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405.12.2023crs2858.0Tenay is an underrated commentator. He was good with WCW but did his best work in TNA. He was very knowledgeable about the product and had a true passion for the pro wrestling industry. Was best as a play-by-play guy who didn't take sides and root for anyone.
523.11.2023JediSaiyanMaster120310.0Criminally underrated on this website, Mike Tenay is easily a top 5-10 commentator of all time. He was always a joy to listen to since he sounded like a professional broadcaster who had a vast knowledge of professional wrestling, being the go to guy for WCW to have explain lucha libre or puroresu to the American audience who are new to it. His best years where when he commentated with Don West in TNA, having natural chemistry with each other and really knew how to get the audience hooked, TNA's equivalent of Lawler and Ross. It's a shame he's no longer around, I would love to hear him commentate for AEW and see if he has any chemistry with Excalibur. Overall, one of the best play-by-play guys in history, deserves more recognition than he does on here for being amazing, had everything required to be a great commentator, from passion to knowledge, he passed it all with flying colors. It really shocks me how low he is on here, I just assumed everyone considered him great, especially the countless awards he's won thanks to the fans (if that means anything to you), a true legend in commentating.
1129.09.2023ParkwayDriver10.0One of my favorite commentators through WCW and TNA. Loved how in depth he would go on history or information about competitors. They called him the Professor in that regard for a reason. His last few years with the likes of Taz were not my favorite for him as I thought Mike and Don were perfect together, especially after Don had turned heel. Would love for him to be able to call a match again if given the opportunity.
1530.05.2023Giantfan19807.0A commentator who knew A LOT about the current wrestling scene and was very helpful in schooling us newbs on the luchadores popping up in WCW. Really hated his heel commentator stuff that they gave him in 2000. I have a hunch Russo had something to do with that.
1626.05.2023No One10.0One of the best Play-by-play commentators that I have ever heard. I remember him for commentating 1990's WCW as that was a part of my 1990's wrestling childhood, but I remember him even the more for the energy & passion that he showed during his 2000's TNA commentary days. He was one of the main people that got me hyped for watching TNA during it's 2002-2008 prime days. His commentary Team with Don West was the best commentary team for that decade that was not the famous duo of Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler.
1821.03.2023benny5bellys10.0He might just be my favourite commentator of all time even if he will never have any of the iconic calls the likes of JR have.
2221.10.2022Reinhard Lohengramm8.0 
2329.08.2022UltraNano5410.0Him and Don West are my two favorite commentators of all time. They always brought an energy and passion that just created an atmosphere that no other commentary duo has ever done in my opinion.
2914.04.2022MorbidAxis9.0I don't understand this low rating whatsoever. Mike Tenay is probably my third favorite commentator of all time behind Jim Ross and Kevin Kelly. I used to look forward to the Lucha style matches in WCW because it meant Tenay would most likely be a part of it. He was an absolutely fantastic all around commentator.
3327.12.2021mjs221210.0I never understood the hate for Mike Tenay. He was the voice of TNA's best period and always a dedicated commentator. Very knowledgable of the sport and made viewers feel welcome whenever Impact was on. His chemistry with Don West was legendary and even with Taz, he was pretty good. Sad that he is no longer active, but he had a great run as a play-by-play commentator and a personal favorite of mine.
3410.12.2021Makoto9210.0The Voice of TNA and one of the best commentators so far. The Professor has the huge base of knowledge about wrestling and his commentaries are always inetersting to hear.
3617.07.2021BrayanLaPre9.0One of the best commentators of all time. The Professor was a fountain of knowledge, as well as a beacon of passion. A definitive reason as to why so many of us loved TNA during the 2000s.
3721.06.2021Daigotsu9.0Tenay was a highly enjoyable commentator. He knew a ton about wrestling and was a joy to listen to, and he could really rise to the occasion when required.
3820.04.2021AnB8.0The Professor deserves a higher average than this. The guy knew everything there was to know about wrestling and the wrestlers in a time where the only way for people to find out such information was to pick up the weekly magazines and keep a scrapbook to look it up in.
4009.06.2020Shoot Headbutt Lover10.0One of the best Commentators of all time. Mike Tenay was the "Professor" he knew all the little details of every wrestler of every match he called, an extremely knowledgeable man of pro wrestling.
4107.08.2019KyleEnjoysWrestling8.0As The Professor on WCW, Tenay was awesome. People nowadays don't know what it was like without the internet, but back then if you were curious about some fact about a wrestler, you didn't have Google at your fingertips to use to look up anything under the sun. So Tenay would give us all sorts of factoids and info on the wrestlers that are typically not discussed with a common "color analyst / play-by-play" commentary team. When he became a fixture in TNA, he was decent, but lost a lot of the qualities that made him special under the WCW umbrella. He often sold everything like it was the most monumental thing since the JFK assassination.
4218.11.2018RatingsMachine7.0Mike Tenay was a good announcer, although he could go a little hyper at times when it wasn't called for. Of historical note is the fact that Tenay was the guy who came up with the idea of Goldberg's streak.
4411.02.2017llqqbb8.0Is it too late/foolish to hope tenay somehow makes it to wwe commentary? He's always been a favorite of mine since wcw back in 96, he feels like a smart fan on commentary educating all those watching. I feel like he is what wwe was trying to make michael cole into, but couldn't replicate the true passion tenay pours out. Near perfect... doesnt feel completely professional, but is the greatest supporting character of all
4510.01.2017prowrestlingisreal10.0In my opinion, Mike Tenay is one of the best play by play announcer in the history of the game, he has a lot of knowledge, knew what to call and how to call, his voice is amazing, and he can make you get invested in a match unlike other shitty annoucers.
4710.01.2017jcb96.0Tenay is very knowledgable about wrestling and clearly cares about the product, even when the product isn't great. He was never more than so-so as an announcer, though – just never had the presence or gravitas to really stand out. He was probably best suited for his role in WCW – as a secondary announcer in a three-man booth. As a top announcer in TNA, there wasn't anything BAD about him – he just didn't have that intangible IT.
5031.08.2016Vacant 217.0 
5331.10.2015KayO9.0Warum ein Kommentator wie Tenay durch Josh Matthews ersetzt wurde, bleibt mir ungewiss. Einer der wenigen Pro Wrestling Kommentatoren den ich unglaublich genossen habe wenn er immer hinter dem Pult saß. Zurecht der Professor, und neben Ross, würde ich sagen, der 2. beste Wrestling Kommentator auf der Welt.
5421.09.2015DudeNamedDev10.0How isn't he a 10? This guy hands down next to Jr is best play-by-play another point he is factual 100% of the time. He is class act greatness
6017.04.2015WCWler10.0Fachlich einer der besten US-Kommentatoren. Er hat mir vor allem zu seiner WCW-Zeit sehr gut gefallen.
6225.12.2014The Undertalker6.0 
6517.02.2014Phenomenal9110.0When I was a kid, I remember hearing The Professor's commentary on WCW programming. He always provided tons of info about wrestlers and wrestling holds. I remember thinking "Man, this guy knows EVERYTHING! " I wanted to be as smart as him when it came to wrestling, so I began studying it a lot more. I guess I have him to thank for my love of wrestling and desire to learn as much about it as I can. I was thrilled several years later when I discovered TNA and got to hear him again. I didn't realize how much I'd missed his insight. So to make a long story short, Mike Tenay is an excellent commentator and, next to Jim Ross, in my opinion, the best play-by-play man of his generation. Long may he educate and inspire.
6602.08.2013HHH Pedigree4.0 
6702.08.2013Alex Maeda6.0Ist mir zum ersten Mal richtig aufgefallen, als ich mich durch die Glazzeiten von TNA (2005/2006) gestöbert habe. Da war er noch ein guter Mix aus Emotionen (Color-) und Fachkompetenz (Play by Play-Kommentator). Heutzutage selbst für Play by Play (obwohl ich mir bei Taz auch nicht sicher bin, ob er jetzt der zweite Play by Play-oder doch ein Color-Kommentator sein will)-Verhältnisse sehr analytisch, wirkt immer so, als ob er alle seine Fakten abliest (was durch einige Fotos leider schon bestätigt worden ist). Die WCW-Kommentare fand ich immer okay, ohne große Ausreißer nach unten oder oben. Insgesamt ein solider, aber mittlerweile leider zu trockener Kommentator. Aber gut, das muss es als Ausgleich zu dem Overgehype bei der WWE auch geben.
6823.07.2013Boris The Menace8.0 
6927.02.2013Bowlen7.0Eine DER Stimmen des Wrestlings. Mittlerweile merkt man ihm den Verschleiß jedoch an und sein Kommentar bei TNA hat die letzten Jahre auch sehr nachgelassen. Zudem hat Don West ihn immer in der Begeistungsfähigkeit mitgezogen und der ist ja nun einmal nicht mehr da. Aufgrund des Nostalgiefaktors, da ich ihn eben seit WCW-Tagen kenne, vergebe ich aber noch eine 7 statt eine 6 oder 5.
7517.08.2011felix4.0Zu WcW-Zeiten ordentlicher Play-by-Play, inzwischen anscheinend nur noch fürs schreien bezahlt.
7702.03.2011Carnevale8.0Idealer Play-by-Play Kommentator, der sehr sachlich agiert und mit Taz ein tolles Gespann bildet. Fehlt allerdings das gewisse etwas für höhere Bewertungsregionen.
7824.12.2010STRIGGA7.0Für meine Begriffe ein Kommentator, der sein Handwerk versteht und die Shows mit Bedacht begleitet.
7928.11.2010The Woerp7.0 
8017.09.2010Booker C8.0Ich höre Tenay immer sehr gerne. Das liegt natürlich auch daran, dass ich seine Stimme sehr mag. Er weiß wie man einem ein Match schmackhaft macht.
8113.07.2010Excellence of Execution7.0Er ist schon eine ganze Weile dabei, hat aber erst bei TNA den alleinigen Platz als vordergründiger PbP Kommentator eingenommen. Und da höre ich ihn ganz gerne. Funktioniert im Gespann mit Taz wesentlich besser als mit West.
8413.04.2010Whopperle8.0Ziemlich guter Kommentator, war aber an der Seite von Don West interessanter, mit tazz hat er leider keinen so guten color kommentator, trotzdem is er immer noch der zweit beste kommentator (nach jr) momentan
8507.02.2010Fountain of Misinformation6.0Im Vergleich zu seinen Kollegen erscheint er mir nachwievor ein "ruhender Pol" zu den schreienden, dauer-aufgeregten und hysterischen anderen Kommentatoren zu sein.
8606.01.2010PassiV17.0Ein guter Mann, der mir bei TNA immer gut gefällt und auch nen guten Job macht, aussedem haut er oft den ein oder anderen guten Spruch raus.
8706.01.2010Anti-Champion7.0Hat zwar schon bessere Zeiten gehabt, dennoch ein solider bis guter Kommentator. Mit dem richtigen Partner an seiner Seite könnte er bestimmt eine bessere Leistung bringen.
8919.10.2009RhinoRaines8.0Seitdem Taz neben ihm sitzt, ist Tenay wieder um einiges besser als im Duo mit Don West.
9018.09.2009The-Game917.0Mike Tenay hatte mir schon in der WCW gefallen. Er erledigt seinen Job und so einen Mann solllte jeder in seinem Kommentatoren Team haben.
9101.07.2009El-Chupakneebray7.0Setzt Taz neben ihn und schon hat TNA ein Spitzen Kommentatorenduo
9328.05.2009ghost8.0Ausgezeichneter Kommentator... Gute Stimme, sehr kompetent, kann gut die Emotionen und die Action im Ring kommentatorisch übertragen - also definitiv sehr gut. Einzig die lächerliche Schauspielerei und Mimik ziehen den guten Gesamteindruck runter. Trotzdem finde ich macht er die Play-by-Play-Tätigkeit auf jedenfall gut.
9410.05.2009Jar Jar Binks4.0Gilt das gleiche wie für seinen Kollegen, aber ein bisschen besser, trotzdem nicht auszuhalten. Er hat ein großes Arselnal an Wissen und war auch mal richtig gut. Aber heute geht Mike gar nicht. Mike und Don gehören in ein Loch gworfen und dieses zugeschüttet... xD
9727.12.2008Heat4.0Nicht mehr das, was er mal war, neben Don West wirkt er trotzdem noch wie ein JR.
9922.10.2008AndyTNA10.0Der Profesor des Wrestling unglaub viel Wissen was dieser Mann besitzt und Mike TNA!
10019.10.2008mizfreak xwc8.0