[7.0] "Josh Bishop has been putting on good matches on the indies for quite a while now. He is very versatile in the ring delivering good matchup as long as he is given the time and opponent who can also work."
[7.0] "WTFs purest heavy and overall still the newest guy in the 7th block. We are talking rookie names like Marcus Mathers, Dyln McKay, Tony Deppen, Adam Priest, Austin Luke and the biggest, Bad Dude Tito. So many prospects but not all of them hold a thin candle than him. So far he is failing at the wayside. Even fact he is not delivering since tagging with Hammerstone & Tom Lawlor. He might get better and he does have strong moves like the razors edge slam and tossing Death Valley driver click together some pinfalls."
[8.0] "A great big man who is a bright star in MLW right now really enjoy his work with the WTF faction. His work is super believable and he is athletic and fast for his size."
[9.0] "IMHO one of the best talent in the indy landscape. He's able to wrestle, to browl, to fight an hardcore match. Very clean in all the executions. Overall a lot of charisma inside at the mic."