[5.0] "The Riott Squad had the merit of being a real team, arriving a little too early, and had a consistency rare for a women's team, then as now. Their theme and friendship worked very well, but their writing was that of villains to be beaten to occupy Sasha, Bayley and other Natalya who we didn't know what to do with. Apart from all that, the in-ring abilities of the three were limited. Ruby was the best technically and could provide some enjoyable matches (such as the one against Charlotte during Fastlane before WrestleMania 34) but needed to be carried along by a good opponent: she didn't have enough experience and ring smarts. Liv Morgan didn't have the hype of today, even if her character was the most fun to follow, and she had very limited technical skills (like today...). Sarah Logan, on the other hand, was downright unbearable to follow: too simple in-ring, no charisma, no acting, no interest. They were interesting enough to exist, but this alliance will not be remembered."
[4.0] "A group of three women where one of them eventually rose to be a larger star than the other two despite being the most green when this stable was active, That's the summary that pops up into my head whenever I think of The Riott Squad. This group had some really repetitive and bland booking throughout most of their existence and so I can't give them more than a 4 even though all three are somewhat talented in their own right. Ruby was the most experienced of the three when this group existed despite not being a huge name, and she never panned out as a star, and went to another company and eventually became a stable partner of the former leader of Absolution (ironic isn't it? ) where she also never became a star there either even though she does have talent. I can't say much about Sarah Logan these days as she's become more of a comedy/gimmick wrestler which is fine because I never saw the big deal with her anyways. I said first in this review that one of the wrestlers in this group became a huge star in her own right and eventually became a world champion in WWE, that is Liv Morgan, who always seemed to be popular with the IWC and has improved a lot since this group began and right now is in one of the biggest Pro Wrestling storylines currently with Dom Mysterio and Rhea Ripley. I do think this group had potential after the unexpected downfall of Absolution, but this stable existed during the dark ages of WWE (the dreaded 2017-2019 era) and so the booking of them never amounted to much."
[1.0] "Diese zusammengewürfelten Stables zu Beginn der gekünstelten "Womens Revolution" waren wirklich allesamt schlecht. Zudem hat mir Ruby Riott auch nie so zugesagt wie wohl einigen anderen Zusehern. Liv Morgan und Sarah Logan waren dazu noch ziemlich grün."
[6.0] "They suffered from poor booking but they did have chemistry together, a real shame they were never really booked to be anything other than a joke. Liv Morgan & Ruby went on to better things. Would lvoe a reuinion in a few years after they all ahve had some time as single stars."
"The Riott Squad should have been given more chances and opportunities to shine instead of just being workers. On their debut for example they defeated Charlotte Flair, Naomi and Natalya bro, they had so much wasted potential. On the Evolution PPV they fought against Sasha Banks, Bayley and Natalya in which they showed a lot of their power and strength, they should have won this match."
[6.0] "The group always had a lot of potential, especially between Liv and Ruby, but they never got a lot of shine, they never got the right creative input, seemingly, and they didn't get a lot of momentum outside of being mid-tier pest heels. They deserved a better range of opportunities."
[7.0] "One of the best random stables that came together due to real life friendship. And that's already better than just a random group. Riott as the leader, Morgan as the voice and Logan as the beast. The equivalent to the absolution, however in opposition to them the Riott Squad members have amazing chemistry. This had so much potential. Yet this trio was a victim of the entertainment industry's cycle. They didn't get much relevance, because the fans didn't react and care for them, which happens due to the lack of relevance. With the debut of them, this should've been long-term, because Morgan and Logan as individuals need more development. Well, Ruby Riot is one of the best female wrestler in the roster. However since for casuals ironically the popularity is important to care about them, it'll be difficult for her to restart after her comeback. So hopefully the Riot Squad will get a comeback together."
[1.0] "If a team does more harm than good to the individual team members, you can chalk that up as a fail. The Riott Squad members felt so different that the group made no logical sense right from the outset. It didn't help that they were just a copy/paste job of Paige's group. I think there's upside to all three members individually, but their association with this group may have damaged them beyond repair. The backstage segments of them trashing the locker room for no good reason also were really dumb."
[6.0] "Ich finde sie hier schon stark underrated. Natürlich sind sie ein zusammengewürfeltes Stable aus Wrestlern, die nichts miteinander zu tun haben und vor allem Liv Morgan passt auch nicht wirklich dazu, aber dennoch muss man sagen, dass alle drei gute bis sehr gute Wrestlerinnen sind und dieses Stable damit okay machen. Sicherlich ist das auch eine Begrabung für Sarah Logan und Liv Morgan, da wenn nur Riott gepusht wird und diese beiden dann in Versenkung geraten, da man sie ja nie wirklich gut alleine aufgebaut hat und natürlich alle drei eigentlich viel zu früh ins Main Roster geholt hat. Dort sind sie nun leider Edeljobber, aber sehr gute und man kann ja noch hoffen, dass zumindest Ruby Riott dadurch irgendwann einen großen Push bekommt. Für Sarah Logan tut es mir sehr leid, da sie auch einen guten Aufbau verdient hätte, aber da kann man nur abwarten."
[6.0] "Every one of their flaws stems from their booking, how creative writes their "riotting" backstage and how Sarah and Liv were called up a bit too early. But they've got a unique chemistry with each other. At this point it's hard to see them disbanding."
[4.0] "The Riott Squads biggest flaw is how they are booked which, to be fair, isn't even their fault. However, there's no denying that Liv and Sarah were called up far too early especially since not many people knew of them or had any reason to feel invested in them. Ruby is really an underrated worker so I don't have an issue with her call up. Personally, I think they should have had Ruby/Mandy Rose/Sonya Deville be Absolution with Paige in a managerial/mentor role. Also, their gimmick is often times cringe inducing as no "rebels against society" really spend their time tipping over garbage bins or moving Wet Floor signs."
[3.0] "Ich mag Ruby Riott wirklich sehr vor Allem noch aus ihrer Indyzeit als Heidi Lovelace. Auch Sarah Logan habe ich daraus in positiver Erinnerung und Liv Morgan ist jetzt kein Jahrhunderttalent aber auch absolut in Ordnung. Aber dieses Stable zieht sie alle runter weil es völlig falsch konzipiert ist. Das Micwork von Ihnen ist 3 Punkte wert und die bekommen sie auch nur dank Ruby. Alles was von ihr kommt schwankt zwischen okay und gut. Sarah Logan spricht was auch immer aber kein Englisch und Liv Morgan wirkt sehr hölzern. Das ist aber alles nicht ihre Schuld. Reden war nie die Stärke der beiden und dann sollte man das halt Ruby überlassen von Seiten der WWE. Im Ring überzeugt Ruby natürlich wie eh und je aber die Multimatches waren noch nie gut. Das ist irgendwie eine Mischung aus sie haben keine Chemie plus sie kriegen kaum Zeit, obwohl sie durchaus durchscheinen lassen was sie könnten. Deswegen auch da 3 Punkte. Bei der Ausstrahlung muss man sagen: Da hat es am Anfang vorallem mit dem Stigma eine Absolutionkopie zu sein mächtig gehapert. Inzwischen schwimmt sich vor Allem Ruby frei und macht mehr Eindruck, leider bleiben die anderen beiden Staffage, die das ganze auch nicht sehr bedrohlich erscheinen lassen. Auch hier 3 Punkte und damit insgesamt 3 Punkte. Sie regen mich nicht komplett auf sondern machen mich eher traurig, weil so viel mehr möglich wäre."
[1.0] "Oh look a bunch of geeks here for sure. Just copy and paste from absolution of Raw with zero creativity. Only ruby looked decent and showed some potential in her title match with charlotte. Other 2 were super green, sloppy and awkward at times. Tbh, all 3 should stay in nxt longer to improve."
[2.0] "Da wurden einfach mal drei Damen von NXT als Gruppierung zusammen getan und ins Main-Roster geschickt, um da ein wenig für Unruhe/frischen Wind zu sorgen. So weit so gut, allerdings haben die drei quasi kein Gimmick, erzählen keine gemeinsame Story, und haben auch sonst wenig Gemeinsamkeiten oder passen anderweitig zusammen. Auch ist Ruby die einzige von den dreien, die Stand jetzt etwas im Main-Roster zu suchen hat, und selbst dieser Call-Up war nicht wirklich zwingend. Das zeitgleiche Auftauchen von den ähnlich unpassend zusammengewürfelten Absolution bei RAW legt nahe, dass beide Gruppierungen lediglich einer Personalknappheit beim bevorstehenden Womens-Rumble vorbeugen sollten."
[5.0] "This group is just another carbon cut copy of Absolution but very green and worse. There are no chemistry between all three and nothing make this group look fierce or menacing. They all should had stayed in NXT for bit longer."
[0.0] "God awful. Waste of Riot's talent. No chemistry together whatsoever. Logan and Morgan need more time in developmental. In an ideal world Riot would have debuted with Deville and Paige with the Iconic Duo."
[5.0] "Creative team weren't trying here. I already took issue with Paige's stable being thrown together and having no chemistry. Over on Smackdown they just cut and paste the same angle basically step for step. I don't care about Liv but Ruby and Logan deserve something a lot more interesting."