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"Let me check my tears in the reflection of my championship gold"


"Let me check my tears in the reflection of my championship gold"
The Miz: "Last week you people embarassed yourselves. I watched grown men jump up and down, weeping like little girls over another man. That man was The Rock. Now, don't get me wrong, back in 1999 I remember sitting in my dad's living room, watching The Rock electrify. I watched him rip apart his opponents verbally. So, you can imagine my excitement when The Rock stood in the middle of the ring and said my name. I was wondering: 'Huh, man, what classic line would The Rock say about me?' And then he said it: 'The Miz absolutely, unquestionably, undoubtedly, one hundred percent completely sucks!'

Really? Really? That's the best The Rock can do? One of the greatest talkers in the history of sports entertainment and that is the best? That I suck!? I've heard kindergarteners say worse than that. Do you people all think I suck? ["Yeah"] Really. ["Yeah"] Really? ["Yeah"] Really. ["Yeah"] Well, now I'm a little hurt. Let me check my tears in the reflection of my championship gold. You see, while The Rock is hosting WrestleMania, I will be main eventing, beating John Cena. And speaking of John Cena: John Cena and The Rock are different in a lot of ways, but they have one thing in common. They are both cultural icons and you people love them for it.

Well, let me tell you something. I could care less what you people think of me! You can sit there and chant that I suck! You can sit there and chant that The Miz is awful, I could care less! And let me take this one step further: It doesn't matter what you people think! [imitiert The Rock] Because I am the most must-see WWE Champion in the history of this company. Now can you see that? [imitiert John Cenas Geste] Because I absolutely, unquestionably, undoubtedly, one hundred percent completely am AWESOME!"
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Durchschnittswertung: 8.63  [16]
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Durchschnitt nur 2011: 8.73  [11]
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