Die Zeit wird zeigen, welchen Verlauf Jordans Karriere als Einzelwrestler nehmen wird, dass man ihn bereits am Anfang dieser, so dermaßen in den Fokus stellt und dazu noch im Rahmen einer solch dämlichen Storyline, ist ein ganz schönes Kreuz was der gute Mann zu schleppen hat. Man kann ihn da fast schon bemitleiden. Zu mal er nun auch nicht das personifizierte Charisma mit seinem Teddybär-Gesicht und den Tracy-Morgan Augenbrauen darstellt und ergo auch darstellerisch und auch von der Ausstrahlung her auf Dauer nicht das Zeug hat um so einen Unsinn interessant zu verkaufen. Ich wünsche Jordan dennoch alles gute auf seinem weiteren Weg und halte mich noch mit einer Bewertung zurück, da es sich für mich als noch zu früh anfühlt, damit rauszurücken."
Rlly wrote on 08.02.2017:
[7.0] "Ich bewerte ihn einfach wie Chad Gable, weil ich finde die beiden sehr ähnlich, obwohl ich Jason Jordan minimal besser finde. 7/10"
Hypocrisy wrote on 20.01.2017:
[7.0] "Nach den ersten Eindrücken bei NXT hätte ich nicht gedacht, dass der Kerl mal so gut wird. Erstmal nur 7 Punkte, da er auch über einen längeren Zeitraum dies bestätigen muss und vielleicht auch im Singles Bereich erste Luft schnuppern sollte."
The Chosen One wrote on 06.10.2016:
[9.0] "Jason Jordan is great. The way he transitioned from a complete jobber to one of the top guys in NXT to being called up to the main roster before NXT mainstays was really impressive. He easily has one of the best comebacks in wrestling today. He would be a really good heel and if given the right gimmick could have a very solid singles career."
Luv all wrestling wrote on 28.09.2016:
[8.0] "JJ has great power moves, and a great hot tag, and while he has yet to get a chance as a singles competitor, he is a great tag team wrestler with his partner Gable."
Longa-46 wrote on 10.08.2016:
[7.0] "Er ist mit Chad Gable im Team bestens aufgehoben, denn als Einzelwrestler sehe ich nicht all zu große Chancen auf einen Titel. Im Tag Team Bereich hingegen schon. Im Ring hat er Potenzial, am Mic ist er wie sein Partner noch verbesserungsbedürftig. Charisma ist durchaus vorhanden und ihn steht ebenfalls die Zukunft offen."
AMHTP wrote on 25.06.2016:
[7.0] "Chad Gable brings out the best in Jason Jordan, but let's be clear, Jordan is amazing on his own. He's strong, he's fast, he's infectiously likable and personable... he needs a bit more confidence to go it on his own, especially on the microphone, but is that even necessary? His understanding of tag-team psychology is great, and his hot tags in particular are beautiful to behold. I wouldn't mind seeing Jordan stick to the tag division; he's a natural fit and is doing work which vastly exceeds what he managed on his own."
ErycK24 wrote on 08.06.2016:
[8.0] "Jordan is very solid in the ring. I am a huge fan of his work in American Alpha. Personally, I think American Alpha will be the best tag team of the 2000s in WWE. I can see successful singles careers for both Jordan and Gable."
mdkarl wrote on 07.06.2016:
[9.0] "if anyone is going to be the next bob backlund/hulk hogan/john cena say your vitamins and eat your prayers babyface champ... my money is on jordan getting the call. has enough size... is athletic... good looking... a bit bland but that might help keep fans from booing him. he needs a couple more years of seasoning i think so tag team works great for him now but watch out for this guy once he gets his chance."
Awesome1 wrote on 08.04.2016:
[7.0] "was treading water in NXT for years wasting his talents until Gable and Jordan teamed together and it was magic. Jordan has become one of the best hot tag guys currently"
MusSan wrote on 25.12.2015:
[7.0] "Seit dem er mit Chad Gable in einem Team ist, finde ich ihn klasse. Hoffentlich bleiben er und Chad Gable ein Team, denn alleine würden die Beiden in die Versenkung landen."
Josh76 wrote on 28.11.2015:
[6.0] "Getting better. Has a lot of potential and hope to see him go in the right direction! This guy can do much more than he does, he just needs some time."
DevinBenoit wrote on 01.11.2015:
[8.0] "Hat sich sehr gut entwickelt und steht im Tag-Team mit Chad Gable sehr gut dar. Wenn er und Gable so weitermachen kann ich mir sie als zukünftige Tag-Champs sehr gut vorstellen."
HelluvaKid wrote on 09.10.2015:
[10.0] "Jason Jordan hat sich immens entwickelt. man kann es sich kaum vorstellen wie er letztes Jahr war. Mittlerweile gehört Jason Jordan, zusammen mit Chad Gable zu den beliebtesten Tag Team in dem NXT Roster. Ich kann es mir sehr gut vorstellen das diese 2 die nächsten Champs werde! Die 2 erinnern mich irgendwie an Charlie Haas und Shelton Benjamin!"
NewBreed wrote on 08.10.2015:
[8.0] "Der Mann hat an sich gearbeitet und besitzt die Power, die Athletik und die Ausstrahlung es bei der WWE zu schaffen. Er kann Powermoves genauso wie Dropkicks. Im Tag Team Bereich erinnert er mich an Shelton Benjamin. Er hat Potential!"
JuliTheCage87 wrote on 08.10.2015:
[10.0] "Ein charismatischer und sehr guter Wrestler. In Tag Teams bisweilen am besten aufgehoben und als Heel, wie auch als Face sehr unterhaltsam. Mit Chad Gable könnte das gut und gerne etwas Großes werden. Ich hoffe nur, falls man Gable wirklich in den Angle-Spot bringt, dass er nicht fallengelassen wird. UPDATE: Wahrscheinlich gerade der variabelste Wrestler mit Cesaro im ganzen Roster. Unheimlich stark (liftet Rhyno und Corbin nahezu ohne Probleme), dazu unheimlich schnell und agil. Sein Wrestling ist sehr präzise und es sieht einfach alles gut aus, was er macht."
Mandzukic9 wrote on 14.09.2015:
[3.0] "Ansatzweise lässt sich durchaus Potential erkennen. Vorallem im Ring könnte bei Jordan einiges möglich sein. Der Ringer-Hintergrund wird ihm auf jeden Fall helfen. Es liegt allerdings noch sehr viel Arbeit vor ihm."
Fili97 wrote on 09.09.2015:
[8.0] "Im Team mit Chad Gable echt beeindruckend, er erinnert mich an einer jungen Version von Shelton Benjamin."
L3NA wrote on 24.05.2014:
[5.0] "A talented young man with a bright future. He's obviously a work in progress, but his natural charisma and desire to succeed should contribute towards his career."
zackwoowoowooryder wrote on 09.05.2014:
[6.0] "Diese Wertung ist nicht entgültig. Man kann noch als so viel zu ihm sagen, denn seine Matches sind meist sehr kurz, aber er deutet auf jeden Fall an, dass er ein grundsolider Worker ist, der sich auch noch verbessern will und kann."
Masson26 wrote on 11.01.2013:
[6.0] "Solid in ring performer with charisma despite being so new to the business. He's loaded with potential and only time will tell what he makes of himself."