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"You bring this Edge and the Undertaker will tear you apart!"


"You bring this Edge and the Undertaker will tear you apart!"
Edge: "All week... all week I've been searching for some inner peace. I've been trying to... I've been trying to find some inner peace. I mean I'm--my marriage is... it's going through a rough patch... But even more... even more than that, in just over two weeks I'll be stepping in Hell In A Cell... against the Undertaker. I've watched all of the footage--it was propably a mistake, because I... I've seen all the cruelty. I've seen... I've seen the pain, I... I've seen the suffering, I've seen... the Undertaker. And... and all week, everytime that I... everytime I close my eyes, that's all I see. But, tonight... tonight I... I'm finding some of that inner piece, because I surrounded myself with MY instruments of destruction. I've surrounded myself with tables, ladders and chairs! And... and you see I know these better than anyone else. These are the things that helped me banish the Undertaker in the first place.

Ha! And I found the person, the one person that can help me against the Undertaker. I... I found that person. That person that will not only help me survive Hell In A Cell, that will help me thrive in Hell In A Cell. The p--the person who knows the Undertaker better than anyone else in history. That person... that person is my guest tonight on the cutting edge. That person... that person is... Mick Foley. Mick Foley!"

[Mick Foley sitzt verdutzt am Kommentatorentisch.]

Mick Foley: "I'm... I'm the guest?"

Edge: "Come on, Mick! Please... please... please, Mick, come in here!"

Mick Foley: "You can't be serious."

Edge: "Come on, Mick! Please. Come on in the ring!"

Mick Foley: [an Jim Ross gewandt, der ihn zurückhalten will] "He said, 'please.' He did say, 'please.' I'll watch, I'll watch."

[Foley betritt den Ring.]

Edge:: "Mick, thanks for coming on the show. Thank you."

Mick Foley: "Eh--ahh--you're welcome, I think. I think you're welcome."

Edge: "Ok, hear me out. I--"

Mick Foley: "I'm listening."

Edge:: "I know we have a checkered past. I know we have history. We have a lot of it. But I'm a changed man. I've changed! I've changed! And I know that you can look past our history. Because I know--I know that there's something that lingers inside you. There's something that eats away of you, more than our past ever could. I see it. But in case you've forgotten, I've taken the liberty of preparing something that can remind you. Take a look."

[Ein Video zeigt Szenen aus dem Hell In A Cell-Match zwischen Mankind und dem Undertaker vom King Of The Ring 1998.]

Edge: "Mick, that was ten years ago. And they haven't forgotten. That was ten years ago. Mick, I know... I know that your body has felt that match like it was yesterday. Every waking second, everytime you get out of bed, I know your body feels all of that, feels what the Undertaker put you through. And, Mick, here's the amazing thing. Even after all of the brutality, after everything the Undertaker did to you, you walked away on your own.

But... But, Mick--Mick, I saw you walk the day before that match. And I've watched you trying to walk properly every day since that match. And you can't do it. The Undertaker did that to you. Mick, I know it eats away at your heart. I know that fire burns inside of you. I see it in your eyes, Mick. And, Mick--Mick, if you help me, you can exorcise the demon of the Undertaker. You can get rid of all of that pain inside your heart, the pain in your eyes. I can see it. Mick, if you help me against the Undertaker, maybe... maybe all of that--maybe it'll all just wash away."

Mick Foley: "You bring up some great points--I never was the same after that cell match with the Undertaker! And there is part of me, Edge, that would really like to help you. It's just that--over the past several months, week-in and week-out, you've really hurt--you've hurt my... my credibility, Edge. The one thing I have going for me--more than anything else--is my work, my bond with these fans. And for weeks, for months, for years, in both the words I've spoken and on the written page, I've said it loud and I've said it long: Edge is the greatest superstar in the WWE. Even when it hasn't been popular to say. The problem, Edge, is, unless our fans have a really, really long memory, they think you suck. Because they see an Edge, week-in, week-out, that takes the shortcuts. They see an Edge, week-in, week-out, willing to play the numbers game, willing to rely on his fiance--no, his wife! And so, Edge, I say: not only will I not help you--I can't help you. But I know the one person who can: Edge.

Edge, you need to look inside your heart, your soul and inside your mind, and find the Edge who make me say, 'You are the greatest superstar in WWE.' Remember the Edge who shattered through the glass ceiling, when everyone else said it wouldn't be popular. You need to find that Edge. The Edge who took the letters T--L--C and made them mean something. The Edge who smelled his own flesh burning and didn't mind, ecause it reminded him of victory. You and I, Edge, we engaged in the greatest hardcore match in WrestleMania history just two years ago. And you need to find THAT Edge! Because if you do, then J.R. and I will sit at SummerSlam and we will call--and our fans around the country and around the world will bare witness--to what I know can be the greatest, most exciting, innovative and violent match-up in WWE history. You need to find that Edge and bring him to SummerSlam. Because if that cell door slams shut and the Undertaker stares face to face at THIS Edge, the white-tuxedo-wearing Edge, the loofa-spongebathing Edge, the teeter-totter-riding Edge, the down-on-his-knees-saying-"forgive me, baby, i can't live, I won't live without your love" Edge--you bring that Edge to SummerSlam and--with god as my whitness and a body that remembers every fall ten years after the date--you bring this Edge and the Undertaker will TEAR YOU APART! AM I UNDERSTOOD? Am I understood?"

Edge: [überlegt lange] "I understand."

[Edge zieht Mick Foley sein Mikro über den Schädel und lässt einen brutalen Beatdown folgen.]
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