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"Hell, you can kiss my ass!"


"Hell, you can kiss my ass!"
[Steve Austin attackiert trotz einer einstweiligen Verfügung seinen Fehdengegner Owen Hart nach dessen Match und wird dafür von "Polizisten" umringt, die drohen, ihn zu verhaften. Vince McMahon springt vom Kommentatorenpult auf und steigt in den Ring, um die Polizisten aufzuhalten, aber auch Austin zu konfrontieren.]

Vince McMahon: "No, enough! No! No! No! Wait a minute! [zu Austin] WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU? What's the matter with you? Get a hold of yourself! [zu den Polizisten] Just give me a minute! Just give me a minute! [zu Austin] What is the matter with you? You've had to forfit the Intercontinental title, the Tag Team title. Of course, everyone can understand why you're upset. I can understand you being upset, not being able to compete. I can understand that. But don't break the law! [McMahon muss sich zwischen Austin und die Polizisten stellen, die sich gegenseitig anbrüllen]

Don't you understand? Don't you understand why you're not allowed to compete, you can't get that through your head? Don't you know why? Don't you know that you're not physically able to compete? Your doctors say, you're not ready. If you compete, you can injure yourself for good, you could wind up paralyzed. And the WWF is not gonna stand by and let you do that to yourself. These people don't want you to wind up in a wheelchair. They wanna see you compete. Everybody wants to see you compete. But in due time, Steve. In due time. [Austin schaut auf seine Armbanduhr] Get a hold of yourself.

Listen, don't you know people care in the World Wrestling Federation? We care, they care. They care about you, that's all it is. And you just gotta go with it. In other words, you simply gotta work within the system. That's all you gotta do. It's simply: working in the system..."

Steve Austin: "You know as well as I do that this is what I do for a living. This is all that I do and can't nobody tell I ain't the best in the damn world. Don't even say nothing! Don't say nothing! Sit here and tell me to work within the system? You ain't the one sitting in the house, like I am. But if that's what it takes to make you or the World Wrestling Federation happy, hell, I feel like [?], I work within your stupid little system."

Vince McMahon: "That's all these people ask--" [Austin greift zum Mikro]

Steve Austin: "I appreciate the fact that you and the World Wrestling Federation care. And I also appreciate the fact that--HELL, YOU CAN KISS MY ASS!"

[Austin verpasst McMahon den Stone Cold Stunner, Chaos bricht aus und schließlich wird er doch noch verhaftet. Das Publikum derweil feiert ihn frenetisch mit "Austin"-Sprechchören.]
- Diese Promo war einer der Grundpfeiler für die Austin/McMahon-Fehde. McMahon war bis dato vorwiegend als Kommentator und Stimme der WWF bekannt und der Bezug auf das "System", dem sich Austin unterwerfen müsste, unterstrich die gegensätzlichen Positionen: McMahon als Teil des Systems, Austin als einsamer Wolf außerhalb.
- Der Stunner von Austin gegen McMahon war der erste in einer langen Tradition, die selbe viele Jahre nach dem Ende der Fehde Bestand haben sollte.
Aktuelle Gesamtwertung (?)
Gültige Stimmen: 18
Anzahl Kommentare: 4
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8.0 0x
7.0 0x
6.0 0x
5.0 0x
4.0 0x
3.0 0x
2.0 0x
1.0 0x
0.0 0x
Durchschnittswertung: 9.89  [18]
Durchschnitt nur 2024: 10.00  [4]
Durchschnitt nur 2023: 10.00  [6]
Durchschnitt nur 2022: 10.00  [2]
Durchschnitt nur 2021: 10.00  [2]
Durchschnitt nur 2020: 10.00  [2]
Durchschnitt nur 2019: 9.00  [2]
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