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"I don't respect you and I don't love you, because you are a liability to me in my career"


"I don't respect you and I don't love you, because you are a liability to me in my career"
Randy Orton: [atmet schwer] "Ric,.. I have every right to be upset with you, but I.. I just can't. I can't be angry at the Nature Boy Ric Flair. I just.. I can't find it in my heart, but I have every right to be pissed off at you, because this match with Kevin Owens.. wasn't necessary. I was only in this fight with KO, because your ego got me into this fight in the first place last week. [vereinzelte Buh-Rufe] But.. but I can't be angry with you, man. You're the Nature Boy Ric Flair; that's what you do. You are the dirtiest player in the game, I have known it for a very long time. I have learned so much from you. I grew up with you around. And for the past 20 years you have been there, you have had my back, you have been right there, aught me everything you know and you're one of the reasons why I'm in this ring still after 20 years. I can't be mad at the Nature Boy.

I mean, do you.. do you.. uh.. remember? I think, it was back 2002, 2003 Peoria, Illinois. I got myself in a little bit of trouble.. uh.. to say the least and nobody came to my aid, nobody came to help me no..body was there by my side except one person and it was you. You came and you bailed me out out of the predicament that only my dumb ass - 22-year-old punk ass - could have gotten myself into. You were there.. you were there and not only did I respect you after all that, Ric, I loved you. [atmet tief durch] But I don't respect you anymore, Ric! [Entsetzen im Publikum] I don't love you anymore! I don't respect you and I don't love you, because you are a liability to me in my career and everything, that I'm trying to get done right now. You are a liability and I realize this, because I look back all those years ago and you know what I know why you took a young Randy Orton under your wing. I know what you were thinking you were thinking that I could be the son.. that you wish.. you had. [erneut entsetzte Rufe, Flair ist bemüht die Fassung zu wahren] Oh, what's that, Ric? What's that? Are those tears? Come on, you old ass man, all the energy you can muster in your old ass is just enough to push a couple tears out? THAT'S ALL YOU'RE GOOD FOR ANYMORE IS CRYING! GO AHEAD, CRY ME A RIVER, SOB LIKE A LITTLE BABY! GO AHEAD, LET'S SEE IT!

You're not the Ric Flair, that everybody - everybody here - looked up to from years ago! You're not the Ric Flair, that taught me everything, that he knows. No, the Ric Flair, that I looked up to wouldn't need a pacemaker inside his chest to make sure his heart kept on ticking! The Ric Flair, that I know and looked up to wouldn't have slipped into a coma two summers ago! THE RIC FLAIR, THAT I ALWAYS LOOKED UP TO FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS.. he wasn't a.. whore for the spotlight like you are! You are a junkie for the spotlight! You have changed, you are not the same, you are washed up and you can't do it anymore! At Summerslam.. in a few short weeks.. I stand the opportunity to take that WWE Championship and take it for the 14th time and that's the only thing you need to be concerned with. That's it, but instead you were just worried about yourself!"

[Ric Flair nimmt Randy Orton das Mikro aus der Hand.]

Ric Flair: "I'm taking this very personal.. and I hear you. But I want to tell you a couple of things about me. Number one; that Ric Flair, that you came to see.. to be with.. in 2001; he's not here anymore. You're right! Do I like the spotlight? Yeah! Do I like to call you the greatest, because you are? Yeah! Do I want to be part of the spotlight? Yes, who wouldn't? I'm 71 years old! I'm on RAW, do you know what that means? I got guys like Hogan calling me ‘How is it?' and I said ‘Hulk, it's the greatest feeling in the world.'. Because I'm with you! I'm here, because I do want your approval and I do want to be with you, because I want to be there.. when you win your 14th.. 15th.. 16th.. 17th. I WANT YOU TO BREAK MY RECORD - LISTEN TO ME - NOT JOHN CENA'S RECORD, MY RECORD. A record you grew up on, your dad knows it.. driving three thousand miles a week for 150 bucks, okay? For how many millions of miles of the air flying one city after another. You know what that's about, because you did it with me. And you were home, when your dad was on the road. No cell phones back then, you know what I went through. That's why I want you, who's crawled from the bottom to the top. You're the greatest performer in the business today and I love being here with you.

But I'm going to tell you something right now. You want to see me get emotional. [mit zittriger Stimme] You know why I can't get mad? You know why? Because after 31 days I've been in intensive care and being in a coma for 12 of them, I woke up and all I wanted in life was to tell the people, who I hadn't told, that I love them. And to make sure everybody, that I loved knew how I felt, I called around.. everybody that.. that mattered to me, because you have to be this close to where I was to know what that feeling is. And I'm not trying to take anything from you. I'm just walking down that with you, man, and having a good time. All I am right now, I'm Charlotte's dad and wanna be part of Randy Orton's life. I've been there, man, I ain't Ric Flair and well, you're right, but I'm a big fan of you. And you're the guy to break my record,... that's all I want."

[Randy Orton nimmt Ric Flair das Mikrofon aus der Hand und umarmt ihn unter Applaus der Zuschauer. Als Flair andeutet, den Ring zu verlassen und Orton den Rücken zudreht, verpasst dieser ihm einen Low Blow. Anhaltende Buh-Rufe aus dem Publikum, während Orton sich zur Flair niederkniet.]

Randy Orton: [flüsternd] "It is all gonna be over soon. I promise you, Ric. I promise you. Thank you for everything you have done for me, Ric."

[Randy Orton steht auf und entfernt sich von Flair, während sich dieser langsam auf die Knie bewegt. Orton streckt Flair mit dem Punt Kick erneut nieder, ehe Drew McIntyre, Referees und Backstagepersonal sich um Flair kümmern.]
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