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Displaying items 1 to 6 of total 6 items that match the search parameters.
327.01.2017Paul Allain7.0I saw this show a couple time, with various impressions, but I came to the conclusion that it is an above average PWG show. The structure is very atypical of 2005 PWG, as it as only 6 matches with 5 of them splitting a large time allocation, making them more complete than usual. The opener was an exquisite tag team clash, so good that the result I dislike is being barely bothersome. Alex Shelley lead TJ Perkins in a technical showcase that really impressed. The 6-Man Tag was short and actually brought spotlight to the midcard. Chris Hero had one of the best matches of the Joey Ryan Technical Wizard Series, working around the limitations and setting up a well executed cheap ending. Scorpio Sky & Scott Lost had a great, suspenseful match, adding fire to their hot rivalry. The main event wasn't overly good, but whipped the crowd into a frenzy and made them invested in the final moments. This is an unexpected gem of a show, where even the low points have value.
406.05.2016Crippler Crossface6.0 
505.06.2009sign squad5.0Richtig solides Wrestling Show. Interessant ist, das man den Matches (bis auf dem Six Men Tag) ausreichend, vielleicht sogar zu viel Zeit gibt. Der Matchempfehlung gestehe ich zu, das es solides, schönes Wrestling war, aber nich sonderlich spannend und bei mir * * 1/2 bekommt. Anders dagegen der Opener und der Main Event, die beide * * * Wert sind. Steen vs Bosh läßt etwas einen guten Fluß vermissen, ist aber trotzdem gut genug. Hero jobbt für Ryan und arbeitet sich den verlängerten Rücken ab, um Ryan ein gutes Match zu bescheren (* * 3/4). Ryan greift auch in das Match von seinem Partner Lost ein und bringt diesen dank einem Schlag mit einer Kette den Sieg (* * 1/2).