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The table shows additional events of this promotion within one month of the current event's date.
House shows are not shown.
Displaying items 1 to 46 of total 46 items that match the search parameters.
DateEvent NameEvent type  RatingVotes
27.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #144TV-ShowCard   
22.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
22.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
22.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
22.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
22.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
22.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
22.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
22.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #145TV-ShowCard   
20.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
20.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
18.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #143TV-ShowCard   
18.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #274TV-ShowCard   
17.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Starrcade 2000Pay Per ViewCard 5.5541
11.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #142TV-ShowCard   
11.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #273 - Tuesday NITROTV-ShowCard 5.005
06.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
04.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #141TV-ShowCard   
04.12.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #272TV-ShowCard   
27.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #140TV-ShowCard   
27.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #271TV-ShowCard 4.835
26.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Mayhem 2000Pay Per ViewCard 3.2226
22.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCardReport  
20.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #139TV-ShowCard   
20.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #270TV-ShowCard   
16.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Millennium FinalPay Per ViewCard 6.1118
15.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCardReport  
12.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #138TV-ShowCard   
10.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
10.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
10.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #269TV-ShowCard   
06.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #137TV-ShowCard   
06.11.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #268TV-ShowCard   
30.10.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #136TV-ShowCard   
30.10.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #267TV-ShowCard   
29.10.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Halloween Havoc 2000Pay Per ViewCard 2.0448
23.10.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #135TV-ShowCard   
23.10.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #266TV-ShowCard   
14.10.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #134TV-ShowCard   
13.10.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #265TV-ShowCard   
09.10.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #133TV-ShowCard   
07.10.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #264TV-ShowCard   
03.10.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
03.10.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW WorldwideTV-ShowCard   
03.10.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Thunder #132TV-ShowCard 4.675
02.10.2000World Championship Wrestling WCW Monday NITRO #263TV-ShowCard 5.505