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The table shows additional events of this promotion within one month of the current event's date.
House shows are not shown.
Displaying items 1 to 33 of total 33 items that match the search parameters.
DateEvent NameEvent type  RatingVotes
08.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday Night TV TapingEventCard   
30.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday Night TV TapingEventCard   
09.09.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday Night TV TapingEventCard   
13.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Bash At The Beach 1997Pay Per ViewCard 6.3446
09.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Road Wild 1997Pay Per ViewCard 4.9448
14.09.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Fall Brawl 1997 - War GamesPay Per ViewCard 6.7351
12.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
27.09.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
08.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
09.09.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
08.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
15.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
30.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
26.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
09.09.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
12.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
15.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
26.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
09.09.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Saturday NightTV-ShowCard   
23.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
21.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Clash Of The Champions #35TV-ShowCard 6.2527
07.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #95TV-ShowCard 6.5316
14.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #96TV-ShowCard 5.7314
22.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #97 - Tuesday NitroTV-ShowCard 5.6516
28.07.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #98TV-ShowCard 5.8815
04.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #99TV-ShowCard 6.4716
11.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #100TV-ShowCard 5.6912
18.08.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #101TV-ShowCard 5.8512
01.09.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #103TV-ShowCard 5.9314
08.09.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #104TV-ShowCard 6.1413
15.09.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #105TV-ShowCard 7.2714
22.09.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #106TV-ShowCard 6.2714
29.09.1997World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #107TV-ShowCard 5.5510