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Displaying items 1 to 77 of total 77 items that match the search parameters.
123.11.2023JediSaiyanMaster12035.0Christopher Nowinski could have gone places and ended up a decent mid card act, but a bad concussion ended his career after 2 years, the only bright side is that he now studies CTE and spreads awareness about it.
521.07.2023Ozzy8.0One of the most entertaining parts of the early 2000s, he had everything he needed to be a big star in the future but had it all taken away. If he had a longer career i couldve seen him be a great hand in the IC devision, but saddly thatll never come to be,
627.05.2023Giantfan19804.0Another guy who had "it" to go a decent distance but through no fault of his own (Edge blowing a missile drop kick timing and landing on his face) gave him a concussion and he was forced to retire after only 2 years. Chris made lemons into lemonade and became a speaker for CTE studies. I almost went as high as a five, but his 2 year career getting derailed right when he showed promise holds the rating down. Another "What If? " story.
713.05.2023Conquistador378.0Busted his ass... and his face, over and over. This guy really worked his self ragged to climb the WWE ranks. Since he was a "Tough Enough kid" I think some took liberties and that is what cost his in ring career - but it was for the benefit of mankind. Co-founding (and the CEO of) the Concussion Legacy Foundation. I can only applaud this man. His in ring stuff alone would really garble up his rating but as I watch, I can only think of the greater good he has taken part in. When I watch; sometimes I gasp in horror but then I can't help but smile on the inside and sometimes the out, over what he has accomplished in life. A so-so wrestler, an undeniable asset to the human race. 7.5
1216.04.2022Crippler Crossface6.0 
1314.03.2022Shoot Headbutt Lover5.0 
1616.01.2021pappahouse5.0So schlecht war der gute Christopher gar nicht, was ja auch seine Finalteilnahme beim ersten Tough Enough zeigt. Allerdings war sein Charisma doch nicht unbedingt gegeben, zumal man mit Shane Douglas ja schon einen hatte der "Stolz auf seine Intelligenz" ist.
1717.12.2020Strong Zero Machine5.0 
1820.10.2020Ma Stump Puller4.0Had a promising start to his career by being in good shape and definitely having the size needed to get there in the business, but he just never clicked in ring and his promos weren't fantastic, relying on heel work to make them remarkable. Could have done more, but injuries and concussions kept him away from further development, which sucks, because the guy could have worked as a mid card guy with a IC run or two.
2019.06.2020Khalid Ace5.0 
2127.07.2019KyleEnjoysWrestling4.0Even though he didn't win it, I think it was clear that Nowinski was the most well rounded member of the original Tough Enough cast. It goes to show how inadequate that show was right from the outset. Being from Harvard could have been something for him to work with, but for whatever reason, neither he nor Otunga could make it work. He had a very short career due to injuries & it just seemed like he fell out of love with wrestling rather quickly. I guess WWE has that effect on people sometimes.
2230.12.2018JEK 19917.0Great wrestler! Its unfortunate that his career ended. He was talented. Loved his heel gimmick as a Harvard graduate. He was better than Maven and should have been the Tough Enough winner. He could have been an IC or US champion. Concussions ended his career and today he is doing research for concussions and CTE.
2328.02.2018TheLoudMouth6.0Absolut vorbildlich, was nach seinem frühen Karriereende für das Wrestling-Business leistet. Empfand ihn während seiner aktiven Zeit zudem als ganz akzeptablen Heel mit ordentlich Charisma und guten Mic-Skills, im Ring fehlte ihm allerdings das gewisse Etwas.
2406.02.2018CHN3255.0Nowinski was an aright wrestler who had his career ended early due to concussions. His contribution to sports far surpassed what he did in the ring though. Nowinski is a Harvard and Boston University grad with a Ph. D in Behavioral Neuroscience. He founded the Concussion Legacy Foundation. He has been very successful in getting athletes to donate their brains to CTE research.
2524.01.2018jcb97.0Nowinski was a good midcard heel and an underrated worker in the ring. One of the better wrestlers to come out of the mostly undistinguished Tough Enough franchise. Unfortunately he never really got any sort of a push and his career was shortened due to concussion.
2716.06.2017PistolPeteMatty8.0Nowinski was a decent heel as a wrestler, but his real contribution to the wrestling industry came after he was forced to retire due to concussions, as he went on to study the effects of concussions and help out many with his findings.
3012.07.2016General Doom I5.0 
3119.06.2015PWC4.0Chris Nowinski is a rarely talked about name in the industry, for good reason. There's better wrestlers named Chris out there (Jericho, Benoit, Masters, etc. ) I honestly don't remember Nowinski doing much of note other than being extremely vocal of the Chris Benoit tragedy in 2007 but, then again so was every other wrestler. Chris Nowinski was a "Hartford" graduate. Like I care, most of the people around me growing up are not even attending a day in College.
3230.05.2015DanTalksRasslin6.0Nowinski was a charismatic and naturally-hateable heel on the mic, and steadily improved in the ring during the course of his run. Very unfortunate that his career was cut short by concussions and their aftereffects; he really could have gone on to be a big deal. Since retirement he has done good works in the study of concussions and related conditions.
3415.02.2015DarkMatches7.0Improved tremendously in the all aspects of pro wrestling during his short career and could have been a huge heel if it wasn't for the concussions.
3616.02.2014AriesMark8.0Actually improved in the ring a lot before his concussion ended his career. Could have been a future IC or US champion. In some ways, he was the original Damien Sandow
3723.07.2013Boris The Menace4.0 
3809.02.2012Hardcoremaniac10.0Er ist einer der wenigen, wenn nicht der einzige die rechtzeitig erkannt haben wie gefährlich dieses Business ist, und seine Karriere beendet hat. Was er jetzt für das Business leistet ist großartig.
3926.06.2011Donald Duck7.0Meiner Meinung nach war Chris Nowinski ein sehr großes Talent. Aus ihm konnte was großes werden.. am Mic hat er mich immer gut unterhalten, und im Ring war er jetzt auch nicht übel. Schade was mit passiert ist.. aber nach seiner Karriere hat er ebenfalls gutes bewirkt.
4103.10.2010C van Dam10.0Hatt durchaus Talent, leider war seine Karriere nicht lang genug als hätte daraus etwas werden können. Was er nach seiner Karriere tat war, wie Klopp sagen würde, "ganz großes Tennis. " Solche Männer müsste es noch mehr geben. Daumen hoch.
4217.08.2010Blue Meanie7.0 
4520.05.2009The-Game916.0Ja aus diesem Mann hätte wirklich was werden können. Erinnert mich irgendwie an einen The Genius der Neuzeit. Klasse am Mic und im Ring ganz passabel.
4611.04.2008The Sick Lebowski5.0 
4821.03.2008The Instant Classic2.0Sein Karriereende unter den Umständen war zwar schade, aber ändert nichts daran das er einfach nur nervig war und seine Matches nicht überzeugt haben.
4928.01.2008Blade Bourdeaux Den Worker kann man einfach nicht bewerten denke ich. Seine Untersuchungen und Ergebnisse sind jedoch wichtig und schockierend zugleich.
5301.12.2007LexLuger4ever8.0Ein Riesentalent. Konnte perfekt Heat ziehen! Leider stoppte ihn eine Verletzung, weshalb ein vorzeitiges Karriereende unvermeidbar war. Geniales Gimmick!
5606.11.2007Masterpiece8.0Schade das Christopher Nowinski nie richtig sein Talent bei der WWE unter Beweis stellen konnte! Was ich von ihm gesehen habe war ganz OK!
5706.10.2007Clover8.0Definitiv ein guter Wrestler gewesen - vor allem darstellerisch! Seine aktuellen Tätigkeiten sind ebenfalls beachtlich! Schade, dass man ihn nicht mehr in Ring oder an einem WWE-Mic sehen wird. 8. 5 Punkte!
5830.09.2007Carlito Cena8.0 
6016.09.2007Matt Macks10.0Ein talentierter Worker und ein sehr guter Mic-Worker - doch wie The Mountie bereits geschrieben hat, die Nachwelt wird Nowinski nicht wegen seiner kurzen Wrestling-Karriere, sondern wegen seines aufopfernden und selbstlosen Einsatzes für Athleten in Erinnerung behalten. Egal ob Wrestling, Football oder irgendeine andere Sportart, Nowinski öffnet mit seinem Buch und seinen Interviews über die Gefahren von Kopfverletzungen und Gehirnerschütterungen eine Menge Augen. Schade nur, dass die Verantwortlichen ihre Augen verschließen..
6205.09.2007The Mountie10.0Chris Nowinski war ein talentierter Wrestler und Redner, aber das ist nebensächlich. Was der Mann seit seinem Karriere-Ende dafür tut, um ein Bewusstsein dafür zu schaffen, was Wrestler und andere Sportler sich unüberlegt antun, davor kann ich nur den Hut ziehen. Cena, Danielson, Kobashi - alle schön und gut, aber der Mann, der diesem Business gerade den vielleicht wertvollsten Dienst erweist, ist er.
6303.09.2007real american6.0 
6509.08.2007Alan Smithee6.0 
7524.06.2007Dr Cool6.0 
7724.06.2007shannonmoore8.0Das war ein Talent. Wirklich sehr schade den habe ich gerne gesehen.