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British Bulldogs

Tag Team - Inactive

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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 8.97
Conquistador37 wrote on 21.11.2023:
[8.0] "I guess I never felt this team as much as others. Even when I go back and watch the early WWF material, it still doesn't hit me like so many others tell me it should. Yes there are some very good matches, especially with The Hart Foundation & The Dream Team but in the grand scheme of things, they just don't measure up. This might have much to do with Dynamite Kid being injured twice during their run in the WWF, leaving Smith with substitutions ranging from poor to right at passable. It also has much to do with their competition at that time & the WWF just being how it was then. I prefer Davey Boy Smith as a singles competitor and sometimes that's all I can think when I rewatch. For every "very good" this team does, it ALL comes with some form of asterisk, 7.75"
Neon Aussie wrote on 02.07.2023:
[10.0] "One of the all-time best. Could definitely make the case for all-time top ten without a doubt. Amazing talent. Love me some Dynamite Kid"
crs285 wrote on 18.06.2023:
[9.0] "Great tag team. Had a ton of good matches in WWE. Good combination with Smith being the power and Dynamite Kid being a good high pace technical wrestler."
RavenCrow75 wrote on 06.10.2022:
[6.0] "For the most part I will be basing my Wrestler ratings on five criteria four of which are based on in-ring ability and the last on charisma. I believe these five criteria are pro wrestling's version of Tommy Lasorda's criteria of "five points" in baseball. For pro wrestling those five criteria are power, speed, technical ability, hardcore & charisma. British Bulldogs' score: Power: 7 Speed: 7 Technical: 6 Hardcore: 6 Charisma: 6 for a total of 32 and an average of 6.4 rounded down to 6."
benny5bellys wrote on 12.12.2021:
[9.0] "In their prime, the British Bulldogs were absolutely amazing. It is such a shame they never really got to show it for any decent length of time in an American company"
BrayanLaPre wrote on 08.07.2021:
[10.0] "One of the best and most influential tag teams in the history of professional wrestling. Others have utilized the words innovative, revolutionize, and modernize, and all three are 100% on the money. Great technical wrestlers who also brought a combination of explosive athleticism (Dynamite Kid) and remarkable power (Davey Boy Smith). Classic matches across multiple companies and a clear influence over what the entire industry would become."
KyleEnjoysWrestling wrote on 03.04.2021:
[9.0] "So much of the Bulldogs' mark on the industry is still being echoed today. They really helped revolutionize & modernize tag wrestling."
Brett1980 wrote on 23.01.2021:
[8.0] "Were better before they got to the WWF. Not good mic skills but innovative double team skills. They got worse with time though."
Tomas Montoya wrote on 04.11.2020:
[9.0] "One of the best tag team ever made. Two of the best technical wrestlers of all time doing an awesome work, is the form how I can describe this"
ElPolloLoco wrote on 19.09.2020:
[8.0] "Tremendous tag team until 1987 or so: after that injuries (especially for Dynamite Kid) and personal issues (for both) made them a shadow of their former selves but they were still better than 90% of the WWF roster in the ring. Sadly with fame both men became even harder to work with than before and you could clearly see that poor attitude in matches with folks like Nikolai Volkoff and the Iron Sheik, folks the two Britons obviously considered below their level. At one point they were given a dog to walk to the ring for reasons unknown and sadly most folks still remember them better for the dog than for the tremendous workers both men were."
RatingsMachine wrote on 10.10.2018:
[8.0] "The Bulldogs were a great team, but their overall rating is hurt by the fact they were pretty lousy on the mic and never had a sustained money drawing run."
Mizzle Assault Ant wrote on 18.05.2016:
[9.0] "An iconic team, it cannot be denied. It's unfortunate they had some issues with being unprofessional, especially Dynamite Kid, but when it came to the ring they pretty much always performed on a top level."
Shentenza wrote on 07.10.2014:
[9.0] "Großartiges Tag Team, aber was will man auch anderes erwarten bei Davey Boy Smith und dem Dynamite Kid. Zeigten so gut wie keine schlechten Tag Matches und holten sogar aus schlechteren Teams ein akzeptables Match."
zackwoowoowooryder wrote on 06.05.2014:
[10.0] "Wieder eines dieser Legenden Tag Teams. Zusammen einfach nur eine Augenweide. Passten wie die Faust auf Auge, die Harmonie stimmte von der ersten Minute an. Fand Davey Boy Smith den etwas besseren Part, aber beide haben sich nicht viel genommen."
jchiofal wrote on 25.03.2013:
[10.0] "The Bulldogs were the greatest team at their time. They were a perfect combination of power, and high flying with speed. The Bulldogs' arsenal composed heavily of fantastic tag team maneuvers, which were never even thought of at the time."
That 70s Bloke wrote on 06.02.2013:
[10.0] "The British Bulldogs had it all, gimmicks, in ring skills etc... And both guys also did very well in singles competition!"
Obermacker wrote on 06.02.2013:
[10.0] "Schön mal alles gelöscht hier! Komisch, muß ein Fehler sein! Für mich das beste Team aller Zeiten neben den Road Warriors!"
Henne wrote on 22.11.2012:
[10.0] "Eines der besten Teams ihrer Zeit. Und aller Zeiten. Sie waren quasi konstant auf einem sehr hohen Niveau, überzeugten in Japan und in der WWF. Ihre Chemie im Ring war als wären sie fürs Tag Team Wrestling geboren worden."
Rey2004 wrote on 03.03.2012:
[10.0] "Einfach nur großartig! Unglaubliche Matches gegen die Hart Foundation."
Necron wrote on 05.12.2010:
[8.0] "Sicher ein tolles Team, das historische Kämpfe abgeliefert hat. Für mich aber alles in allem nicht so göttlich, wie es die Legende will."
The-Game91 wrote on 26.05.2010:
[10.0] "Früher als Tag Teams nich bedeutender waren gab es jede Menge geniale Teams. Die Bulldogs haben so gut zusammengepasst das jedes Match von ihnen ein Augenschmaus war."
Manu Adams wrote on 20.12.2009:
[10.0] "Zwei der besten Wrestler aller Zeiten, unvergessen ihre legänderen Schlachten gegen die Hart Foundation oder Demolition. Alles andere als eine 10 wäre eine Frechheit gegenüber der Briten."
Eddie wrote on 21.10.2009:
[8.0] "Gefielen mir immer gut, aber auch nicht mehr. Vielleicht hab ich auch einfach nur zu wenig gesehen. Aus meinen Augen aber 8 Punkte."
Reyforever1 wrote on 08.08.2008:
[3.0] "Zu viel patriotismus für mich"
The Instant Classic wrote on 14.03.2008:
[8.0] "Ein absolutes Top-Tag Team, dennoch gab es Teams, die mir besser gefallen haben."
Brahma Bull wrote on 22.02.2008:
[10.0] "Tolles Tag Team. Die hätten gerne noch eine längere Zeit existieren können. Die British Bulldogs hatten einfach eine tolle Ausstrahlung und zeigten große Leistungen im Ring!"
LexLuger4ever wrote on 30.11.2007:
[8.0] "Sicherlich legendär, aber 10 Punkte finde ich dann doch ein wenig zu hoch gegriffen, denn da gibt es noch ein Dutzend, das mir noch besser gefiel, was ich in der Notengebung berücksichtigen muss. Davey Boy gefiel mir im Einzel auch noch wesentlich besser, Dynamite Kid hatte hier eigentlich seine goldene Zeit."
Manuel wrote on 12.11.2007:
[10.0] "Ein sehr gutes Tag Team meiner Meinung nach. Wenn man jetzt die Top 5 der besten Tag Teams aufzählen sollte gehören die beiden mit Sicherheit dazu."
Sandman16 wrote on 10.11.2007:
[10.0] "Sehr starkes Team, bei dem im Ring alles gepasst hat."
Masterpiece wrote on 07.11.2007:
[10.0] "Auf jedenfall gehört dieses Tag Team mit zu den besten die es je gab, dieses Team bleibt bei mir unvergessen!"
Smi-48 wrote on 06.11.2007:
[10.0] "Ein episches Tag-Team - sie setzten Maßstäbe im Bereich Intensität und Innovation, zumal zu jener Zeit das Tag-Team Wrestling noch von Bedeutung war. Das tragische Ende dieser Protagonisten ist einfach bedauernswert. Ihre Qualität wird umso offensichtlicher, vergleicht man ihre herausragenden Leistungen mit der schwächelnden Tag-Team Szene der WWE seit Ende der 90er Jahre."
Carlito Cena wrote on 06.11.2007:
[10.0] "Klasse Team - der Kid als Techniker und der Bulldog als Powerhouse. Die beiden haben als Team zusammengepaßt wie kaum ein Zweites."
Medi wrote on 05.11.2007:
[8.0] "Klar, beide sind Weltklasse, aber nicht so gut zusammen für eine 1; da sind sie alleine doch ein wenig besser."
Giant2 wrote on 04.11.2007:
[10.0] "Mit Dynamite Kid einer der besten Wrestler aller Zeiten im Team, dazu noch David Smith, ebenfalls technisch gut und mit unheimlich Power. Ähnlich der Hart Foundation eine perfekte Kombination, obwohl die Foundation in meinen Augen nen Tick besser war."