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Total Nonstop Action Wrestling hat es sich schon immer auf die Fahnen geschrieben, neue und innovative Matcharten zu präsentieren, die es so zuvor in der Wrestling-Welt noch nicht zu sehen gab. Diese Veröffentlichung stellt diese Gimmick Matches ins Rampenlicht und bietet die ultimativen Matches an. Präsentiert werden u.a. das King Of The Mountain Match, Ultimate X, Lockdown (Steel Cage Matches) und Monster's Ball.
Disc 1Christian Cage vs. Abyss vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Ron Killings vs. Sting - TNA Slammiversary 2006, 18.06.2006 - NWA World Heavyweight Title King Of The Mountain Match
AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris vs. Christian Cage vs. Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe - TNA Slammiversary 2007, 17.06.2007 - TNA World Heavyweight Title King Of The Mountain Match
Samoa Joe vs. Booker T vs. Christian Cage vs. Rhino vs. Robert Roode - TNA Slammiversary 2008, 08.06.2008 - TNA World Heavyweight Title King Of The Mountain Match
AJ Styles vs. Chris Sabin vs. Petey Williams - TNA Final Resolution 2005, 16.01.2005 - TNA X-Division Title Ultimate X Match
AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Primetime vs. Ron Killings - TNA Destination X 2005, 13.03.2005 - TNA X-Division Title Ultimate X Challenge Match
AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs. Hernandez & Homicide - TNA No Surrender 2006, 24.09.2006 - NWA World Tag Team Title Ultimate X Match
Christopher Daniels vs. Elix Skipper vs. Homicide vs. Jay Lethal vs. Kaz vs. Petey Williams vs. Puma vs. Senshi vs. Shark Boy vs. Sonjay Dutt - TNA Victory Road 2007, 15.07.2007 - Ultimate X Gauntlet Match
Hernandez & Homicide vs. Elix Skipper & Senshi - TNA Bound For Glory 2007, 14.10.2007 - Ultimate X Match
Disc 2Christopher Daniels & Primetime vs. Chris Harris & James Storm - TNA Turning Point 2004, 05.12.2004 - Six Sides Of Steel Cage Match
AJ Styles vs. Abyss - TNA Lockdown 2005, 24.04.2005 - Steel Cage Match
Christian Cage vs. Abyss - TNA Lockdown 2006, 23.04.2006 - NWA World Heavyweight Title Steel Cage Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss - TNA Against All Odds 2005, 13.02.2005 - Full Metal Mayhem Match
Christian Cage vs. Abyss - TNA Sacrifice 2006, 14.05.2006 - NWA World Heavyweight Title Full Metal Mayhem Match
Abyss vs. Rhino vs. Sabu vs. Jeff Hardy - TNA Bound For Glory 2005, 23.10.2005 - Four Way Monster's Ball Match
Abyss vs. Raven vs. Samoa Joe vs. Brother Runt - TNA Bound For Glory 2006, 22.10.2006 - Four Way Monster's Ball Match
Christian Cage vs. Kaz - TNA Genesis 2007, 11.11.2007 - Ladder Match