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"Ultramantis is dead. Today, UltraMantis Black is born."


"Ultramantis is dead. Today, UltraMantis Black is born."
Ultramantis: "Mister ZERO...[ein Fan ruft: is a Hero!]. To you followers, to you sheeps he's a hero. Brainwashed monkeys, every last one of you. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of you [zeigt um sich in die Crowd], I'm sick of Mister ZERO, I'm sick of CHIKARA.

[tritt den am Boden liegenden Mister Zero. Die Crowd stimmt buhend ein Lied an.]

Oh come on --- creative. For two years I've been this man's lackey. For two years I've been this man's joker, so to speak. For two years I've been this man's second fiddle, I've been his straight man, I've been his clown, I've been his SLAVE. ISN'T THAT RIGHT ZERO? ISN'T THAT RIGHT?

[würgt Mister ZERO mit dem Fuß]

All you people are slaves, nothing but slaves, you're brainwashed. You believe this guy is a wrestler? This guy is no wrestler, he's a clown. I'M NOT A CLOWN! [laute Buhrufe] Shut up! I'm not a superhero, I'm an insect, first and foremost. Shut up! I'm sick of you, I'm sick of humans, I'm sick of those species.

[tritt erneut nach Mister ZERO]

Mister ZERO! How does it feel? How does it feel like being the fool, huh? [würgt Mister ZERO erneut] All these years, I've been your fool, but no more more...

[Er öffnet Mister ZEROs Koffer, nimmt eine Maske heraus, setzt seine bisherige Maske ab und die neue schwarze Maske auf.]

Ultramantis is DEAD. TODAY, UltraMantis Black is BORN!"
Aktuelle Gesamtwertung (?)
Gültige Stimmen: 2
Anzahl Kommentare: 2
10.0 0x
9.0 1x
8.0 1x
7.0 0x
6.0 0x
5.0 0x
4.0 0x
3.0 0x
2.0 0x
1.0 0x
0.0 0x
Durchschnittswertung: 8.50  [2]
Durchschnitt nur 2016: 8.50  [2]
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