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International Ribbon Tag Team Championship

Active title

Event type:
 Include dark matches and matches at house shows
Displaying items 1 to 2 of total 2 items that match the search parameters.
124.10.2008Ice Ribbon International Ribbon Tag Team Title: Riho & Yuki Sato defeat Chon Shiryu & Masa Takanashi (c) (10:18) - TITLE CHANGE !!!
Ice Ribbon New Ice Ribbon #12 - Event @ Itigaya Ice Box in Tokyo, Japan
229.07.2008Ice Ribbon International Ribbon Tag Team Title: Chon Shiryu & Masa Takanashi defeat Etsuko Mita & Makoto (c) (11:52) - TITLE CHANGE !!!
Ice Ribbon #107 - Event @ Itigaya Ice Box in Tokyo, Japan