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Displaying items 1 to 28 of total 28 items that match the search parameters.
307.07.2023Keepitclean7 He was a former 2x OVW world champion heading into TNA. I would expect him to have some experience with those 12 years of past experience. But he was greener than grass, and only could do one simple move called the body slam. He was alright at the mic. I would rate him a 2
402.07.2023crs2853.0Was very underwhelmed with him in TNA. Compared to other partners Hernandez had Anarquia was not good in the ring and added very little on the mic. Despite this they had a huge push getting a decent tag title run.
505.06.2023CaryBWeary1.0Anarquia was one of the worst wrestlers I've ever seen. He's so boring botchy and stiff. Hernandez back must have got destroyed from trying to carry him for a year. Only good thing to come out of all of the Mexican America team was Zelina Vega had her first on tv role in the business as their valet.
605.06.2023HighFlyDeathcore1.0Bro is a mid ass promo guy, a shitty wrestler and a guy who shoulda stayed in OVW longer and instead got rushed on tv for the worst version of LAX, Mexican America. Legit injured Chris Sabin and absolutely sucked after the fact still. The 1 is here because at least he is confident in saying the absolute crap he came out with. 1
727.09.2022TheOneAndOnlyCactus3.0Anarquia has always been fairly solid on the mic, but he was never that good in the ring, and it feels like the pressure of moving up from OVW to TNA was too much for him and stunted his growth. In any event, his spot seemed to be as a low to mid-card heel, preferably in a tag team where he could share the ring work with someone better.
911.05.2018InactiveGuru4.0pretty poor when it came to ring work but Anarquia was always confident on the mic. But in the end it just doesn't cut it. Hope he got the chance to improve his in ring skills as he'd make a good mid card heel in many promotions if he could raise that part of his game.
1217.06.2015Crippler Crossface2.0 
1425.05.2015DanTalksRasslin3.0I thought Anarquia was fairly decent on the mic, though his in-ring work was pretty unspectacular. He was OK as a low-level tag team heel, but probably wouldn't have risen above that level.
1507.08.2014zackwoowoowooryder4.0Ein Mann der nur dank seines Gimmicks überhaupt etwas reißen konnte. Denn die Ausführung seiner Aktionen sind oft echt unsauber.
1708.08.2012Hypocrisy3.0Für die große Bühne -und da zähle ich ganz frech mal TNA dazu- ist Anarquia einfach zu schwach. Mexican AAmerica wurden zwar richtig schlecht dargestellt, aber aus ihm konnte dort aufgrund seinerlimitierten Fähigkeiten einfach nicht mehr werden. In Erinnerung, wenn überhaupt, wird nur seine doch recht nervige Stimme bleiben.
1913.04.2012Thomas Carlson3.0Ein Worker der eher in den "Ach der ist auch noch da" Teil des Rosters gehört. Er ist kein Nichtskönner, fehlen würde er mir aber auch nicht. Funktioniert wohl nur in kleineren Ligen, wo eh alles abgefeiert wird. Für die große Bühne fehlt ihm einfach zu viel.
2009.04.2012Baldrick3.0Äusserst unsauberer Worker, der nur Dank seines Gimmicks einigermaßen überleben kann.
2101.03.2012jchiofal4.0Anarquia isn't a good wrestler, however he isn't a terrible one. He has potential to be better, but at this point it is hard to tell. It's strange how a wrestler's wrest;ing changes from OVW to the main stage. It is something I just do not understand.
2319.01.2012Sirius Van Grath2.0Der Typ hat weder Charisma noch Wrestling-Skills. Und der wohl nervigste TNA-Star im Moment. Bin froh, dass der zu OVW geht. Da muss ich ihn net ertragen!
2413.01.2012Booker C2.0Anarquia war zu keinem Zeitpunkt in TNA ein vorzeigbarer Wrestler für ein Produkt, wie das welches seine Liga darstellen will und auch darstellt. Im Ring konnte er nicht einmal in einem Tag Team überzeugen und seine Promos waren eher eine Qual als ein Genuss. Bezeichnend für Anarquias bisherige TNA Karriere ist wohl folgendes: Anarquias zwei besten Momente in der Liga waren, als er einmal von Brutus Magnus in einer Promo an die Wand geredet wurde und dann noch einmal als Storm ihn verbal zusammenschlug.
2531.08.2011HHH Pedigree1.0I'm from Spain and the Anrquia's spanish is offensive for me and hurt my ears. Also, Anarquia has no charisma and his wrestling skills are very bad. Anarquia is the best from OVW?
2608.08.2011Donald Duck3.0Ich hab nicht die leiseste Ahnung wer er ist, oder woher er kam. Er war einfach urplötzlich da.. Ist zwar ein gutes Mitglied von Mexican America, aber das wars dann auch schon..
2716.07.2011TAWPTierJustin5.0At first, I didn't have much of an opinion on Anarquia and then I didn't like his mic skills one night on Xplosion but then now, I've grown to kind of like him again. His disadvantages are that his mic skills are kind of sub par and he needs to do more offensive moves in the ring but for the most part, his advantages are that he's in a heel stable with Hernandez, Sarita & Rosita known as Mexican America and they get a lot of heat from the crowd. Anarquia may not get as much as heat as Hernandez does but he gets heat nonetheless as well. The second advantage he has is even though his mic skills are sub par, I think how he says things on the mic is kind of funny and most of all, he has a great look which is making me kind of like Anarquia more than anything.
2820.05.2011jjchiofalo2.0Anarquia is a definite waste of space. He has poor mic skills, and completely unimpressive ring work. He is sloppy and wrestles amateurish. He has a good work ethic, but besides that I don't see much else behind him.