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"What I want is Bryan Danielson's head on a stick"


"What I want is Bryan Danielson's head on a stick"
Jon Moxley: "What goes up...[wirft eine Dose in die Luft]...must come down. The higher you are, the further you fall. The more it hurts when you hit the ground and anybody, no matter how big the empire they built and how great the legacy they've carved out for themselves, can come crashing down fast and all it takes is one guy with a wild hair up his ass and the balls to take a shot.
It only took one bullet to kill Abraham Lincoln and when the history books are written they will say Bryan Danielson only had to make one mistake to put an unremovable, bloody wound on his mythical career.

If we've learnt one thing in 2010: Don't stick your nose up at KAMIKAZE or we will break it. On September 25th in Chicago, YAMATO is going to make you realize just how bad you screwed up. Because that's what you did. First, he's going to break you physically, because he's frigging badass, he's going to break tendon after tendon, bone after bone until you quit. And on september 26th in Milwaukee, I want to take it a part of myself to finish the job and we're gonna make you ask yourself a question.
They call you 'The King of Independent Wrestling' -- it's fine, you can have it, just, you know, while we're at it, while we're at it...

[holt eine Tasche von der Seite]

...oh we're all so big frigging stars. I could carry this bag around all the time with all this gold, all these accolades, all these belts and they dont mean dick.

[wirft die Tasche weg]

And while we're at it these promoters...

[holt ein Bündel Geldscheine aus der Hosentasche]

...all this money they're giving me all the sudden it doesnt mean dick to me.

[wirft das Geld auf den Boden]

I dont want it. What I want is BRYAN DANIELSON'S HEAD -- ON A STICK.

When the night comes to a close September 26th, you're going to have to ask yourself: 'Am I the best wrestler in the world?' I'm not gonna tell you you're not. Im gonna let you ask yourself that question at the end of the night and only me and you are gonna know the answer.

You can have 'The King of the Independents' -- take it. I want something more. I want something thats just between me and you."
- Die Promo wurde im Vorfeld der Events auf dem YouTube Channel hochgeladen
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