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"We have come from Stone Cold stunning Mr. McMahon on RAW to Edge arguing with a computer"


"We have come from Stone Cold stunning Mr. McMahon on RAW to Edge arguing with a computer"
[Edge kommt zum Ring, die üblichen "Cutting Edge" Requisiten stehen im Ring, außerdem der Computer des anonymen GM]

Edge: "Well tonight, folks, we have a first. Tonight, as my guest on the Cutting Edge, we have the anonymous Raw-GM. Now, despite our acrimonious relationship, I actually do appreciate the GM, agreeing to appear as a guest on my show. And I understand that this computer has been electronically transmitting this voice, so that's what it will continue to do, so as to keep this person's identity a secret. Now, with that being said, I think it is time to ask the first question. I need to ask you exactly, Raw-GM, why are you such a spineless coward?"

[Der Computer fängt plötzlich an, mit einer verzerrten Stimme zu sprechen]

Computer: "Why are you such a moron? I remain anonymous to protect my identity. If people knew who I really was, it would change everything."

Edge: "Okay, first of all, that's the worst voice ever. And second of all, I thought you were "Stone Cold" Steve Austin or I thought you were The Rock or maybe Shawn Michaels or Bob Barker, but judging by your decision-making, you are Lindsay Lohan, after another bender. The only thing I know is that whoever you are; you are a big, fat liar."

Computer: "Seriously Edge, that hurt my feelings. Why do you have to hate me?. I tried to make peace with you, but you clearly don't want that. You want a confrontation. Why, why do you despise me so?"

Edge: "Why do you despise me? Why do you keep interfering in my business? WHY? [plötzlich leise] Why am I arguing with a computer? We have come from Stone Cold stunning Mr. McMahon on RAW to Edge arguing with a computer. You know what? That's it. I am just gonna go ask Chris Jericho, exactly who you are.

Computer: "Jericho is bluffing. He knows nothing. However, I know a lot of things, like your opponent, right now. Haha ha haha.

Edge: "I don't have an opponent tonight. You know what? I talk to people. I am sick of talking to a computer. [Geht aus dem Ring] I'm outta here.

Computer: "But wait, you do have an opponent tonight, Edge. I scheduled a match right now between you and this man."

[John Cena erscheint und das Match beginnt. Nachdem der GM nach einem vermeintlichen Sieg Edges das Match neu starten lässt und Edge verliert, rastet der aus und schlägt den Computer kaputt]
Aktuelle Gesamtwertung (?)
Gültige Stimmen: 22
Anzahl Kommentare: 12
10.0 9x
9.0 5x
8.0 5x
7.0 1x
6.0 2x
5.0 0x
4.0 0x
3.0 0x
2.0 0x
1.0 0x
0.0 0x
Durchschnittswertung: 8.82  [22]
Durchschnitt nur 2023: 9.00  [3]
Durchschnitt nur 2020: 9.00  [1]
Durchschnitt nur 2017: 10.00  [1]
Durchschnitt nur 2015: 9.00  [1]
Durchschnitt nur 2012: 8.00  [1]
Durchschnitt nur 2011: 9.50  [2]
Durchschnitt nur 2010: 8.62  [13]
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