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Gebrochene Arme, zerstörte Freundschaften und ein geheimnisvoller Mentor: Pentagon Jr. vs. Sexy Star & Vampiro vs. Super Fly


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113.03.2024BlackVikingGZ8.0In my opinion, this feud is the reason why Pentagon was a star on LU. Appart from his in-ring work, that was really cool, it showed that he can play an interesting character. He begun to break the arms of some wrestlers and did it in the name of his master. It was a great storyline that built him and made him one of the best characters on LU, with everyone wanting to know who his master was and why he was breaking arms. Then he broke Super Fly's arm, which lead to some bad matches against Sexy Star. When he tried to break his arm, Vampiro stopped him. Then Pentagon got obsessed with Vampiro. His master told him to go against him and Pentagon broke him mentally, pouring gasoline on him and threatening him to set him on fire. That lead to a final match on Ultima Lucha, it was a bloody and violent death match, that can be considered as a master vs student match, as Pentagon had to go to the extreme to take the win. After the match and breaking Vampiro's arm, he revealed that he was his master and that he had planned it just to make Pentagon stronger, the next generation of brutality and violence. I think it was very good and that twist at the end really elevated the match and Pentagon. Now he can be seen as a top contender for the LU title and it shows how good he can be on these sort of storylines. This storyline has been one of the best things on LU first season.
222.03.2023Lunacorva8.0The angle that made Pentagon one of the most over characters in Lucha Underground, this was a tour-de-force of his violent sociopathy. From his spree of breaking people's arms, to him trying to light a man on fire just to get what he wants, it made Pentagon look like an absolutely terrifying MONSTER in every sense of the word.
307.10.2016The Sick Lebowski5.0Na jaaaaaa, ganz nett, aber mit vielen Schwächen. Die Matchqualität - auch mit dem Blowoff Match bei Ultima Lucha war ich nicht hundertprozentig zufrieden - war im Schnitt eher mittelmäßig. Der Turn von Super Fly hatte zwar einen gut erklärten Grund, hätte dann aber gleich schon direkt nach dem Mask vs. Mask Match erfolgen sollen, anstatt dass er mit Sexy Star auf Liebkind macht und sich dann den Arm brechen lässt. Die Auflösung der Maestro-Geschichte fand ich zwar etwas komisch, aber so im Nachhinein betrachtet doch gar nicht mal so schlecht. Angesichts der recht spannenden Endphase zwischen Vampiro und Pentagon gebe ich mal fünf Punkte.