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Displaying items 1 to 100 of total 138 items that match the search parameters.
311.09.2022AlDente016.0Quite a decent wrestler to be honest. In my opinion, 2021 and its team and competition with Elias deserve special attention. Jaxson then had a quasi-masochistic gimnick which was new and interesting. I recommend his Strap Match with Elias.
508.07.2011alexshelley845.0Wie Crimson... 08/15 Verschnitt mit unberechtigtem Push.
629.06.2021AllEliteRobotnik0.0He was the worst part of the Forgotten Sons, Its bad enough that hes already a terrible human being but hes also just as terrible as a Wrestler. Jaxson Ryker is NOT Babyface material no matter how much this guy apologizes for voting for Donald Trump twice or for attending the January 6th 2021 Capitol Building Riots. This guy will never be Over with the fans except with the MAGA and Far Right Wing Minority, the only time Jaxson Ryker was truly Over was when when he went Over the Capitol Building Wall.
1526.05.2011Boggenauer6.0Gunner hat mich in der letzten Zeit doch mehr positiv überrascht dachte zuerst dank dem Tag Team mit Murphy das er überhaupt nichts drauf hat da er im Tag Team bereich ziemlich langweilig war doch als Single Wrestler ist er doch in der lage ein ordentliches Match abzuliefern bin gespannt wie er sich in längeren Matches macht, am Mic kann ich ihn bisher nicht bewerten und in sachen Charisma bin ich mir auch noch nicht sicher jedoch gefällt mir seine Mimik dachte am Anfang erster er wollte seinen TV titel essen als er mit ihm im Mund zum Ring kam, aber von mir schonmal 6 Punkte, denn Potenzial ist noch wesentlich vorhanden denke ich.
1820.07.2013Boris The Menace2.0Gunner is just an awful wrestler who can literally make you sleep while his working in the ring.
1927.02.2013Bowlen4.0Ein echtes Tier. Leider bislang auch nicht mehr. Man weiß irgendwie nicht so recht, was man mit ihm anfangen soll und so ganz kann ich das den Bookern nicht verübeln.
2009.03.2011brianpillman4.0Durchaus talentiert. Seit seinem Auftritt für ROH hat er sich im Ring immer etwas mehr entwickelt. Könnte irgendwann mal ein guter Midcarder werden.
2103.08.2021brokensanity0.0Holy mother of god, this dude fucking SUCKS, how can you be a wrestler since 2001 and suck so fucking much? ! ? ! It's bad enough that WWE were dumb enough to hire him after TNA made the same mistake! He had one good match and that was because James Storm is a competent worker, unlike the absolute waste of space that is Gunner, or aka Jaxson RyKKKer, who WWE are somehow pushing as a babyface, he also sabotaged his partners's careers by posting his shitty political views to the public! I feel bad for anyone who has ever teamed with this dude, and it will always and forever be Fuck Gunner.
2202.05.2021Chechblue202.0Boring wrestler who does little to make himself stand out. He is also a COVID denier and Trumpie, and all around seems like an unpleasant individual. Surprised he kept his job while his tag partners were fired.
2522.06.2015Codebreaker3.0Gunner ist der typische 08/15 Powerhouse Wrestler, mit ein/zwei Impact-Moves und sonst sieht man wenig im Ring von ihm.
2913.03.2014daniel cassidy4.0 
3003.07.2016DanTalksRasslin6.0Gunner has a great presence, and his power-based offense steadily improved during the course of his TNA run. While initial pushes as a heel never quite took off, making him a babyface and playing off his real-life military background did well in helping him get over, as did a very good feud with James Storm. Has yet to resurface on a national level since his 2015 departure from TNA, but still potentially could be a solid midcarder for any company and still has the potential to continue growing and rising up the card.
3116.09.2021DCJ20036.0Its incredible how 0.0 ratings related to politcs are still here and nobody does anything about them. Those people are radicals that think that their party is the only good one and the others are the worst thing ever. With that being said, I will rate Ryker. Guy has decent in ring, worked well in his feud with Elias. Has some tag team chemistry. His mic in the Forgotten Sons was decent. At much he could be a midcarder. 6.0 is fair for him.
3229.04.2011Denz8.0Ich bin ehrlich gesagt überrascht. Am Anfang wusste ich nicht, was ich mit den Security Guards "Gunner & Murphy" anfangen soll. Mit diesem Gimmick als Verrückter, der seinen Titel im Mund trägt wurde er auf einmal interessant. Er kann sehr gut mit Leuten wie Daniels arbeiten, habe das Gefühl, dass er in der Entwicklugsphase ist, aber er wird sich als solider Mid-Carder durchsetzen können. Er braucht nur das gewisse Etwas für den World Title.
3326.08.2011DJ MaSch3.0Ein weiteres eher fragwürdiges TNA Talent. Im Ring nicht ganz so grottig, wie beispielsweise Crimson, aber allgemein trotzdem noch lange nicht bereit für höhere Card Regionen. Am Mic waslr das was ich bissher von ihm gesehen habe jetzt auch keine Offenbarung. TNA sollte lieber mal auf Leute wie Shelley oder Joe setzten, denn die können im Gegensatz zu Gunner wrestlen und reden.
3426.06.2011Donald Duck1.0Also "GUNNER" kann meiner Meinung nach gar nichts. Ers jetzt nicht der Kracher im Ring, und am Mic ist er auch total schlecht. Hab keine Ahnung was man in dem sieht. Er wäre so ein typischer FCW Wrestler der nach NXT geschickt wird, dort als zweiter ausscheidet, und dann nie wieder mehr gesehen wird.
3522.06.2015downtown25.0In der WWE hätte man aus so einem Monster schon längst einen Star gemacht, auch wenn er nicht besonders talentiert im Ring ist. Die Erscheinung, die Stimme. Aber TNA ist der falsche Ort, um Rohdiamanten den letzten Schliff und den großen Schub nach oben geben können. Hernandez, Magnus oder Matt Morgan warteten auch vergeblich in der Warteschleife, nur um dann binnen Monaten verheizt zu werden. Was ihm allerdings selbst noch fehlt ist eine gewisse Konstanz im Ring, am Mic und auch in seiner Selbstdarstellung, ohne diese wird er nie besonders groß rauskommen.
3626.04.2011DragonSleeper7.0Als Security Guard langweilig, mit dem neuen "irren" Gimmick aber auf einen Schlag interessant! Skills ebenfalls vorhanden und auch in seinen Indy Matches überzeugend - da steckt Potenzial.
3818.10.2021Dy17893.0Nothing interesting about him. Has a good look and not much else. Didn't do much in Forgotten sons. Basic in the ring, boring promos, no charisma.
3908.08.2020El Burrito6.0 
4230.08.2012Fahqall6.0Für mich derzeit unterbewertet. Was er kann, hat man letztes Jahr gesehen. Hängt nur leider stark durch, aber hat auf jeden Fall Potential.
4303.07.2011Fall Out Boy7.0 
4729.06.2014goldenboy7.0good wrestler with great body and great courage. he improved a lot in the past year. he will become a main eventer.
5327.02.2014HHH Pedigree7.0Since his alliance with Storm, he has impove a lot. Maybe... He can wrestle in the main event.
5412.01.2022hirsty976.0Something about Jaxson Ryker really intrigues me. I like his look, his moves, his promo work in both Impact and WWE. I don't think it's fair to judge a wrestler for their political opinions when they are relatively tame compared to the comments I've heard some wrestlers make and their actions (I'm not American FYI)
5506.07.2011Hu-Man3.0Irgendwo zwischen mangelahft und ausreichend. Für mich ein ähnliches Phänomen wie Matt Morgan. Ich kann ihm einfach nichts abgewinnen und frage mich, warum ihn so derbe pusht. Kann ich bei Crimson schon eher verstehen.
5729.10.2011Hypocrisy6.0Der Mann hat durchaus Potential. Ob das seinen derzeitigen Push schon gerechtfertigt oder nicht, ist doch irrelevant. Ich finde, dass er sich schon rein äußerlich von den ganzen Pretty Boys abhebt und die Arbeit im Ring ist schon jetzt wahrlich nicht schlecht. Luft nach oben ist da, aber ich bin gerne bereit, ihm dabei weiter zuzuschauen.
6131.05.2018InactiveGuru5.0Not the best in ring performer but have to admit he had a great look and now that he has signed with WWE (under the NXT Umbrella) I am really curious on what they can do for the man that was formerly known as Gunner in TNA can do.
6426.11.2023JediSaiyanMaster12034.0Typical big man who had size and look but wasn't a good wrestler, needed to be carried by James Storm.
6616.12.2011jjchiofalo6.0Gunner has a lot of potential to be a big star someday. He is a great powerhouse, with a lot of potential to grow and develop a personality and a wrestling style.
6818.09.2022Johnny Fletcher2.0He was never a good wrestler, and that was before he got his two stablemates fired for shit he said.
6928.09.2021Jorhorge4.0Ryker is nothing more than the typical powerhouse that seeks to impose simply because he is great having a basic moveset and a fairly repetitive finisher and already seen in the type of Wrestlers that WWE booked similar to him I have never really seen technique on his part and Most of The matches he has are squashes that he wins or "destructive" matches, besides that he doesn't really have a gimmick as such, it's just there, meh.
7306.09.2020Khalid Ace4.0 
7431.01.2014Kings Road6.0 
7624.08.2018KOR KOMBAT3.0I haven't seen this guy do anything noteworthy, he is a formee tna tag champ but besides that he's quite unmemorable. He's in NXT now with the name Jaxson Ryker, which is unfortunate.
7701.08.2019KyleEnjoysWrestling5.0I was on a blackout from TNA when Gunner was a thing, so I never really saw anything from his time there. I did hear it was pretty terrible though. In NXT, Jaxon Ryker really has not done much, but he does have a very impressive & imposing look. Being saddled with the Forgotten Sons is doing him no favors, as that team just look like people who were not good enough to get on the Sons of Anarchy TV show. That team is going no where fast & the sooner Ryker breaks away from them, the better it will be for him. Perhaps a manager along the lines of Paul Ellering would work for him? Time will tell if he has what it takes to get over the hump that he's currently stuck on with the Forgotten Doppelgangers.
8021.07.2023Leth993.0I can't really find anything that stands out for him. Even his ringnames were painfully generic. At least he doesn't botch?
8202.11.2021LivingLegend3.0Jaxson Ryker is not good, even putting his political views aside, which I will be doing for this review. He's not atrocious in the ring but he's so uninteresting and sometimes fairly sloppy. His biggest weakness is is promo ability and character work. He exudes no presence or personality in his promos and he struggles to connect with crowds. A good example of this is on a recent episode of Main Event. I had tuned in because I wanted to see John Morrison VS Apollo Crews, but before took place, Veer took on Jaxson Ryker in the opening match. It was dead silent. You could hear a pin drop in the distance the crowd was so quiet. That basically describes Jaxson Ryker. Not awful, but so mediocre and a horrible talker, and it's so late in his career that I don't think he has time to improve.
8406.05.2014LS Inc7.0Gunner has worked really hard in the last few years and, through he is not a fantastic wrestler, he has become a good uppermidcarder. I'm not sure he would deserve to become world champion but anyway he's gonna be very useful for TNA in the future.
8525.06.2022Luna1000.0Failure of a human, and a boring wrestler with absolutely nothing to offer, no one should book him, he is a posion to wrestling. I have not seen much, but I am not impressed by anything he has done, an absolute zero.
8725.08.2021Mantafahrer1.0Was genau gibt es für einen Grund, dass dieser Mann bei der WWE nicht nur angestellt ist, sondern im Main Roster Airtime bekommt, die unterhaltsamere Dinge wie beispielsweise Rhea Ripley oder ein Gemüseauflauf nicht bekommen? Mal ganz von den politischen Meinungen zu schweigen, ist es für mich nicht nachzuvollziehen, was dieser Mann in einer Wrestlingshow verloren hat. Logan Paul kann wenigstens Reaktionen ziehen. Der Mann soll 20 Jahre (! ) Wrestlingerfahrung haben und stolpert sich durch den Ring, als ob er Eli Cottonwood nachahmen würde, nur dass Eli Cottonwood wahrscheinlich mehr Charisma und Promo-Fähigkeiten hatte. Und dafür Leute wie Wyatt und Strowman rausschmeißen. WTF, Vince.
8823.07.2021marexcel2.0Ryker als Trump-Supporter abzustrafen und gleichzeitig Jericho mit 9 oder 10 Punkten auszustatten ist natürlich ein wirrer Move, aber es gibt darüber hinaus ja noch "wrestlerische" Gründe, warum Ryker nicht viele Punkte verdient. In meinen Augen hat er kaum Charisma und trotz seiner Physis & Tattoos eben auch nicht den Look, um irgendwie interessant zu sein. Persönlichkeit ist dann auch nicht und da schon fällt es schwer, sich überhaupt für ihn zu interessieren, wenn er im Ring steht. Das war bei Gunner schon so und das ist auch bei Ryker so. Im Ring hat er solide Basics, aber überhaupt keinen USP und damit sehr austauschbar. Mangelhaft.
9409.05.2021otislinkman0.0He's just a muscle bound guy with a mean look. Not a good wrestler, not interesting in character, can't draw a dime. On top of that he's too comfortable with being a doorknob of a person. Has never defended his name after being labeled racist. That right there says a whole lot about him. He loves to quote Bible verses and say he's for Jesus yet he's racist. Such a hypocrite.
9521.11.2022Paul Allain7.0Gunner has had an interesting career, as he had decent runs in NWA and TNA where he was able to carve a place in the midcard some solid lower-tier championship runs that kinda cements the place where he excelled, in a mostly silent role as a big obstacle to be overcome by rising stars. I did not at all enjoy the Forgotten Sons gimmick, but his work in NXT and WWE showcased how he could be a good muscle backup or henchman did his job efficiently with some pizzazz and other would look formidable if they could topple him. He certainly had flaws and an evident ceiling on him, but I do feel like that it has become trendy to undermine him as a wrestler because of inarticulate narrow-mindedness on social media, when he played his support part quite well and would have been intriguing in bigger attempts at time if he had more stability in his performances and personal presentation, and certainly would have required a different attitude.
9613.05.2022Reinhard Lohengramm3.0 