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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 7.10
TheSuperstar wrote on 25.11.2023:
[5.0] "Honestly these guys took a dip quality after their heel turn its just not working out for them. Doesnt help that the tag team division is non existent"
crs285 wrote on 24.06.2023:
[9.0] "Highly charismatic team that are also very talented in the ring. Both men have a unique style, and their in-ring work is good. On the mic they both are good and have a genuine connection with the crowd."
danzitorock wrote on 20.06.2023:
[7.0] "They are a good tag team, I like them a lot. Slightly generic but that's ok, the two together work well, the tag team brings an athletic grip to the division."
homunculus wrote on 01.05.2023:
[9.0] "I'm going to jump on other comments here and say The Street Profits absolutely should not be separated. These two have great chemistry and build off of each other so well. Montez is definitely the Shawn, but I'm not entirely sure he's at that level yet. Keep them together, for now."
The Sick Lebowski wrote on 14.12.2022:
[9.0] "Im Ring ziemlich stark und außerhalb meistens extrem unterhaltsam, wenn auch teilweise mal ein klein wenig drüber. Erinnern natürlich aufgrund der Hautfarbe, der verrückten Art und der actionreichen Matches etwas an The New Day, und die liegen für mich noch etwas über den Profits, was das Kitzeln meines Unterhaltungsnervs angeht. Daher nicht die Höchstnote, aber starke 9 Punkte."
AlDente01 wrote on 12.09.2022:
[7.0] "Many fans want WWE to sacrifice Street Profits for Montez's solo career, but I think that would be a mistake. With the current, full roster, Montez will not achieve more than the US title, and this is not certain. And Angelo doesn't have any strength individually, and he would definitely end up fighting on Main Event until contact expires. Street Profits is a really solid team and there is no reason to break them up. Montez could try to fight for something individually, but without breaking up the team at the same time - for Kofi to win the WWE title, it was not necessary to break New Day."
Flame233 wrote on 12.09.2022:
[8.0] "I love these guys, I really do. Montez Ford is clearly a bigger star here, but I don't get the hate Dawkins gets. Their tag team is great because both of them are pretty great, they need eachother. Their promos, their in-ring chemistry and skill are all on the high level. They are very entertaining to watch, and a TT Champion Materials, and are carrying WWE TT Division. I hope that, they won't break them up just because one is worse than the other."
PhenomenalGun wrote on 27.06.2022:
[4.0] "A tag team needs two great wrestlers to truly be great. Montez Ford is pretty good, but Angelo Dawkins is, for lack of a better term, complete trash. Ford really carried them for a while and they're not as insufferable as some other tag teams, but their shtick is really annoying, and Ford would be better off solo honestly."
LBoyd96 wrote on 23.02.2022:
[8.0] "A very talented team that instead of being two guys combined who have similarly styles and looks, are two contrasting partners who compliment the others strengths. Montez Ford is inarguably a star, incredibly athletic with a good look and charisma, he has had excellent singles matches to show he can go on his own (Ford vs Reigns springs to mind). Angelo Dawkins is his partner, and while not viewed as a star in the same way, is an extremely solid wrestler, again has lots of charisma and works a hot tag very well, so is a viral component to this tag team. The Street Profits are one of only two teams to be Tag Team Triple Crown champions, having held the Raw, SmackDown and NXT titles. While they earned the SmackDown titles by swapping them with the New Day after each team got drafted to the opposite brand, it doesn? t exactly take away that each team would have certainly won the title? s given the opportunity."
GriffinX wrote on 28.01.2022:
[0.0] "A beyond annoying act. Instead of having good matches they seem to worried about whatever stupid joke they can tell. There matches have just never done anything for me even when working with great teams."
Legend003 wrote on 03.12.2021:
[8.0] "Dawkins und Ford gefallen mir schon echt gut. Beide haben gute Fähigkeiten im Ring, vor allem Montez überzeugt mit seinen Highflying. Obendrein liefern sie gute bis starke Matches mit den richtigen Gegnern ab. Sie haben definitiv Potential für mehr und bin noch gespannt, wo die Reise hinführt."
RomanoInferno wrote on 30.11.2021:
[8.0] "I personally think they are extremely annoying and I am not a big fan, but this isn't an opinion rating. This is a wrestling rating. As annoying as I think they are, you can't deny that they are a really good tag team. Montez has enough to make up for what Angelo lacks and they play off each other very well. I wouldn't mind if they toned it down a little bit."
LivingLegend wrote on 10.11.2021:
[8.0] "Really good team that have all the tools to be big time players. Unique gimmick, loads charisma, and both are solid in the ring. Ford is insanely athletic and Dawkins has an impressive power game and works well as the team's hot tag. I like their gimmick, but sometimes it's difficult to take them seriously, especially when they are placed in high stakes stories and matches and still act like goofs backstage before the match. Good team overall though, and for Ford especially the sky is the limit."
Dy1789 wrote on 18.10.2021:
[9.0] "Great charismatic tag team. Ford is the star of the group and Dawkins holds his own. They have put on some really good matches in NXT and Raw."
Upgrayedd wrote on 12.08.2021:
[6.0] "Interesting pairing. Angelo Dawkins definitely failed as a singles wrestler, however his pairing with Montez Ford seems to work well for them both. What bothers me about these guys is mainly their goofy gimmick. At times, I can't take them seriously, and that had an effect on how I perceive them as champions too. Their in ring work is good, but the gimmick is a deal-breaker for me."
marexcel wrote on 23.07.2021:
[8.0] "Schön zu sehen, dass es auch Teams gibt, die nach ihrem NXT-Run in der WWE noch einen Schritt nach vorne machen können. Das Booking ist ihnen zwar nicht immer wohlgesonnen, aber die Leistungskurve der Herren zeigt nach oben und erlebt immer wieder Highlights. Mit der Rückkehr des Publikums erwarte ich da noch einen Schritt, denn die Interaktion war da schon immer ein belebender Part für das Gimmick. Da geht noch was, aber bisher ist es schon einfach gut. Ford zeigt oft, dass da ein guter Singles Run schlummert, aber dennoch funktioniert er einfach gut als Tag Team-Wrestler mit Dawkins."
Wrestling Forever wrote on 02.02.2021:
[8.0] "Haben sich die Jahre weiterentwickelt und etwas geschafft das es seit den 90er nicht mehr gab. Sie gewannen als WWE Full Aktiven außerhalb der WWE Tag Team Titelgold und zwar die EVOLVE Tag Team Championships. Die Regentschaft war auch ordentlich. Was auch gut ist sie werden auch bei den Main Shows gut eingesetzt."
Bozzo wrote on 12.07.2020:
[1.0] "Street Profits have go-away heat from me, i can't stand them. Their backstage segment and promos are very annoying and their in-ring abilities are poor. Some low level jokes, some dives from Ford and nothing more."
TheGlasgowCross01 wrote on 10.03.2020:
[10.0] "Nice team. Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford play their role as street tag team very well. Montez reminds me about Eddie guerrero"
MAGICIAN wrote on 01.02.2020:
[4.0] "Ein nerviges Tag Team zweier mittelmäßiger Wrestler. Während Ford noch Charisma mitbringt, ist Dawkins allerdings unbrauchbar."
Alchemiist wrote on 31.12.2019:
[10.0] "Dawkins & Ford are absolutely phenomenal. Fords high flying ability is insane, and Dawkins is well versed in the ring himself. This team is bursting at the seams with charisma, and I am so excited to see what 2020 has in store for them!"
JuliTheCage87 wrote on 14.08.2019:
[10.0] "Aktuell eines der Teams mit dem größten Potenzial weltweit. Dawkins hat endlich seine Bestimmung gefunden und Montez Ford ist wahrscheinlich der charismatischste Wrestler im gesamten NXT-Kader. Das Gimmick ist klasse und geht mit der Zeit, die In-Ring-Performance ist gut und alles in allem passen die beiden richtig gut zusammen. Ich bin gespannt, wie die erste größere Fehde des Teams verläuft. Ein ganz großes Plus ist, dass das Gimmick als Face wie auch als Heel perfekt funktioniert. UPDATE: Jo, die 10 ist jetzt verdient. Seit einem guten halben Jahr mein Lieblings-Tag-Team."
ZestyZuluWarrior wrote on 02.06.2019:
[9.0] "This is one of the most charismatic teams out there right now. Entertaining as all hell and really easy to get behind. I absolutely love this team. They have a few kinks to work out in the ring but other than that I hope to see this team thrive more in the future."
Malay Boy wrote on 18.02.2019:
[9.0] "The street profits is actually a pretty good tag team. Their work at NXT is decent and entertaining. But since they start work with Evolve, their match is start inclining. They have pretty good run at evolve and they also good in a single match (particularly Montez Ford). They are very charismatic and perhaps this year will be their year to shine in NXT."
Sebastian V wrote on 18.04.2018:
[7.0] "Dieses Tag Team war das Beste, was zwei Wrestlern, die irgendwie nicht von der Stelle kommen ( Montez Ford seit 2015 im Developmental System ohne große Erfolge, Dawkins sogar seit 2012) passieren konnte. Im Ring noch immer nicht besonders mit eher limitiertem Moveset aber ganz guter Tag Team Chemie. Da würde ich ihnen 5 Punkte geben. Das Charisma ist jetzt schon stark. Sie bringen mit ihrem Gimmick frischen Wind rein und ziehen Reaktionen, auch wenn jetzt bislang eher in einer bestimmten Nische aber dennoch gut und somit 8 Punkte. Am Mic 7 Punkte. Manchmal etwas zu stereotyp gangsterhaft aber sicher und überzeugend. Insgesamt 7 Punkte."
MusSan wrote on 16.03.2018:
[6.0] "Das Tag Team "Street Profits" gefaellt mir sehr. Mal sehen, wie sich Angelo Dawking und Montez Ford in Zukunft zeigen werden. ""
TheLoudMouth wrote on 15.02.2018:
[7.0] "Potenzial en masse. Dawkins, der bisher seine Nische nicht gefunden hat, blüht hier an der Seite von Charismabolzen Ford richtig auf. Wenn sie sich weiterhin so gut entwickeln, könnte man in naher Zukunft gerne über ein Upgrade nachdenken."
Klabauter wrote on 12.02.2018:
[4.0] "Ich finde beide als Einzelwrestler nicht gut (1 Punkt/3 Punkte) als Tag Team gefallen sie mir ehrlich gesagt auch nicht besser. Ich verstehe ihr Gimmick nicht, finde sie im Ring wenig überzeugend und beim ertönen ihres Themes denke ich an Team B. A. D, deren abgewandeltes Theme die beiden auftragen. Für mich schlicht ein irrelevantes Team, das mich auch wrestlerisch nicht überzeugt. Einstweilen vergebe ich 4 Punkte, da sie ihren Zweck eines Filler Tag Teams bei NXT durchaus ausfüllen."
Ice wrote on 11.08.2017:
[8.0] "These guys are fun and they get it. Angelo is the muscle and Montez is absolutely talented as the fast babyface in peril"
HC7 wrote on 23.07.2017:
[7.0] "Decent energetic up and coming tag team. They can really get the crowd hyped up even if you've never heard of them before. Finally a tag team that might actually work of Angelo Dawkins. I think they'll be pretty popular once they are on NXT TV full time. They also have this weird cup gimmick that I don't understand."