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Displaying items 1 to 100 of total 632 items that match the search parameters.
307.05.2024Vinicius Pro  
409.11.2023Michael Morbius  
828.07.2017MaxOnWrestling Einer meiner Absoluten ROH & PWG Favorites der letzten Jahre. Hoffe er erzielt den Erfolg in der WWE, den er verdient hätte. Ein super Wrestler, der, wenn er an seinen Promos arbeitet eine große Karriere in der WWE vor sich hat. Sein Finisher ist, wie sein gesamtes Move-Set genial.
904.03.2024cozyheartache What a phenomenal wrestler to have on your roster! If you need a quick 10-15 minute match to energize a crowd, this is your guy win or lose. The Messiah of the Backbreaker has quickly shot up my list of favorite wrestlers. Thank you AEW for reviving and rescuing this man from the warehouse!
2203.12.2022Black Sabre Jr10.0 
2807.02.2018ryan rey 210.0 
3108.05.2022John Soul10.0 
3208.12.2013daniel cassidy10.0 
3612.02.2017AJ Seven10.0 
4318.05.2010Rob the bob10.0 
4720.04.2021Belka 01710.0 
5122.03.2019Seraphina Leaf10.0 
5324.04.2019Shoot Headbutt Lover10.0 
5824.06.2007Alex Shelley10.0 
7502.05.2015eldenaaaaa10.0But I am glad to see Roddy finally get some love. Guy has been the best thing about indy wrestling in 2015 by far. Fantastic matches vs. Thatcher, Trevor Lee, O'Reilly, ZSJ & He has also really found himself as a character. His PWG work is really amazing, because Roddy as the dick heel is just great to watch. Guy is a total beast, and truly one of the very best in the world today. Hail Roddy and his shitty little boots.
7704.06.2014TAWPTierJustin10.0Personality and character wise, I feel like Roderick Strong is even better now more than he ever was before when I started watching him in 2011! And of course, he has always been an amazing in-ring worker! Honestly I would compare Roddy's in-ring work to Dolph Ziggler's in the sense that everything he does equals perfection and he has so much grace and everything!
7804.08.2015mrjoshdude10.0On track to win most outstanding wrestler of the year alongside Ibushi. He's always been great but he's suddenly kicked it into a whole 'nother gear this year tearing it up with everyone from KUSHIDA to Zack Sabre, Jr.
8006.08.2016who1sJosh10.0One of the best going today. He's faced some of the best there are and took them to the limit. I'm surprised WWE hasn't picked up the guy but who knows what Strong has in the store for the wrestling world in 2016. Heel Roddy is one of my favorites in wrestling today.
8107.01.2016Kick2Kill2310.0Roddy should be a star on TV right now and should've been signed by a major company a long time ago. I think we all knew how good he was after all these years with his seemingly endless endurance, exciting flurry of moves and his AMAZING finisher "the end of heartache" (or the Strong Breaker whichever you prefer), but it wasn't until mid-late 2014 and all of 2015, where we saw the absolute magic of a cocky, arrogant, douchebag heel Roderick Strong. his work in PWG with everyone has been downright incredible and his matches in Evolve with Drew Galloway and Zack Sabre Jr. (a match actually considered a serious MOTY candidate. ) were STELLER, and we all know how amazing he is in ROH. he deserves all his success. definitely one of my all time favourites.
8207.01.2017TrevPuroFan10.0I don't know why Roddy has such a low average rating here for a wrestler of his caliber. Do people watch the same Roddy, I'm watching? He's amazing had classic matches vs the likes of Bryan Danielson, CM Punk, Jay Briscoe, Davey Richards etc. Even when ROH wasn't in their prime years anymore, he was busting out some great matches for the company, and was the well deserved wrestler of 2015. I'm happy he finally has that big break in the WWE, eventhough I don't care for their product. Roddy's awesome and one of my all time favorites to watch.
8308.07.2015WCWler10.0Fantastischer Wrestler und momentan wohl einer der besten Wrestler in ROH mit vielen tollen Matches in der Vergangenheit und speziell in diesem Jahr.
8408.11.2014Claudio Hero10.0Super Wrestler ! Super Matches! Für mich klare 10 Punkte weil er auch über all die Jahre top Leistungen gebracht hat und immer noch bringt
8508.11.2015thegreatestmuta10.0Is there a bigger believable asshole in pro wrestling right now? The answer is no. What an asshole. Fuck you, Roddy.
8610.08.2016Luv all wrestling10.0Dude is a workhorse, like I have yet to see him have a big match that dissapoints me, like he is a standerd bearer in ROH, like if he does go to nxt that he would have match of the night many nights.
8710.09.2016Viper9910.0Aus rein sachlicher Sicht ist Roderick Strong wohl keine 10. Für mich ist er es aber. Im Ring ein absolut Exzellenter Wrestler! Ich liebe seinen In-Ring Stil und seine art Promos zu halten und sein Charisma rüber zubringen. Für mich einer der besten Indy Stars der letzten Jahre und es ist schade das er den Sprung zur WWE NOCH NICHT geschafft hat.
8814.10.2016prowrestlingisreal10.0One of the best pro wrestlers in the world, he maybe needs help when he's holding a mic but that's not a problem for me, his PWG title run was the best in the history of the promotion in my opinion, good luck in NXT.
8915.01.2022Roodolph10.0This guy is a phenomenon. Very underrated. Give Roddy a match, and he doesn't go under four stars. Not good on the mic but he puts on a manager and he's good.
9017.02.2011Matt4Wrestling10.0Ich denke der Messiah of the Backbreaker wird zu oft unterschätzt! Trotz seines jungen Alters hat er im Moment soviel auf die Beine gestellt, dass andere Legenden sich davon eine Scheibe abschneiden könnten! Von ihm ist noch viel zu erwarten!
9220.08.2022respect-wres10.0One of the best from the 2010 American indie generation, from the mid 2000s ROH period and also one of the best in the continent in the past 15+ years. He still has another five good years in him, WWE should not continue to waist him away in NXTs midcard, He should either stay in NXT as a main eventer or go to the indies (from a fan s perspective not an economic and career perspective, as that is where he will deliver his best performances). Going to the main roster does not seem promising to me, best he will get is to be a US or IC championship challenger, not a bad position in general but not the height Roddy can reach. Fucking legend.
9324.06.2007Doerben10.0Mein absoluter Lieblingswrestler, ROD IS GOD! EDIT: (extra für Pediwedi):Technisch gesehen ist Roderick Strong mehr als sehr gut, einzig das Manko das er nicht als einziger Wrestler einen 18 Punktestatus erreichen kann hält mich davon ab ihm eben jene Punkte zu geben. Eig. müsste er extra punkte kriegen und damit mehr als die Höchstzahl erreichen da er einfach toll ist :shy
9424.09.2015Drewbiekins10.0It's an absolute travesty that Strong is rated as lowly as he is on this site. He has been among the best in the world for years now and is one of the front runners for best wrestler of the year in 2015. He never fails to deliver in matches, and his mic work has improved dramatically compared to where it was before.
9525.03.2017TheCleaner10.0I don't know why this guy has such a low rating. Roddy is awesome, he is one of the best wrestlers in the world. He has a great look, great technician, great moves and highly energetic and most of all his heel work is awesome. He was Mr. ROH for a reason. Now he is in NXT, i hope Hunter give him the push he deserves and that is to be the NXT Champion.
9625.10.2021Artun Alp Kaplan10.0Watching him perform in the ring is pure joy. He never disappoints. Whenever I see a good match-up with him I get excited more than any other PPV main event can get me excited. Yeah, he lacks charisma and his mic skills are poor but honestly I don't care about these aspects of wrestling. Whenever he's in the ring, he puts the best matches in my opinion.
9726.09.2015LawDog8910.0In 2015 there is no better worker in the world than Roderick Strong. Multiple MOTY contenders with a variety of opponents. Excellent wrestler. As of this rating, Most Outstanding Wrestler of 2015.
9826.09.2015Wrestling Forever 10.0Mal eine Aufwertung von 9 auf 10 Punkte den Roddy ist dieses Jahr einer der besten Wrestler überhaupt. Er haut so viele Kracher heraus und überzeugt bei PWG als Heel sonst in den anderen Ligen als Face. Auch inzwischen so viele Matches von ihm gesehen das ich nun die volle Punkzahl geben kann. Das andere ist der alte Text: Ein ROH Urgestein und eine ROH Legende. Strong ist zu Recht der Messiah Of The Backbreaker so viele Versionen wie er beherrscht. Hat Charisma, ist ein super Techniker. Spielt seine Heel Rolle immer großartig. Ist auch bei PWG super. In der Vergangenheit mit Cole und Eddie als die Dojo Brothers und nun im Singles Bereich. Auch schon zu Generation NEXT war er klasse.
10030.12.2018TWICEmomo10.0Roderick Strong is just a fantastic wrestler that ROH ever had, usually produced high-peak, exciting and a match that fill with action. The fighting style that Roderick has kinda make me remind of Chris Benoit, who also could play the role between a technical wrestler and a brawler.