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 Include dark matches and matches at house shows
Displaying items 1 to 4 of total 4 items that match the search parameters.
129.12.2023Premier Wrestling Federation PWF Undisputed Title: Krule defeats Bojack (c) (10:11) - TITLE CHANGE !!!
PWF Krule And Unusual Punishment - Online Stream @ White Eagle in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
217.11.2023Premier Wrestling Federation PWF Undisputed Title: Bojack (c) defeats Atlas Morgan (13:03)
PWF Plymouth Rock Bottom - Online Stream @ Carolina Wrestling Academy in Newport, North Carolina, USA
322.10.2023Premier Wrestling Federation PWF Undisputed Title: Bojack (c) defeats Jay Malachi (25:10)
PWF It's The Great Powerbomb, Charlie Brown - Online Stream @ Carolina Wrestling Academy in Newport, North Carolina, USA
419.08.2023Premier Wrestling Federation PWF Undisputed Title Steel Cage: Bojack defeats Mason Myles (c) (17:15) - TITLE CHANGE !!!
PWF Hot Summer Nights - Online Stream @ Carolina Wrestling Academy in Newport, North Carolina, USA