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Name of the event:
GLL Tierra de Campeones III

:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: dark matches cannot be recommended. ::::
Dark Match
Dinamo defeats Jerson
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Four On Two Handicap Match
Hora Loca (Johnny Tornado & Lunatic J) defeat Los Numeros (Numero 1, Numero 2, Numero 3 & Numero 4)
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Singles Match
Lady Fire defeats Paul Taylor
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Tag Team Match
Dr. Veneno & Slayer defeat Charly Navajas & Manuel

All workers
Alexa Jade, Astaroth, Charly Navajas, Dinamo, Dr. Veneno, Hora Loca, Isis, Jack Dragon, Jerson, Johnny Tornado, Kassius, Lady Fire, LJ Night, Los Numeros, Lunatic J, Manuel, Numero 1, Numero 2, Numero 3, Numero 4, Paul Taylor, Reptil, Seven, Slayer, Ultimo Tigre, Zero
Current Total Rating (?)
Valid votes: none
Number of comments: 0
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0.0 0x
Average rating: ---  [none]
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