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Joseph Parks

Also known as Abyss, Abismo, Chris Justice, Justice, King Justice, Prince Justice, Cleage, Original Terminator, Joseph Park

Displaying items 1 to 4 of total 4 items that match the search parameters.
1AthenaPrince JusticeNWA Wildside2001
2GoldylocksAbyssNWA TNA2004
3James MitchellAbyssTNA2005-2007
4Prince NanaAbyssROH 
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Displaying items 1 to 3 of total 3 items that match the search parameters.
#NamePromotionCareer StartCareer EndLength of careerRatingVotes
1Big Mama 05.04.2008 16 years  
2Kama Kozzy 2002 22 years  
3Danny Todd 201020166 years