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"I know you will go flyin' over that top rope, Paul Heyman!"


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"I know you will go flyin' over that top rope, Paul Heyman!"
[Paul Heyman und Brock Lesnar betreten den Ring und werden dabei mit anhaltenden Buhrufen empfangen.]

Paul Heyman: [mit leicht verstellter Stimme] "Y'all need to show a little 'preciation for the 'champy'. [lautere Buhrufe] Ladies.. gentlemen.. things that live in Kentucky. [Boo] My name.. is Paul .. Heyman. [Die Menge ruft seinen Namen ebenfalls, Heyman richtet sich daraufhin an die Crowd.] How stupid are you that I make fun of you and then - what do you do? You say my name along with me. [Gemischte Reaktion] I am the advocate for single greatest combat sport ath.. ['You suck'-Chants. Brock Lesnar fordert Paul Heyman auf, gemeinsam den Ring zu verlassen, was sie dann auch unter dem Jubel der Arena machen. Sie verweilen zunächst hadernd auf der Eingangsrampe.]

Ladies and gentlemen.. [Buh- und erneute 'You suck'-Rufe] LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.. [die Buhrufe werden lauter] my.. client.. does.. not .. suck. [Buh-Rufe, Heyman und Lesnar gehen zurück in den Ring, wo Lesnar stolz seinen Titel präsentiert.] We're gonna start over. 3.. 2.. 1. Ladies and gentlemen.. [Boo] my name.. is.. PAUL HEYMAN.. and I.. am the advocate FOR THE REIGNING.. DEFENDING.. UNDISPUTED.. WWE.. HEAVYWEIGHT.. CHAMPION OF THE WORLD.. BROCK LESNAR. [Brock präsentiert erneut den Titel, die Crowd quittiert es mit lauteren Buhrufen.] You know,.. last week we came out here, we broke the biggest news of 2020 and what was that? My client Brock Lesnar was not only entering the Royal Rumble as the WWE champion, but my client Brock Lesnar was entering first. My client Brock Lesnar would eat through 29 other competitors, not one of them worthy of stepping in the ring with Brock Lesnar. And my client Brock Lesnar would win the Royal Rumble match. I told you, it wasn't a prediction, it was a spoiler and my spoilers proof one thing - there is a streak going on.. in WWE - perhaps the greatest streak of all time - oh, there once was another streak.. but that streak was conquered at WrestleMania 30 by BROCK.. LESNAR. [Buhrufe]

You know what the new streak is; my spoilers. Because my spoilers are all about Brock Lesnar's matches and my spoilers all come to life. Why? Because my spoilers are written by.. encouraged by.. enabled by.. implemented by.. and executed by.. BROCK.. LESNAR. Let me make one thing perfectly clear. Brock Lesnar is not going to buy a Royal Rumble victory. Brock Lesner is that going to up scratch you late with a victory at the Royal Rumble, no.. Brock Lesnar is going to DOMINATE at the Royal Rumble. Brock Lesnar will eviscerate 29 other very capable men. Brock Lesnar will CONQUER the WWE Universe at the Royal Rumble. Brock Lesnar will prove that anyone who doubts my spoilers will be proven false and that 29 other men will understand that my spoilers will tell you the future and my spoilers shall set you free because only the truth flows from my mouth and that truth will set.."

[Die Musik von R-Truth startet und der 24/7 Champion betritt euphorisch die Halle. Die Menge jubelt, Heyman lehnt die Hand im Gesicht haltend in den Ringseilen.]

R-Truth: "I'm glad you called me out here, Paul. [Gelächter] I'm about to set it off, I saw something on TV about Royal Rumble. You may be the most favorite to the win royal rumble, but my childhood hero John Cena.. [Pops, Truth macht die 'You can't see me'-Geste] he taught me to.. never.. give.. up. [Jubel] So, for the first time ever your 24/7 48/7 seven eleven I95 south and now Lexington, Kentucky [Pops] European TV champion is officially declaring the Royal Rumble. [Lesnar lacht, die Halle jubelt.] Now with that being said, it isn't the size of the dog in the fight; it is the size of fight in the dog; the bigger they come, the harder they fall. You may be a BIG.. BIIG. BIIIIIG.. man, but I know you will go flyin' over that top rope,... Paul Heyman!"

[Gelächter, Heyman schaut sich ungläubig um, Lesnar läuft lachend durch den Ring.]

Paul Heyman: "Ey... look at here, bonk hit. I'm not in the Royal Rumble match. You step into the Royal Rumble match.. you're going face to face with ..BROCK.. LESNAR."

[Buh-Rufe, Brock lacht, R-Truth ist sichtlich irriert.]

R-Truth: "Wait a minute, wait a minute. So, you're not in it?" [R-Truth zeigt auf Heyman, Gelächter in der Halle]

Paul Heyman: [brüllt ohne Mikro] "No, I'm not in it. What's wrong with you?"

R-Truth: "Okay, okay.. my bad. For the first time ever the 24/7 48/7 seven eleven I95 south and Kentucky European TV champion is officially uuuundeclaring the Royal Rumble match. [Lesnar wirft sich lachend in die Seile.] I wasn't listening to you, Paul. You.. I was.. you talk a lot. [Lachen und Pops in der Halle.] You talk a lot, Paul, is like your mouth got a motor on it. You keep going on.. and on.. and on.. and on.. and.. [R-Truth stellt sich schlafend, während die Crowd 'and on and on' ruft und dabei von Truth als Dirigent geführt wird.] And you begin to weigh all the spoilers. Truth don't like spoilers. You know what; I'm not in the Royal Rumbe. I don't want Brock to take me to Sioux Falls City." [Gelächter]

Paul Heyman: "It's suplex city. Suplex.. city. SUUU..PLEEX.. CITY. YOU'RE NOT FUNNY! AND NOBODY LIKES YOU! NOBODY!" [Buhrufe in der Halle, Lesnar stellt sich direkt vor R-Truth.]

R-Truth: "Brock, Brock,.. I got one question for you, Brock. WHAT'S UP?" [Die Halle antwortet 'What's Up' und R-Truth tanzt durch den Ring, während sein Entrance Theme wieder gespielt wird. Als R-Truth auf Lesnar zu geht, bringt dieser ihn mit einer Clothesline zu Boden und verpasst ihm anschließend den F5. Lesnar holt den 24/7-Titel, hält kurz inne und wirft ihn auf den am Boden liegenden Champion. Brock greift zum Mikro und neigt sich über R-Truth.]

Brock Lesnar: "That's what's up!"

[Gelächter in der Halle und Lesnar verlässt mit Heyman die Halle.]
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