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"Ever since I was a kid, I had two dreams"


"Ever since I was a kid, I had two dreams"
Kharma: "You know, ever since I was a kid, I had two dreams. The first was to become a WWE Superstar. Everyone said that me standing here in front of you was impossible. I even went out for season 2 of Tough Enough. And Jim Ross told me that I was too - fat - to ever be a WWE Diva. I took his words, I packed them up and I took them across the ocean to Japan, where I scrubbed the floors of wrestling dojos in exchange for the training to become a wrestling master. I then moved on to every promotion in every dank, stank corner of the world from here to Denver, until finally my dream came true. This year, WWE bade me welcome. My other dream is a little bit more personal. I, like many other girls and women, have always wanted to be a mother. And I will, because I am currently with child. Unfortunately for me, this is a high risk pregnancy, and I can not compete or do anything physical and risk losing my child. But I will be back, and I just wanted to thank all of you for letting me share my dream."

[Die Musik der Bella Twins ertönt, und die Zwillinge kommen zum Ring]

Brie Bella: "Wait a minute, did we hear you right? You're pregnant?"

Nikki Bella: "And I just thought you were really, really fat. Oh wait, you are."

Brie Bella: "And she's gonna get even bigger."

Nikki Bella: "Yeah. Jim Ross was right, you're not Diva material."

Brie Bella: "But hey, congratulations on finding a guy to hook up with. I guess fame has its privileges."

Nikki Bella: "Yeah, looks aside, you're as big as a blimp. That guy must have been hooked with a seat-belt."

Brie Bella: "That was really good, Nikki. I mean, does it bug you right now that you can't beat us up? I mean, remember what the doctor said, no physicality because you're pregnant."

Nikki Bella: "How far long are you? Does the baby have ears yet?"

Brie Bella: "Hey baby, listen to me. Your mom is so fat that she--"

[Kharma geht einen Schritt auf die beiden zu, und die beiden weichen ihr aus]

Kharma: "I really hope that in one year, when I come back, you two will still be here. Because now, I've got a new dream."

[Mit diesen Worten lässt Kharma die Bellas verschüchtert im Ring zurück]
- Nachdem Kharma erst wenige Wochen zuvor mit einem zerstörerischen Charakter in der WWE debütiert hatte, wurde dieser etwas überraschend in der Vorwoche fallen gelassen. Kharma erlitt im Ring in Mitten einiger Diven einen Zusammenbruch.

- Diese Promo diente als Erklärung für den Zusammenbruch und die folgende Ringabstinenz. Hierbei wurde schlicht der wahre Grund offenbart, was bei WWE durchaus Seltenheitswert hat.
Aktuelle Gesamtwertung (?)
Gültige Stimmen: 17
Anzahl Kommentare: 9
10.0 0x
9.0 0x
8.0 6x
7.0 1x
6.0 6x
5.0 2x
4.0 1x
3.0 1x
2.0 0x
1.0 0x
0.0 0x
Durchschnittswertung: 6.35  [17]
Durchschnitt nur 2024: 8.00  [1]
Durchschnitt nur 2023: 6.33  [3]
Durchschnitt nur 2015: 7.00  [2]
Durchschnitt nur 2012: 6.20  [5]
Durchschnitt nur 2011: 6.00  [6]
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