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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 6.00
Pigeon Scratch wrote on 14.04.2024:
[6.0] "One of my favorite designed belts just by how classic it is and how much it *looks* like a trophy, so bonus points. And there are some great reigns for this belt, the majority of the holders are considered some of the best or at least well respected wrestlers in the history of professional wrestling. But... fuck, if you want a great example of how booking can tarnish the legacy and importance of a belt, this belt is the perfect example. Of course, the biggest example is the time from 1999 in January to the end of WCW. Constant less than week long reigns, vacancies, shitty confusing booking, and some of the worst title holders of all time in Vince Russo and David Arquette.You can say who really is the worse of the two, I think Vince is worse simply because he wasn't even a fucking celebrity. At least most of the other title holders at this time were people that made sense. Let's be honest though, 1999 - 2001 isn't the only bad time for this belt. 1994 - 1995 was also especially dreadful, at least depending on how much you like what I call Hoganism. 469 day reign for the Hulkster with some absolutely abysmal to straight up horrendous booking, such as the Starrcade main event with Brutus the fucking Barber Beefcake, and the entirety of Halloween Havoc 1995's main event. Also, 1991 - 1992 wasn't great either, with Ric Flair being fired and bringing the belt to WWF, and Lex Luger not getting the victory against Flair that he deserved. Let's just ignore Lex Luger isn't the greatest wrestler either. There are some great parts of this belt's history though. Vader's title reigns are great, Sting and Ric Flair were great most of the time, a lot of the NWO storyline worked wonderfully with the title, Bill Goldberg's victory alone was wonderful, and even the victories for people like DDP and Booker T were great. And it was decently used during the Invasion angle if you don't think about how the majority of the holders were WWF people. It's really hard to rate this title due to how it only lasted for 10 years, and the extremes of quality it went through during that period. I do think if WCW continued and were able to get out of the troughs of an overbooked warzone, surely 2000 would only be a footnote in the grand scheme of things. I mean, WWE has had some pretty awful years that nearly damaged the legacy of its world titles. A short lived belt that had a wack ass history, but well loved for a good reason. Did I mention the design of the belt is good?"
CommisarRobe wrote on 05.03.2023:
[7.0] "A belt of great iconography and history which sadly became tainted towards the end of its and WCWs time, many great men held this championship but as WCW continued its downward spiral this great title started to lose it gleam, constant changes of champion, the Arquette incident. This was a great championship ruined by ridiculous booking choices until its eventual deactivation in rival WWF"
crs285 wrote on 06.09.2022:
[5.0] "Was at one point the greatest prize in professional wrestling but was ruined towards the end by bad treatment of the title and vacant holding it more than a true champion."
steviecw wrote on 30.04.2022:
[8.0] "May just be time to forgive and forget on the WCW title lads. For all the flaws we may never see as credible a challenger to the WWE Championship again (if it comes again in AEW I will be perfectly happy). Downfall of this title for many is likely the hot shotting and weakness if reigns in addition to the needlessly over discussed David Arquette (David rules, his win was kinda fun. It was better than Jarrett for a week). But the title is central to the legacy of so many fan favourites like Goldberg, Booker T, Hogan, DDP, Savage, Kevin Nash, Luger, Sting, Flair and others. Vader was a US legend forever because of WCW, no matter what WWF did with him. Ron Simmons had one of the most beautiful moments in wrestling history with this title. Bret Hart did not have the run people wanted in WCW but retiring with multiple WCW World title reigns will have to make up for some of that. Personally I never want to see a Hogan or Luger or Goldberg match again but no doubt some do and this title was key. Ultimately this title was important."
XXDoubleHHXX wrote on 25.02.2022:
[9.0] "This belt had a beautiful beginning but ended with a gunshot to the back. It was the center of WCW and it's main storylines. It was the beautiful big gold plated belt that didn't look like a Superbowl ring like WWE that made me feel it was better."
Pete Gallows wrote on 09.09.2021:
[7.0] "It was THE BELT, until David Arquette, Russo (and quite frankly, Jeff Jarrett) were made champions. It looked super cool, along with WCW US belt it looked most prestigious to me. Unfortunately, they totally killed it. It is great that the Rock and Jericho had the belt afterwards to balance it out a bit, but it is a real shame that it was made worthless."
Dennisiztheman02 wrote on 06.09.2020:
[6.0] "At first this belt was held by legends like Sting, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Lex Luger, etc. There are tons of fun matches that revolve around this belt which makes it more prestigious. Most of the reigns were long and the title's design adds on to it. However, cut to the year 2000 where the belt has changed including vacancies TWENTY FOUR times! Twenty four title changes in a single year! What makes it worse is that Deputy Dewey and God's Favorite Booker Vince Russo had reigns with the belt. On top of that there have been ridiculous matches such as the San Fransisco 49ers match and the Ready to Rumble match. However, WCW did try to fix the belt in 2001 before they closed doors. A great belt that has a tarnished legacy."
Kevin41182 wrote on 15.03.2019:
[8.0] "The WCW World Title was at one time, the most prestigious title in the world. Thanks to awful booking, the history, and lineage of the title were severely damaged. Though in its later years the title was almost completely destroyed, its golden years cannot be forgotten."
zephyr wrote on 07.10.2018:
[4.0] "Initially a great championship but as WCW devolved into its later form this title devolved with it. At one point there were 20 title changes in a single year."
DaWizWithAD wrote on 07.07.2018:
[5.0] "It was initially a very well booked title. However, after Goldberg's 1st reign in my opinion, it was booked into oblivion and severely devalued. The fact they put this belt on David Arquette in a desperate ratings ploy left a scar on it it would never recover from."
InactiveGuru wrote on 22.04.2018:
[6.0] "A once very prestigious title that was butchered in the final days of WCW. It then went on to WWE where the company decided to play hot potato with it and deciding that they devalued it so much they may as well retire it."
General Doom I wrote on 09.09.2016:
[4.0] "Von einem Titel, welcher von Vince Russo und David Arquette getragen wurde, kann ich leider nicht viel halten. Durch seine Blütezeit allerdings noch ausreichend."
SythusHD wrote on 10.10.2015:
[10.0] "A legendary championship. Also, an older belt than the WWE title belt. If you include the years before WCW. It's been held by greats like Sting, Ric Flair, Hogan etc."
Burtch99 wrote on 19.07.2015:
[10.0] "I feel this title is very respectable lie and I have always loved watching the matches for it I feel that sometime yes it did get in the wrong hands at sometimes and for that reason I can see it getting a bad rating but I feel that the good in this title really out weighs the bad"
Viper99 wrote on 10.07.2015:
[7.0] "Ansich wirklich kein schlechter Titel mit guten Matches und Prestigeträchtigen Titelträgern... Wo wir auch direkt beim Kritikpunkt wären... Arquette und Russo als Champs bedeuten den Gegenteil von Prestige."
GD wrote on 16.03.2015:
[10.0] "I really dont get why this historic championship is rated so low. The WCW title goes back to the NWA days making it one of the oldest and most prestigious belts of all time. It has been held by some of the best like flair, sting, vader, hogan, savage, goldberg, nash, ddp, benoit, hart and more. also comparing it to the wwf title, it had the better WRESTLING matches. For me it will always be a symbol of greatness !"
Leone wrote on 22.01.2014:
[3.0] "Up until Hulk Hogan held the belt in 1994, the WCW title had some very strong world champions. After that, only Goldberg, the giant, scott steiner and Hogan would hold the belt for longer periods of time, while everybody else held it from as long as 2-3 months or as short as one evening. A belt full of shallow title reigns with little to no substance, as well as having both writer Vince Russo and actor David Arquette as champions. It almost makes the WWE Hardcore title look like the AJPW Triple Crown. If it wasn't for the Pre-Hulk Hogan era, this belt would receive one or zero."
Wizz21 wrote on 19.10.2011:
[6.0] "Bis einschließlich 1998 10 Punkte, ab 1999 verkam der Gürtel zum Wandertitel, macht summa summarum 6 Punkte."
RuthlessAttitude wrote on 22.07.2011:
[3.0] "Goldbergs Run 1998 war der letzte, der länger als 100 Tage ging und was danach kam, war regelrecht eine Vergewaltigung des Titels!"
TheRatedRLegendKiller wrote on 01.01.2011:
[6.0] "Sting, Vader, Ric Flair. Die ersten Repräsentanten der WCW sind heute Legenden. Was um die 2000er Jahre herum kam(Bsp: Arquette), darüber sollte man lieber den Mantel des Schweigens hüllen. Einst voller Prestige, dann nur noch ein Witz...."
Rated R Champ wrote on 20.09.2010:
[6.0] "Schwierig zu bewerten. Anfang der 90er mit Ric Flair, Vader, Randy Savage und Sting gab es etliche schöne Matches und Fehden um den Gürtel und auch später gab es noch einige starke Titelträger. Was einen großen Riss ins Gesamtbild reißt, sind die Machtspielchen den NWO (insbesondere natürlich von Hogan) und das grausige Chaosbooking gegen Ende. Speziell kurz vor Ende der Promotion hatte der Gürtel dadurch leider massiv an Wert eingebüßt."
nwo wrote on 09.09.2010:
"Natürlich waren die vielen Wechsel gegen Ende schlecht. Aber wer hier nur wegen Russos und Arquettes Titelgewinn Punkte abzieht sollte bedenken, dass Vince McMahon auch mal WWE Champion war."
Larskanone wrote on 23.08.2010:
[3.0] "Der belt an sich ist eigentlich schon einer der schönsten und besten Titel überhaput aber was Russo mit dem Titel amchte ist schlicht gesagt eine Sauerrei, ich mein dies ist ein Musterbeispiel dafür wie man durch miserables Booking einen Titel nicht nur auf ewig beschädigt sondern ich regelrecht kaputt macht. Der Titel hat zum Ende der WCW keinerlei Bedeutung mehr. Und in den letzten gut 2 Jahren sollte man ihn eigentlicher eher Wanderpokal als Worldtitel nennen."
Topper wrote on 23.08.2010:
[2.0] "Comment censé représenté la fédération, possédé par le head booker et un acteur peut-il être considéré comme sérieux ?"
Eddie wrote on 07.05.2010:
[5.0] "Der Stichtag/Das Stichjahr 1999 trifft es gut, denn das war das Jahr in dem von den 10 Punkten die 1 gestrichen wurde, und heute im Schnitt noch 5 Punkte übrig bleiben, man WCW, was hast du nur getan?"
Perry Cox wrote on 26.09.2008:
[6.0] "Verlor zum Ende hin an Wert, wegen der vielen Vakantierungen und Titelwechsel! Schade eigentlich."
WCWler wrote on 25.09.2008:
[7.0] "Bis 1999 hatte der Gürtel noch einen hohen Wert. Dann folgten Vakantierungen, Schauspieler und Booker als Champions und viel zu viele Titelwechsel. Schade."
Nedge wrote on 09.09.2008:
[8.0] "Am ENde war der Titel vielelicth ncith mehr viel Wert dennoch sollte man nicht vergessen wie wichtig und Prestigeträchtig sein Wert mal war"
NewGuy wrote on 01.09.2008:
[4.0] "was uns allen in erinnerung bleiben wird: David Arquette & Vince Russo... ja beide hielten diesen Titel! traurig traurig aber damals war es offensichtlich eh schon egal. was mir aber trotzdem gefallen hat, war das nicht immer die Main Events um den Titel gingen. War damals wirklcih mal was anderes dass eher die Fehden aufgebaut wurden und wichtiger waren und der Titel oftmals in der Middle-card verteidigt wurde. so ähnlich wie beim SummerSlam 2008. Da war im Main Event auch kein titel zu sehen ; -D"
theflo438 wrote on 30.07.2008:
[7.0] "Als 2. größte Promotion der damaligen Zeit hatte der Titel in der 99/00 Saison sehr viel an Wert verloren und hatte eine (Sorry das man es wirklich nicht anders sagen kann) beschämende Reihe von Champions und andere irritierende Titelwechsel aufzuweisen. Wären da nicht die Jahre davor gewesen, die das zwar nicht ganz ausgleichen können aber immerhin, würde ich keine 7 Punkte für diesen Titel vergeben"
The Mountie wrote on 01.06.2008:
[5.0] "Lange Jahre ein Titel ohne Fehl und Tadel, versetzten Hogansche Egotrip dem Prestige des Gürtels erste Kratzer. Was gegen Ende damit passiert ist, war zum Gruseln und grad als er sich mit Steiner als dominant gebooktem Champion von dem Russo-Fiasko erholte, war auch schon Schluss mit der Liga - und der vorherige Umgang mit der wichtigsten Trophäe der Promotion war daran sicher nicht so ganz unschuldig."
DanielBryan1986 wrote on 20.05.2008:
[4.0] "Die WCW hatte Anfangs sehr gute World Titel Matches. Sting, Vader, savage, Luger und auch der Giant brachten noch einigen Wert auf den Titel. Anfagen zu Kriseln für den Titel hiess es Ausgerechnet mit Hulk Hogan 1996-Starrcade 1997. Kaum Titelkämpfe, lieber Filme drehen. Dann dieses hin und her bis Superbrawl 98. Den Absoluten Absturz gab es mit Champions ala David Arguette und Vince Russo. Zu viele Titelwechsel in zu kurzer Zeit. Als Booker T dann Steiner beim letzten Raw besiegte, war der Titel schier Wertlos."
Ywain wrote on 06.05.2008:
[4.0] "Der Titel wechselte viel zu oft und hatte einige unaussprechliche Träger."
Robert Taylor wrote on 17.04.2008:
[7.0] "War zwar der wichtigste Titel in der WCW, jedoch schaffte es die WCW in den letzten Jahren der Promotion diesen Titel praktisch wertlos zu machen, indem Leute wie Vince Russo oder David Arquette ihn sogar halten durften und der Titel viel zu oft wechselte!"