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311.01.2025ultravioletshiroi9.0To the person below me, because this site is meant to be about WRESTLING not personality. 9/10 Great wrestler and storyteller, acceptable promo, lacked charisma somewhat but more than made up for it in the ring. He was one of the first smaller guys to really get over in WWE. I think people should separate the art from the artist because this is a wrestling site and we are supposed to grade his wrestling, not his personality or actions outside the ring. If you take away his personal issues and only analyze his matches he was one of the best and certainly not a 0/10, he has also influenced countless wrestlers in the business today. Nobody is praising him as a person. What he did was beyond horrible and I could not imagine being in the shoes of Nancy or David during their final moments alive. However I don't believe we should should let emotions get in the way of a fair and honest rating of a person's wrestling skills.
912.12.2024Jamesmac0150.0Unsure how he even gets anything above a 0. He was not a good person, and he should not be celebrated for anything he did. Regardless of his in-ring skills, Chris Benoit's horrific actions overshadow any contributions he made to wrestling. The tragedy he caused, resulting in the loss of innocent lives, makes it impossible to separate the person from the performer. Wrestling is about more than technical ability; it's about the legacy and impact a performer leaves behind. Benoit's legacy is irreparably tarnished, and celebrating him disregards the pain and loss he caused. It's pretty impossible to just rate his wrestling without thinking about what did to his family. As a result, he should hold no place in wrestling history or fandom. I wish the circumstances were different.
1104.12.2024ItsAllAWorkAnyway8.0This rating does not take Chris Benoit's criminal actions into account. Benoit was a well-respected wrestler on both sides of the Pacific and was decorated accordingly. In New Japan, he had a run as Wild Pegasus and was one of their best junior heavyweights. Once it came time to take his act stateside, Benoit joined up with WCW and fortified their midcard. Yet as he was languishing on the midcard in WCW, Benoit defected to WWE and became main event material by the time the Ruthless Aggression era came into effect. Once Benoit's longtime in-ring compatriot Eddy Guerrero died, he went down a path that somehow led to him committing a murder-suicide of him and his young family. That will forever mar what should've been a stellar legacy.
1613.11.2024maven lover10.0By far one of the best workers of the Ruthless Aggression Era, ever. His promos were ace, his moveset was ace, & he could make anybody shine. He was so fucking good that he was able to transcend Vince McMahon's love for big men & become a household name in an era where size was paramount, despite being relatively small in stature. Mental health emergencies are miserable experiences, & I often wonder what this world would look like with Chris still in it. This was a heinous tragedy, & I hope nothing of this sort will ever happen again. He truly was the best.
1812.11.2024Spindly2.0I could not give two shits how good of a wrestler Chris Benoit was because he took the lives of his wife and son. He robbed the world of two beautiful souls and for that he can rot in hell. No amount of great wrestling will ever be enough to compensate for two human lives and the fact that so many people are willing to overlook this is absolutely baffling to me. As much as I love pro wrestling I will never allow my love of wrestling to rise above my human decency to forgive this monster for what he did. I don't care how heavily his brain was affected by the steroids he still made the decision to take the lives of two people who did not have a choice. We should never value wrestling over human lives and the fact that people defend this man who is now widely known to have been a terrible person backstage towards other talent is absolutely sickening.
2017.10.2024Olympus1910.0For me, Benoit is the best worker of all time. Not the best talker though and it took time for him to develop a great look. But that's easy to overlook when you see how innovative Benoit was in the ring. He really helped push the industry forward (along with some of his contemporaries of course). Since this is a wrestling forum, Benoit should be ranked based on his body of work in the pro wrestling industry. Save the moralizing for the proper forum.
2210.10.2024A Lex9.0 
2301.10.2024SoaKas10.0Honestly no need to say this but this rating is only reflecting his wrestling and wrestling-persona since that is what this is all about. He was one of the greatest and there's no denying that. However, him not being mentioned in GOAT conversations etc. is also very fair and completely logical. Insane talent at the time and in-ring he's probably in my top 5
2430.09.2024Nolan Green8.0A very difficult person to rate. In the ring, there was no one that could top him in terms of in-ring ability. He was technically sound, hard hitting and as legit as they came. He was the best of the Radicalz in terms of in-ring work. However, he was not good on the mic outside of a few good promos from time to time. But then we get to his stuff outside the ring. He was a bully to the younger talent and took wrestling too seriously. Once Eddie Guerrero passed, there was no going back for Benoit. And then we get to the thing that changed WWE forever. The murder of his wife and son before ending his own life. WWE was forced to go PG, get rid of blood, avoid chair shoots to the head, and most importantly, never mention his name. Considering we still don't know the full picture 17 years later, there will never be a moment like this in wrestling ever again.
2523.09.2024nothingleftinside Before discussing the mans wrestling career, it must be addressed- Chris Benoit murdered his wife and son in the most horrendous incident in the history of pro wrestling. As a result, there is now a lot more concern for performer safety, especially when it comes to concussions. Benoit will and should be remembered as a murderer, but this website is for cataloging reviews of wrestling performance. Its very difficult bring myself to type out any praise for the man, other than to say that he participated in many great matches and his influence on the junior heavyweight style can still be seen today. I will not be giving a rating as I believe he does not deserve one.
2622.09.2024TomeryKY0.0"Over a three-day period between June 22 and 24, 2007, Chris Benoit, a 40-year-old Canadian professional wrestler employed by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), murdered his wife Nancy and their seven-year-old son, Daniel, before hanging himself at their residence in Fayetteville, Georgia, United States. Autopsy results showed that Benoit's wife was murdered first, having died of asphyxiation on the night of June 22." If anybody has a problem with rating a murderer 0, I don't know what to tell you. The guy who killed Bruiser Brody, Yoshiko, New Jack, Alberto Del Rio... these people all got their ratings on this site impacted by reviews that got nothing to do with their in-ring skill. Fair enough, I think. It's nonsense to go give the guy who killed Bruiser Brody a 0 and then get all "Listen you have to separate the art from the artist" when the murderer is someone who has matches you like.
2715.09.2024Giantfan19808.0The whole career and life story of Chris Benoit reads like a fictional sports tragedy. Chris Benoit idolized The Dynamite Kid, one of the most gifted performers of his day and Benoit patterned his style on Dynamite. Unfortunately, Benoit completely destroyed his mind and body to the point he was a crazy middle aged man that couldn't deal with reality anymore. While this was going on, everyone, the wrestling companies, the wrestlers and the fans turned a blind eye and dismissed the head shots as "They are using prop weapons and they know what they are doing". That all changed after the murder suicide which brought the world down on pro wrestling and next to Owen Hart's death, this might be the "Day The Kayfabe Died" as people started looking at pro wrestler health more closely and the whole business started being scrutinized by the witch hunters who suddenly became brain health experts over night, many of them probably ignored the problem until it was too late. The insult to injury, the cherry on the shit sundae, was the fact that after Benoit killed his wife, son and then himself, in the aftermath The Dynamite Kid basically pissed on his grave. Benoits legacy turned into a big nothing. Putting that all aside, Benoit was one of the most technically sound wrestlers of the early 90's all the way up to the end. He wasn't very good on the mic but he had the intensity. I prefer to remember him before he drove himself insane.
2930.08.2024Blakeiok10.0Amazing wrestler with good in ring abilities and a decent promo, he never failed to make wrestling look real and put his head and his body on the line every week, unfortunately that caught up to him (R.I.P Nancy and Daniel) I will never forgive him for what he did but he is arguably one of the best wrestlers of all time.
3026.08.2024Chosen One6.0Technisch begabt, sah bedrohlich aus und hatte einen guten Theme Song. Mehr Gutes kann ich nicht aufbringen und ich beziehe mich hier wirklich nur auf den Wrestler. Sein Moveset fand ich langweilig genau wie seine Promos. Und auch wenn ich normalerweise Kunst vom Künstler gut trennen kann, ist es trotzdem seltsam für mich, ihn in alten Shows zu sehen. Irgendwas an ihm ist einfach komisch. Selbst ganz weit zurück in WCW hat er irgendwie eine seltsame Aura an sich. Seine Rivalität dort mit Kevin Sullivan war eigentlich ganz cool, aber das ist auch schon die einzige Storyline mit Chris Benoit, die mir in Erinnerung geblieben ist. Ansonsten war er storytechnisch nie besonders involviert.
3126.08.2024D2ash10.0We're talking about the wrestler here, I think he's the best wrestler of all time, this guy never disappointed in his matches, I never expected as many matches as this guy, this guy was a pure delight, respect for what he brought to the wrestling world but what a misfortune too, RIP Nancy & Daniel.
3225.08.2024Personano Very hard to rate given what transpired outside of the ring. Because of that, I'm opting not to give Benoit a numbered rating. Instead, I'll simply say he was a great professional wrestler and one of my favourites to watch whether it be in the WWE or in Japan.
3417.08.2024King of Strong Style0.0Würde wir hier nur den Wrestler bewerten mit allen seinen Fähigkeiten, , wäre er ein super Wrestler, mit absolut starken Matches ohne wirklich Mic Skills und mit einem eigenen aber doch vorhandenen Zerstörterer Charisma und würde 8-9 Punkte von mir wahrscheinlich bekommen, aber das was er getan hat machen für mich seine Matches fast komplett unschaubar, weil es einfach bei mir ein beklemmendes Gefühl hinterlässt ihn kämpfen zu sehen und gerade wenn er harte Aktionen gegen seinen Kopf bekommt . Er hat einfach mit dem was er getan hat nicht nur 3 Leben beendet sondern auch (wenn auch im Vergleich natürlich komplett uninteressant) seine komplette Legacy des Wrestlings zerstört und ich finde man kann hier nicht die Person und den Wrestler komplett voneinander trennen.
3516.08.2024trexyyy9.0One of the greatest, if not the greatest technical wrestler in the history of professional wrestling. I'm not here to talk or rate him as a person, but as a performer.. he was tremendous, my fav match of his was the triple threat match vs Triple H and Michaels at WM20, and that moment at the end with Eddie.. pure emotion.
3703.08.2024KobashiChopMe9.0Purely from a wrestling standpoint. If we take away how everything ended, Benoit is one of the best technical wrestlers of all time. Theres a reason so many people look to him when they talk about the best grapplers/technical guys ever. A horrible, horrible person... but he is just too damn good.
3831.07.2024TheBigRed2599.0Purely from a wrestling standpoint, Benoit will go down as being in the Top 10 Technical Wrestlers of All-Time.
4011.07.2024Oste10.0Good promos and the best in-ring talent of all-time. Two great signature moves with the Crippler Crossface and the diving headbutt.
4429.06.2024Brutish Dandy10.0 
4527.06.2024Xthebarkingcat10.0I separate the art from the artist so Benoit the wrestler one of my favorites of all time has some of my favorite matches of all time and brought a level of intensity that hasnt been matched until Ilja Dragonuv. If you did give him a 0 because of what he did to his family then your totally in the right and I can understand hating everything Benoit related. But again I separate Art from the artist and hes still one of favorite wrestlers in that sense.
5011.06.2024Zak229.0Words cannot describe the hatred in my heart for what he did to his wife and his son, regardless of reason, it was and remains unforgivable. But as a wrestler Benoit was pretty special, his technical ability and in-ring intensity made him worth watching. His time as Pegasus Kid in NJPW wrestling the likes of Eddie and Liger featured some cutting edge, entertaining matches, his WCW work, especially with Booker T, was some of the best in North America at the time, and in WWE he was successful and had good matches. He was a charisma vacuum tho. And I cringe every time he does that fucking diving headbutt and seeing him on screen with Nancy is downright sicking. If he'd have lived a normal life out of the ring he would be a hall of famer and possibly a multi-time world champion in WWE but as history played out, he is rightfully shunned. Chris is the greatest wrestler that wrestling will rightfully never glorify or promote. Good in the ring but impossible to admire due to those events in 2007.
5110.06.2024Pigeon Scratch Unreviewable, for very obvious reasons. He is one of the best technicians of all time, and was always the best in any roster he worked in. Despite all the positives I could say, he still did what he did. While I am a firm believer that, due to his use of steroids and CTE (His brain was compared to that of an 80 year old with Alzheimer's disease), he wasn't the same person that he was, and he was already gone before that weekend, his legacy will forever be tarnished, and while I can enjoy his matches just as much as I can with anyone else, that just isn't something that can be ignored.
5204.06.2024Dntbamark In the realm of professional wrestling, stories of triumph and tragedy often intertwine, weaving a complex narrative. From the storied Von Erich family to WCW's historic dominance over WWE for 83 consecutive weeks, only to crumble under its own weight, the industry is rife with tales of success and downfall. The narrative takes a particularly dark turn with figures like Eddie Guerrero battling addiction and, in Chris Benoit's case, succumbing to the harsh realities of a business fueled by deception and paranoia. Since the tragic events in Georgia in June of 2007, Chris Benoit's legacy has been a subject of intense debate and rightfully so. It's impossible to discuss Chris Benoit without confronting the tragic events that transpired that fateful weekend. In the ring, Benoit was undeniably one of the best and most technically gifted performers to ever step into the ring. He was a intense, fierce, hard-hitting performer who could convey a compelling story through his in-ring prowess. Despite lacking proficiency on the mic, he compensated with his ability to captivate audiences solely through his actions within the squared circle. However, criticisms arose regarding Benoit's tendency to relentlessly press on without allowing his opponents to sell the impact of his moves. A trait that, like a relentless buzzsaw, occasionally overshadowed the storytelling aspect of his matches. Despite being a machine-like force in the ring, the toll of his grueling schedule and physicality began to manifest. Chris Benoit's poignant statement during a 2004 interview that, "life don't push you into the depths of darkness, you do, " resonates with a stark truth. Yet, it begs the question of how can one not be led into the shadows in an industry devoid of an off-season, proper healthcare, or a reliable medical support system? In a world where performers are expected to work tirelessly, often turning to prescription pills and questionable medical practices, the line between personal choice and systemic coercion becomes blurred. Unlike mainstream sports, where regulations safeguard the athletes, professional wrestling operates under a different set of rules. The industry, often dismissed as too carny or insignificant for scrutiny, faces a reckoning. The blame, however, often falls on the performers rather than the exploitative structures that have fueled the business for decades. The tragedy of Chris Benoit highlights the darker side of professional wrestling. Whether attributed to CTE, unregulated drug use, or a myriad of factors, his actions in June 2007 were unimaginable. The debate over his place in the Hall of Fame seems like a trivial conversation when compared to the profound loss experienced by the two families left in the wake of the horrific events. Chris Benoit's legacy is that of a man consumed by his passion for professional wrestling, a passion that almost certainly, for whatever reason, eclipsed his own personal well-being and that of his wife and 3 children. Obsessed with reaching the zenith of an industry that once deemed him too small and too bland, Benoit sacrificed his own happiness and, tragically, the lives of his family to achieve success within the business. As wrestling fans, it's time to confront the uncomfortable truths and demand accountability from an industry that has witnessed an alarming number of premature deaths. Only then can we break free from the cycle of mourning and tribute shows and 10 bell salutes, acknowledging that the performers are not the sole architects of their own demise but victims of a system that thrives on exploitation and antiquated circus-like practices. Regardless of the factors at play, be it CTE, depression, or substance abuse. Chris Benoit's story is a stark reminder that he was, in many ways, a casualty of the professional wrestling business. While this realization doesn't absolve or excuse him of his heinous actions, it prompts a broader conversation about the industry's responsibility and the urgent need for change. In remembering the lives of Nancy and Daniel and discussing the legacy of Chris, wrestling fans must confront the uncomfortable truths and demand an industry that prioritizes the well-being of its performers over its longstanding traditions.
5303.06.2024Mike Ehrmantraut9.0He used to be my favourite in ring wrestler of all time (my favourite overall was The Undertaker). Since I started watching wrestling in the early 2003, I was immediately stuck by his skills, he seemed a truly legit fighter and a great seller. Unfortunately, especially in recent years, I noticed his lack of microphone ability.
5625.05.2024Reccaswinth Chris Benoit is an overrated Wrestler. If he had merely retired in June 2007 I would give him a 7 or even a 6. However, that's not what happened and as such I will not be rating him as I started viewing his work well after he murdered his family and ended his own life - I may be biased. While Benoit has been criticized for his heinous actions outside of the ring and for not meshing well with the WWE Sports-Entertainment Style of Wrestling, there are two much deeper issues when it comes to judging his career as a Wrestler: He was a Charisma Vacuum and he was extremely unsafe. WCW Megastar Kevin Nash once referred to Chris Benoit as a 'Vanilla Midget' but even when comparing him to his peers (smaller, more technical wrestlers) he had no personality or it factor despite being a tremendous athlete. Benoit could execute wrestling holds with perfect finesse but unlike Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho, or Eddie Guerrero he made no attempt to connect with fans while doing it. And even worse, he had a penchant for taking unprotected shots to the head. Whether it's an unprotected chair shot from another wrestler or his Diving Headbutt (from the top rope) signature move, Chris Benoit gave himself and was given head trauma in almost every recorded match he ever had. When the coroners examined his body, they found that his brain was indistinguishable from that of an 80-year-old man with Alzheimer's Disease due to the punishment it had received over the years. Basically he hit himself on the head so many times he gave himself Dementia. Imagine stepping into the ring with a man who could at any point in time forget who or where he was - and for this Benoit had no one to blame but himself. Chris Benoit was a Premier Technical Wrestler and had a great look but instead of using those gifts to get over with fans he took bumps to the head to get a cheap pop. What a waste.
5709.05.2024leonconnelly65210.0Greatest in ring worker of all time imo, he made wrestling feel real like no one else, so much passion and fighting spirit, obviously he'll never be revered for his incredible abilities because of the awful way his life ended but I'll always have respect for him as somehow who gave there all to pro wrestling
5806.05.2024Nard1908.0As a child growing up watching WWF when he came in with the Radicalz, I was never a huge fan. As I got older, I started to appreciate him and then the worst, most horrific and unthinkable thing in wrestling history happens. I have such mixed feelings on Chris. He was a true great. Would be Rushmore worthy if you could discount the end of his life. The events that occured happened because he spent years causing damage to himself by entertaining us. Its truly unforgivable what he did, but he was one of the best technical wrestlers of all time and had he not cared so much about entertaining us, maybe things would have turned out differently.
6005.05.2024Rassle Fan8.0Well, in the ring he was one of the best technicians who ever lived. Outside, we all know what he did. I wasn't sure what to rate him because I've given low ratings to people for outside the ring stuff so I know I'm not being entirely consistent.
6105.05.2024la isla bonita10.0 
6202.05.2024MarkMcMarkington29.0I would give him a 10, but cant overlook what he did. Unfortunately that will always be his legacy. I cant comment on him as a person as I never met the guy but theres really no excuse for murdering your child. There are guys in the wrestling business who I am certain suffered more head trauma than Benoit. Pretty much everyone in ECW for that matter, none of them murdered their kid.
6428.04.20245GumGuy10.0Separate the art from the artist. Very unfortunate what happened in that household in mid-2007, but if we're going off in-ring work, Benoit was a top 5 worker, all time. He was also a very serviceable promo and could get his program over. Also had a very good physique. Minus the tragic event, he's the type of guy you'd want as the gatekeeper of your company. 10/10 for me from a wrestler standpoint, not the human being in mid '07.
6823.04.2024CurlyHairMetalPunk7.0Probably the textbook definition example of what Kevin Nash would refer to as a vanilla midget. If professional wrestling was strictly about wrestling ability alone Chris Benoit would easily be a 10 out of 10, but it is not. On the microphone, Chris Benoit suffered, and while he definitely hit the gym harder than most of his contemporaries of his stature during his heyday, it would unfortunately be one of the reasons that lead to the black cloud over professional wrestling that were his final days on this planet. If you are a wrestling fan that is a purist that appreciates wrestling ability above all Chris Benoit was one of the best and I highly recommend his matches to fans that started watching the WWE after the Ruthless Aggression Era ended, especially die hard Bryan Danielson fans.
6922.04.2024kcharles5209.0I honestly believe that if Benoit hadn't given literally everything he had to the profession, he wouldn't have ended up in the terrible physical & mental shape he was in his final year when he "lost it" and did what he did. By the end this guy had taken so many bumps and been in so many physical matches that he was quite literally deteroriated (including his brain) and was still giving everything he had to wrestling, when he probably should have taken a step back for the sake of himself and his family. Unfortunately for Benoit, he worked for WWE and 'taking time off' for himself probably would have resulted in a roster cut at that point. There's no question that WWE's cutthroat style of management probably kept him pushing himself far harder and longer than he should have, instead of taking time off for his health. It's a tragic situation no question, but I find it too easy to just pin 100% of the blame on a guy who was giving everything he had to an industry that just chewed him up and spit him out at the end. As a wrestler he absolutely deserves at least a 9/10 and I refuse to define him by a single tragic event that probably could have been prevented had WWE actually cared about the well-being of their workers back then, which they clearly didn't.
7117.04.2024beastmxm He is one of the greatest in-ring wrestlers of all time. His matches are amazing. He had some of the greatest matches, moments, etc. of all of wrestling history. An amazing worker. As a wrestler, he is 10/10, no doubt. That being said, f**k Chris Benoit. There is absolutely no looking past what he did. I give him a 10 for his in ring material, but I will say til the end of the world that Benoit is an awful person and what he did is inexcusable. Anyone who complains about WWE censoring his matches, not mentioning his accomplishments, etc. are brainless. He murdered his innocent wife and son. He deserves no recognition. He deserves no praise. He deserves nothing.
7402.04.20242pt0EcoBoostFusion Due to the horrific controversy surrounding Chris Benoit, I will refrain from giving him a rating. Chris Benoit as a wrestler however, is one of the most overrated wrestlers outside of in-ring work, he was a excellent in-ring worker, no doubts about that. In terms of character, charisma, and mic work, he had none of that and was a vacuum in that sense. I would rate him a 7 overall if I were to give him a rating for his career but what he did in June 2007 to his wife and child is absolutely unforgivable. Usually, I can separate controversy from a wrestler but in the case of Benoit, murder is definitely not an exception in that regard. I am asking wrestling fans to PLEASE STOP glorifying Benoit's career and asking for him to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame because it's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, it's a disgrace that certain wrestling fans put this man on a pedestal after the events that transpired, it's disrespectful to Nancy and Daniel and the families affected by the horrific tragedy.
7524.03.2024Vanstyler0.0Let's be honest for a second, I fully understand the idea of separating the author from his work, but I also understand that that only applies when the author has not been one of the most controversial killers in history. Chris was without a doubt one of the greatest technical wrestlers in the history of the sport, I loved watching him every time he was on TV. But it is obvious that although he has enjoyed such a prestigious career, it is a career that does not deserve recognition after the events. Many fans are willing to forgive instances of racism, discrimination, bigotry, bullying, and even dangerous egos that destroy the careers of other athletes, but murder is something that should never be on this list. It's a shame that such a talented wrestler ended up descending down a dangerous path that sooner or later would lead him to commit such heinous crimes, but just thinking about the news makes my blood run cold and thinking about the family affected by this individual, it's something that just isn't forgotten inside and outside the ring
7707.03.2024TallNick210.0Quite possibly one of the greatest in-ring performers. Unmatched intensity (excluding a few, i.e., Angle) that always felt real despite him being one of the smaller talents in any roster. A fairly safe worker, unfortunately he didn't care for his own body. I'm only going to avoid his double murder suicide but Heyman put the whole situation of his legacy really well: "As a talent- remarkable, but as a human being, fuck him." Truly one of a kind, both as a person (hopefully) and an in ring talent. My rating is solely for the in ring talent, not the man behind the character
8016.02.2024mizzysha9.0A fucking master in the ring. Was a bit lacking in charisma, but he made up for it tenfold with every strike, hold, and slam on the mat he ever delivered being akin to an adroit painter meticulously stroking the canvas. Describing what Chris did in wrestling as anything less than art would be disingenuous if not downright insulting. It is indeed a shame how his career ended but the way I see it, if it came out now that Jimi Hendrix smothered 10 starving children to death before his demise it still would not (no, could not) take away from the fact that he was the best guitarist of all time.
8113.02.2024Dirty Diego9.0I know rating Benoit this high is abit messed up , but Im rating the wrestler what he did as a person in the last 48hours of his life obviously destroyed all the great things he did in the wrestling Buisness Im talking as a wrestler he was one of the greatest in ring wrestlers wrestler their was his promos and charisma were not up their with the greats but got better when he joined the wwf in 2000, , he was the recantation of one of my favourite wrestlers of all time The dynamite kid, tragic how it all ended
8309.02.2024Tragiic0.0I honestly do not understand how people are able to look past his work in the ring. While yes, it was decent, I have found him to be fairly uninteresting. However, obviously that is not why I gave him this rating as that would still make him an above average wrestler. The fact that he murdered his wife and son makes him one of the worst people to ever be involved with professional wrestling, and the fact there are still people who attempt to celebrate him, even some who want him to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, is jarring. There is no excuse for what he did; any use of the excuse of CTE is jarring; wrestling has unfortunately had a lot of head injuries, but of those how many have resorted to becoming murderers? In short, I don't care what he did which may have been good, stop celebrating terrible human beings.
8701.02.2024BMWrestling1710.0Elite amongst the elite. One of the greatest wrestlers ever, and the second greatest canadian wrestler (first one is still Bret Hart). Don't care about anything else.
9121.01.202486Monfort0.0You can admire his work all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that he KILLED his WIFE and SON. Was he an amazing wrestler, absolutely. BUT HE MURDERED HIS 7-YEAR-OLD SON AND HIS WIFE. Fuck him. If you want an even deeper perspective, let me tell you something. I am a New England Patriots fan and loved Aaron Hernandez when he played for them, I loved the fact that we had 2 of the best TEs in Football at the time, but when he murdered Odin Lloyd, all the respect and admiration I had for him as a 10-year-old child went out the window, I didn't care that he was a big reason why that offense shined, or that he had Hall of fame talent, He murdered someone in cold blood. What Chris Benoit did was even worse. There's a difference between killing another man your age and then there's Killing your WIFE and 7-YEAR-OLD Son.
9407.01.2024RaixnQuinzo10.0Based on purely wrestling, he is one of the best technical wrestlers of all time. Was a bad person, for sure. But this is a wrestling site, so I'm judging it based of wrestling ability and wrestling ability alone.
9530.12.2023stretchjayy10.0One of the best wrestlers ever, if not THE best ever. Dont agree? Argue with your tv. Unlike many weirdos on this site, i'm here rating him as a wrestler
9630.12.2023Grapefruit Juice0.0The rating on here for such a troubled person is far, far too high. His triumphs in the squared circle are all overshadowed by an unfortunate and incredibly dark truth. Chris Benoit is a terrible person, while the likes of Invader 1 and Jake the Snakes atrocious father are given their low and much deserved 0 stars, the family murderer is given a pass based off matches that, while they may be alright, are hard to really watch. Any celebration for a win he gets is always a hard watch, any triumph he got in the squared circle has a permanent and looming shadow over it. We should not give anybody a pass for actions like this, picking and choosing who gets their laurels after situations so hideous is not what we should be doing. Countless stories, matches, people and events are unable to be looked at the same way after 2007. Chris Benoit should be forgotten, his right to have victories has long been taken away after his actions. While CTE, Depression or whatever maelstrom of things may have been a cause, others who have dealt with them have not resorted to murdering their families.
9728.12.2023Madlad10.0People giving zero ratings to Chris Benoit in this site and say "I don't give a damn how much of a good wrestler he was" guess what shit head THIS IS A SITE FOR WRESTLING. And as being a wrestler Benoit was one of the best ever. so many great matches.
9924.12.2023laddermatch As far as a professional wrestler goes, Benoit is perhaps the most dynamic performer of all time. His body of work is hall of fame worthy. However, Chris Benoit the person can never be redeemed for the atrocities he committed in the final days of his life. The man murdered his wife and child before taking his own life. What you do in the real world far outweighs what you accomplish in a pseudo sport. What he did was absolutely unforgivable and will forever tarnish not only his legacy, but the sport of professional wrestling as a whole. I refuse to rate him for this. May Nancy and Daniel rest in peace.
10019.12.2023Liam Miyahara10.0