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The table shows additional events of this promotion within one month of the current event's date.
House shows are not shown.
Displaying items 1 to 13 of total 13 items that match the search parameters.
DateEvent NameEvent type  RatingVotes
31.08.2019Metroplex Wrestling MPX One ShotEventCard   
24.08.2019Metroplex Wrestling MPX Time To ShineEventCard   
17.08.2019Metroplex Wrestling MPX Purple ReignEventCard   
10.08.2019Metroplex Wrestling MPX LightningEventCard   
03.08.2019Metroplex Wrestling MPX ThunderEventCard   
20.07.2019Metroplex Wrestling MPX Survive The NightEventCard   
13.07.2019Metroplex Wrestling MPX DefianceEventCard   
06.07.2019Metroplex Wrestling MPX End Of DaysEventCard   
29.06.2019Metroplex Wrestling MPX Texas ToughEventCard   
22.06.2019Metroplex Wrestling MPX Andy Dalton's Southern Fried Summer BashEventCard   
15.06.2019Metroplex Wrestling MPX The PurgeEventCard   
08.06.2019Metroplex Wrestling MPX End Of InnocenceEventCard   
01.06.2019Metroplex Wrestling MPX Catching FireEventCard