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Displaying items 1 to 22 of total 22 items that match the search parameters.
627.03.2021Brainbuster Rhymes5.0 
815.01.2018jgangstahippie9.0Very agile, stiff and quick. His matches against Zack Sabre Jr in 2017 were epic. In 2018 he's put on a great match against Matt Riddle. Jaka is very underrated and by the end of his matches new fans are drawn to him. Don't Sleep on Jaka. YEOW.
1105.04.2017Glover9.0Jaka has such an intensity about him. Stilted, but in constant motion, a frenzy of violence this man is. Jaka can work hoss fights with bigger men, is a tremendous hot tag, and in general can fill just about any role he's needed for in Beyond, including commentator. He's exceptional at pretty much everything he does. Throw in his unique look and he's definitely one of the most slept-on talents on the indies. YEOW!
1302.01.2017Boris The Menace6.0 
1427.12.2016Luv all wrestling8.0Jaka is suprisingly agile for his size with good timing, and all the tools needed to become a major player in Evolve.
1717.08.2016jchiofal8.0Jaka is a talented wrestler on the North East circuit. So far, he is best known for his appearances with Chikara and Beyond Wrestling. He has a larger figure but is very agile, enploys a great moveset consisting of power moves, and strikes, and has loads of charisma
1808.08.2016HeadCheese8.0Jaka can pull out good matches. He is extremely charismatic. And has had great matches with Chris Dickinson and Eddie Kingston.
2030.04.2016Mizzle Assault Ant8.0A good worker who may become a truly great one as he continues to gain experience. I dig his commitment to the throwback gimmick, he's got a lot of personality that shines through and his moveset is pretty impressive. He's not going to have a MOTY candidate yet but he can pull out a good match with just about anyone. I'm a definite fan.
2227.09.2012ARIZA5.0Das Gimmick als "Smooth Savage" ist cool. Wrestlerisch ist er zwar okay, aber wirklich überzeugt bin ich nicht von ihm.