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Name of the event:
MPW Born Ready

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Singles Match
Jake Woods defeats Sea Foo X
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Singles Match
Captain Bonez defeats Alex Houston
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MPW Women's Title No Disqualification Match
The Matriarch (c) defeats Miss Mortimer Graves
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Banger Brigade (Blake Kannon & Bobby Brake) (c) defeat KarnEvil Of Kaos (Jerry Jester & Prankster Pete)
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Pro Payne defeats Bobby Brake (c) - TITLE CHANGE !!!
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Mighty KC (c) defeats Massive Damage

All workers
Alex Houston, Banger Brigade, Blake Kannon, Bobby Brake, Captain Bonez, Jake Woods, Jerry Jester, KarnEvil Of Kaos, Levi Night, Massive Damage, Mighty KC, Miss Mortimer Graves, Prankster Pete, Pro Payne, Sea Foo X, The Matriarch, Wrath
Current Total Rating (?)
Valid votes: none
Number of comments: 0
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Average rating: ---  [none]
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