:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: at least one worker in the match does not have a profile. ::::
Three Way Match
Tony Sk1n defeats Adam Wong and Feager (6:14)
:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: at least one worker in the match does not have a profile. ::::
Hardcore Match
Rob Scaffold defeats Direk (15:39)
:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: at least one worker in the match does not have a profile. ::::
Last Man Standing Match
Steven Strong defeats
Isnorr (18:37)
:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: at least one worker in the match does not have a profile. ::::
Stairway To Hell Match
Mister Z defeats Johnny Blade (21:57)
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- Zu Beginn der Show sollte PpW Champion Osamu den Vertrag zur Titelverteidigung gegen Mister Z im Main Event unterschreiben, doch stattdessen gab er seinen Abgang bekannt und legte den Titel nieder.
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