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Displaying items 1 to 11 of total 11 items that match the search parameters.
522.08.2022ecwfan19710.0Had the pleasure of knowing the man personally and he was a great man. But my rating is for his wrestling ability. He was the total package!
601.03.2019JEK 19919.0Another guy that WWE missed big time. Very sad that he died quite young. Successful in OVW, HWA and PPW.
826.06.2014theflyingdonkey10.0Steve Bradley was the best wrestler in New England and should have become a star. It's such a tragedy that he never did and his eventual death. However he lives on with great students such as Alex Arion, Brian Fury, Damien Sandow, Antonio, and Fandango.
919.10.2013DarkMatches10.0One of the most underrated wrestlers, period. If it wasn't for the WCW buyout, creating a cluttered developmental roster, he probably would have been one of the biggest stars in the business.
1019.07.2013Inspired10.0One of the greatest wrestlers ever to go through WWF/WWE developmental and certainly the greatest developmental guy ever of those who were never called up to the main roster. RIP Steve, your talent will forever be appreciated by your fans.
1110.12.2008Ray Robson7.0War ein guter Mann, der während seiner WWF Development Zeit kurz als WWF Antwort auf Rob van Dam gehandelt wurde. Hat leider den Durchbruch nie geschafft und es scheinbar auch nie drauf angelegt, sich über die Indys für einen neuen Spot in Stamford zu qualifizieren. Leider einer von vielen Wrestlern, denen seine eigenen Personal Demons zum Verhängnis wurden. R.I.P., Steve!