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Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Jon Moxley


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520.08.2023JenniferNero7.0I really enjoyed this match. Harry Smith is such a freaking superstar. That's what I'll always remember about this match. There aren't a lot of guys in wrestling that aren't affiliated with a major company that could come in and on day 1 look better or equal to the best looking guy or woman in the company. To me, Harry could walk up to Roman Reigns or Kenny or Jake Lee or Will or Miyahara and look like an equal very capable of dethroning said ace on his first night in the company. I also loved Jon Moxley using that Hole song for his entrance theme.
827.05.2023Trevor Struthers7.0 
1813.05.2021CyberVoltes7.0Even though most people praised Moxley's performance on this one, for me, DBS Jr. was the real star of the match. In fact, if it was up to Moxley, this probably wouldn't feel like a Bloodsport match at all, since he didn't really try to adapt his pro wrestling persona to this kind of environment, except for pulling some extra holds here and there (and I'm aware some consider this to be a good thing, but my guess is most shootstyle fans don't). Moxley mostly brawled through and through, got a cut on his forehead, gave DBS Jr. headbutts whilst bleeding and even did a two legged stomp on DBS Jr. - in other words, he did exactly the kind of things people expect from him in any promotion. DBS Jr. was the one who actually linked those spots, covered up for Moxley occasional sloppiness and conducted the match into the shootstyle territory, while also dominating Moxley in holds, on the ground and in most of the chain wrestling. That said, DBS Jr. didn't keep himself from brawling either and actually entered in a painful-looking headbutting duel with Moxley. Even though the result was obvious from the start (I mean, did anybody actually expect DBS Jr. would get the win here? ), the DDT as an ending was really unimaginative, specially in this day and age. One might argue that would be a legit KO finish, specially after all those headbutts, but, let's face it, considering all the things those guys go through in each match, this ending does feel lame. And it's not like Moxley doesn't know any legit looking holds or, heck, he couldn't have just used the Death Rider for that matter. All in all, it was a fine match, but not only there were better Bloodsport main event matches, there were also better matches in this same card.
2107.04.2021Mizzle Assault Ant7.0A good match to be sure but I would have thought much better of it if they hadn't resorted to some scary looking headbutts towards the end, ever since Shibata and all the other head/brain trauma moments in recent years I find that to be a turnoff. Apart from that it was very strong though, mixture of some very gritty grappling and some very nice pure fighting.
2612.03.2021Electric Wind God Fist7.0I'm not a fan of the MMA/Shoot Style in pro wrestling or even a fan of MMA itself but this raw style is refreshing to see done inside the squared circle. The grappling is probably the best part of this fight, while some strikes looked good others had a more of a fake look, which is a hard thing to overcome as both wrestlers aren't trying to kill themselves for real. A simple DDT being the finish of the match was a stuff I really liked. [ ***1/2 ]
3028.02.2021Lexino738.0A great match that lives up to the name of the show. At first, as expected, there was reconnaissance on both sides in grappling, but then after the cut of John Moxley's forehead, the intensity in the match increased and the fighters kicked all their strength out of themselves, where the blows were very tough, for the right to prove who is the best.
3128.02.2021MR LARIATO8.0Un match más duro y técnico de lo que esperaba, bloody stuff. Cuando quiere, Moxley da excelentes combates, aunque siempre junto a contendientes que lo lleven a dar lo mejor de sí, muchas veces prodigios del deporte.
3227.02.2021avbiswas9.0Awesome bloodsport match. Hard-hitting, gritty, and bloody. Davey Boy is a beast and Mox is a fighter... the story writes itself. Excited for Bloodsport 6.
3325.02.2021CRFiore249.0This match kicked ass. Both guys worked their asses off. The work really expresses both guys? identity as wrestlers, with Davey Jr having the more technical style and dominating physicality and Moxley scratching and clawing like a wild animal while taking punishment and coming back for more. Interesting finishing, strong work, lots of character. A really entertaining match.
3424.02.2021pierreMinne8.0It was an excellent match, finally an excellent match at the Bloodsport, we didn't have it in the Bloodsport 4. This brawl was awesome, seeing Moxley bleeding made it even more legit, the strikes were fabulous. ****