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Reine Durchschnittswertung basierend auf den angezeigten Kommentaren: 7.67
PrimoKK schrieb am 18.01.2024:
[8.0] "Can do great promos and is awesome in ring, probably my favorite tag team wrestler in this modern times, love all his work in PWA. He made me a fan of Australian wrestling and PWA"
someblokeinaus schrieb am 22.10.2022:
[7.0] "What Paris can do in the ring is other worldly. His flips and high flying style is easy to enjoy. I feel his promos could use some work but still a great athlete."
Firebird22 schrieb am 16.01.2022:
[8.0] "Paris De Silva is tiny, but his high-flying ability is incredible, reminiscent of other undersized legends like Rey Mysterio and Dragon Kid. Dragon Ranas, shooting star DDTs, Code Reds from any angle ' De Silva can do them all with great babyface energy. He is a ton of fun to watch."