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Reine Durchschnittswertung basierend auf den angezeigten Kommentaren: 2.78
Redtroll schrieb am 30.03.2024:
[2.0] "Back when I first found out this promotion was a thing back when I was younger, I was beyond excited for its first event. Then it happened, and I as severely disappointed, then it merged with Impact after not being to score any TV deals, which just disappointed me more."
crs285 schrieb am 23.10.2022:
[1.0] "Was very excited when Global Force was announced but it did not deliver at all. Quickly merged with Impact and never got itself going"
GriffinX schrieb am 05.02.2022:
[3.0] "A lot of people are rating the GWF based on that frankly very brief time TNA/Impact was under that name. Instead I am rating the separate time Jarrett really thought he start another company. Really it was just a name a couple different indies uses thinking it added something. They had 1 TV taping and ran some other house shows."
medouse schrieb am 19.05.2021:
[2.0] "TNA was on downfall for many years, until it got to the point it was barely watchable anymore. The transformation into Global Force Wrestling was an ambitious project, but it didn't work at all. It takes more people than one wrestling legend Jeff Jarrett to bring it back to life. I gotta say, Global Force was the worst era of TNA. Even current IMPACT is better."
WrestlingStats1 schrieb am 07.02.2021:
[3.0] "Assets: Managed to assemble a cavalcade of talent who would go on to larger things. Reached their highest point when unifying their brand with a league-level promotion. Had ambitions to become a notable wrestling promotion, including canned television shows. - - - Flaws: Decided to implement a poorly-planned, poorly-attended touring model well before any television show was announced. Was subsequently unable to find any takers for his show as a consequence. The promotion ultimately became a vanity promotion with age. - - - Promotion Potential: Proposed league-level promotion or defunct vanity promotion."
AlexLennonPW schrieb am 14.01.2021:
[2.0] "Can best be described as TNA 2. I've given it 2 points because they brought NJPW to western audiences."
Okaro143 schrieb am 22.09.2020:
[1.0] "It was just a failure. It never had any footing and although I was a bit interested since their partnership with NJPW, I quickly lost interest. Jarrett had a solid crew that could have done something, not anything major but some kind of small footing but it all went to shit fast. The best they did was appear in WK 9 and its over."
ElPolloLoco schrieb am 08.07.2020:
[3.0] "I saw a few GFW events in 2015 and 2016 and the only word that could adequately describe them is "uninspiring". Jeff Jarrett's promotion didn't even have the decency of putting on memorably bad shows: at least people still talk about Heroes of Wrestling and Herb Abrams' UWF because they were truly and memorably bad. GFW wasn't even that. The matches were boredom incarnate, the kind of "arrive, do the absolute bare minimum, leave" exhibition that legends way past their prime put on for a quick buck... with the difference many workers in GFW were not only in good shape, but also pretty good in other settings. There was no real booking as everything looked like it had been cobbled together at the last minute and no reason to invest time and effort in following the promotion. Considering Double J comes from one of the most respected families of promoters in pro-wrestling and helped launch TNA it was a pretty embarrassing showing. At least the company did go out with a bang when the GFW brand was associated with some sort of dubious financial scheme: finally some good joke material instead of pure unadulterated boredom."
Kevin41182 schrieb am 18.02.2019:
[0.0] "An absolute mess of a promotion. Another failed Jarett experiment. GFW never had the money or the leadership to succeed. Also, don't get me started on GFW's gold scam."
ZestyZuluWarrior schrieb am 27.12.2018:
[0.0] "Absolute failure in every sense of the word. It's actually impressive how hard this promotion flopped even with a roster mixed with young and old talent. Absolutely nothing came from this except their last-ditch effort to gain popularity by teaming up with Impact, another failing promotion."
zephyr schrieb am 09.11.2018:
[0.0] "As a wrestling promotion this was obviously a complete and utter failure but at least good old Jeff Jarrett gave us a little something to joke about with friends or in online wrestling communities, I guess."
IsThisWrestling schrieb am 09.02.2018:
[0.0] "If anything, this company was a modern-day XWF. They had a couple sets of tapings and some house shows and then... nothing. Yet, still, their championships were defended around the world in random promotions and eventually merged with the TNA titles. Everything Jarrett was going for with GFW completely fell apart in front of everyone's eyes. Like XWF also, it was a doomed venture whose legacy existed mainly through the powers of other, better wrestling companies."
Johnny Amped schrieb am 12.09.2017:
[5.0] "die erste Version der GFW war ausreichend. Nichts starkes aber auch nichts schlechtes. Ich bewerte hierbei nicht nur die Amped-Shows, sondern auch die Houseshows sowie alles weitere drumherum. Das Konzept der GFW war nicht gänzlich neu aber klang zu Beginn recht interessant. Der Kader war, trotz ständigen Wechsels, recht in Ordnung und beinhaltete eine Mischung aus Legenden, gemachten Namen, Newcomer und Rohdiamanten, die noch auf ihren Feinschliff warteten. Die Houseshows waren dann aber doch recht ernüchternd, was auch an der Atmosphäre der Baseball-Stadien lag. Die aufgezeichneten Amped-Shows hingegen waren da deutlich besser. Man hielt auch bei den Tapings an dem internationalen Konzept fest genauso wie man auch weiterhin auf ein gemischtes Roster setzte. Was aber der Marke GFW sehr an Glaubwürdigkeit gekostet hat, waren reichlich Ankündigungen ohne Resultate und völlig peinliche Werbeaktionen (Stichwort Global Force Gold). Man darf diese Zeit der GFW als "Rohdatei" betiteln. Noch nicht ganz fertig mit reichlich Luft nach oben."
DanTalksRasslin schrieb am 17.07.2017:
[4.0] "The first version of Jeff Jarrett's Global Force Wrestling had a lot going for it on paper - a solid roster of regulars, partnerships with many promotions nationally and internationally, even helping NJPW get on US PPV for WrestleKingdom 9. But though it toured for a few years, putting on and recording shows at ballparks and smaller venues, the television show it was taping for just never materialized, its titles were defended in outside promotions nearly as much as they were in GFW itself, and just never seemed to gain any sort of presence for itself. The only real publicity it garnered was an invasion angle with TNA in 2016, which ultimately set the stage for the following year, when Anthem, Impact Wrestling's parent company, bought GFW and officially merged the two promotions, with the former TNA carrying forward under the GFW banner. One has to wonder if that was the goal of JJ's long game from the beginning."
Willie Jones schrieb am 04.04.2017:
[0.0] "This is a failed start up wrestling promotion. I don't know how you can give it anything other than a zero. They have still have one or two of their belts floating around the indies, which is amusing. I wonder how long it will last for. I guess Jeff is keeping it around in case he gets fired from TNA or something. I mean there really is no reason to officially close it, but he's not running events either. It is no longer his focus. I guess we'll start seeing more of it if/when he parts with Anthem. Either way this company is a failure. And i didn't even bring up his Global Force Gold scam."
Damian schrieb am 13.01.2017:
[0.0] "Don't get me wrong, I like Jarrett and I was hyped for the promotion but... Holly hell that promotion is the definition of failure. GFW never managed to land a TV contract, was associated with Jeff's Golden Ponzi scheme, lost their tag team champions to WWE (while never defending the belts in a GFW show, and they "held" them for over 400 days), and "invading" TNA. And by invading I mean getting their asses kicked by TNA, with only PJ Black being somewhat strongly booked. And the he jumped ship to Lucha Underground. THE DEFINITION OF FAIL."
Bowlen schrieb am 12.11.2016:
[3.0] "Es begann nervig, als sich Jarrett und Gattin immerzu mit irgendwelchen Wrestlinggrößen ablichten ließen, die angeblich GFW bereichern würden. Es gab durchaus einiges an Rummel um die Promotion und man ging von einem Zweikampf mit TNA aus. Nun, die Nashville-Promotion liegt heuer leider ziemlich am Boden, dürfte aber trotzdem nur über GFW lachen. Was ist passiert? Was zu Zeiten der Tapings noch wirklich vielversprechend war (gut besuchte Vegas-Location für die Aufzeichnungen, schöne Mischung aus bekannten Indy/TNA-Gesichtern und auf dem U. S. -Markt unverbrauchten Youngsters, Ergebnisse lasen sich vernünftig), ist heute nun mehr ein mieser Witz. Schon als die GFW-Nasen (allen voran natürlich Jarrett) bei IMPACT auftauchten, konnte man erahnen, in welche Richtung das geht. Die hauseigen produzierte TV-Show "Amped" wird so nie auf einem echten Markt ausgestrahlt werden und mittlerweile bekommt es GFW gerade noch hin, ab und an eine Joint-Show zu veranstalten - wenn die nicht abgesagt wird. Man hätte einen TV-Deal für einen wichtigen Markt UNTERSCHRIEBEN haben soll, erst dann machen solche Tapings Sinn. Was bleibt? Eine weitere Möglichkeit für Indy-Wrestler ein paar Kröten zu machen. Doch selbst dafür taugt GFW scheinbar nur noch bedingt und es gibt zahlreiche bessere Alternativen. Auch die Transparenz-Politik finde ich nicht gut. Warum veröffentlicht man die Ergebnisse von Live-Events (ich meine nicht von den Tapings) grundsätzlich nie? Auch den Wrestlern tut man damit keinen Gefallen. Double J hat sich einfach verzockt. Schade."
Boris The Menace schrieb am 09.09.2016:
[4.0] "Well, it's been about two years now and it seems this project of Double J called Global Force Wrestling isn't going anywhere. At this point GFW is just another indy promotion and not even one of the top indy brands out there."
wrestlingfan1993 schrieb am 14.08.2016:
[4.0] "Noch rein garnichts von global force Wrestling gesehen hab gehofft es wird noch besser als tna mit ihren ganzen internationalen partnern vllt passiert ja noch was Idee der Liga ist gut championship belts sehen auch gut aus mal sehen trotzdem ein paar Punkte weil die Liga so viele Shows mit anderen Ligen zusammenarbeitet !"
The Chosen One schrieb am 14.07.2016:
[7.0] "I actually quite like Global Force Wrestling. They got a completely stacked roster and some decent wrestling. I feel the six sided ring isnt exactly needed but it does make for some cool spots. They have been doing alot of mixing promotions and I dont think GFW needs to do that. They need to stay independent and maybe get some big PPV like shows."
steviecw schrieb am 15.05.2016:
[6.0] "I want this promotion to be a success. I like the international NWA style, I like how weirdly green everything is and I like Sonjay Dutt, PJ Black, Brian Myers and Colt Cabana. But until Jarrett starts keeping some promises and the promotion establishes some presence and output of its own (TV show / iPPV / VOD / regular live schedule) all the 'VS' regional cross-promotions and international title defenses in the world won't count for much. I think it's also time to switch up the titleholders, these shows have limited sense of stakes as it feels like the title defenses are just killing time until they can get on TV and the real title reign will begin. If your promotion is all about international partnerships, let your partners host a title change. I am happy for Sonjay Dutt though, finally get a signature championship win."
Zed schrieb am 12.03.2016:
[6.0] "Mal ein paar Shows angesehen. Diese Liga macht einen ganz ordentlichen Eindruck. Das Roster ist vielseitig mit ein paar guten Namen, jungen Leuten aber auch Veteranen bestückt, und Internationale Namen hat man auch, wenn auch nicht gerade die obere Klasse. Und regelmäßig Veranstaltet wird auch. Bis dahin alles gut. Jedoch dafür dass Jeff Jarrett das Ding so groß promotet hat steht man ziemlich klein und unscheinbar da. Der gute Double J zieht das eher klein auf, man startet nicht so durch als TNA einst. Ich geb mal 6 Punkte mit Tendenz zum aufwerten."
charlie harper schrieb am 18.02.2016:
[8.0] "I like the whole Global Force brand. The partnerships from around the world with the likes of New Japan, AAA in Mexico, PCW in the UK. Really cool to see guys here that we dont usually get to see. Dont think they need the six sided ring though. I dont have a problem with six sides I just feel GFW doesnt need it"