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"Your hopes - just like my brother - are going to be buried alive"


"Your hopes - just like my brother - are going to be buried alive"
Kane: "Facts leave no room for arguments. All of you hope that my brother is more determined, more powerful, more evil than ever. But the fact is that he is a despondent, dejected shell of his former self because I made him that way. The fact is that I am superior to my brother. The fact is that I am superior to all of you. The only thing that any of you have ever succeeded at is at your relentless quest for mediocrity. You failed at everything else. Just like my brother has failed in his quest to reclaim my world heavyweight championship. First he failed in a No Holds Barred Match. Than he failed at Hell in a Cell. And he is going to fail at Bragging Rights. And oh, oh how these faliures must eat in all of you. Because all of you tried to use my brother to escape from your pathetic existences, to escape from your dead end jobs, to escape from your unattainable dreams, to escape from your colorless lives. And I'm the one who forces you to face reality. And the reality is: There is no escape. So I'm sure that all of you - every one of you would salivate at the oppertunity of seeing The Deadman destroy 'The Devil's Favourite Demon'. But deep down you all know that's never going to happen. If there is anyone watching who still believes that The Undertaker - The PHENOM - can do anything to stop me than your hopes - just like my brother - are going to be BURIED ALIVE!"
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