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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 6.53
TVTN wrote on 28.01.2024:
[5.0] "I consider Mike Bennett to be the weak link of the Undisputed Kingdom and the lesser wrestler in The Kingdom, but when he has the right opponent and the right tag partner, he'll give a good performance. He was buried to oblivion in WWE and I thought he was never going to recover, but he's proven me wrong on AEW and ROH. He along with Taven are a good hand for AEW and deserves the new spotlights they have now that they're in the Undisputed Kingdom. While he may not be as great of a wrestler, he's definitely proved some people wrong, and I can respect that."
ProWrestlingGuy316 wrote on 31.12.2023:
[3.0] "Ich bin felsenfest davon überzeugt, dass Bennett ohne seine deutlich begabtere Ehefrau ein absoluter Niemand wäre, der vor 50 Zuschauern in den Indies auftritt. Wirklich in jeder Hinsicht unglaublich langweilig und zum Vergessen. Ich meine, wenn selbst ein Tanahashi in seinen starken Zeiten nichts aus einem rausholt, sagt das einfach alles."
JediSaiyanMaster1203 wrote on 26.11.2023:
[4.0] "While the Kingdom is a decent tag team, neither man are good on their own, especially Mike. Moment you see this man having a bad match with Hiroshi Tanahashi, before his knees gave out on him, you're done for it. Very uninteresting performer who needs his wife to carry him."
Luna100 wrote on 24.06.2023:
[8.0] "Has had some great matches in RoH, since leaving WWE some of the best stuff in the company since the Pure Title's return. Great tag worker as well, lots of chemistry together, his mic work is solid enough as well."
ThatWrestlingDude wrote on 30.12.2022:
[8.0] "In all honesty, I don't think we've seen Bennett's full potential yet in professional wrestling. He has all the tools to be a top heel in this business. His stuff with Taven and Vincent in ROH and with Honor No More in Impact has truly showcased what he is capable of."
Evan Jackson wrote on 06.03.2022:
[8.0] "My opinion is different but i recently liked Bennet in ROH. He's capable to do better than what WWE gave him. Good wrestler and useful asset for Impact."
WrestlingStats1 wrote on 18.08.2021:
[5.0] "Assets: Has proven capable of rounding out a major league roster in either a singles or tag capacity. Has managed to hold the tag titles (and a tertiary title) at the highest level. Has proven capable of persevering through personal tragedies. - - - Flaws: Has never been electric as an entertainer. Substance abuse issues have been a concern. May never escape the shadow of his wife or tag/faction partners. - - - Career Potential: Solid major league tag specialist and notable minor league all-around wrestler."
RezzyRezRez wrote on 14.02.2021:
[8.0] "I have always been a fan of Mike Bennett and while I do see why some people aren't fans I think if he is able to carry the momentum from his Final Battle match I think he can go pretty far. He always been a solid wrestler and his later 205 Live stuff have been fairly entertaining like I said his return to ROH was good so far."
Ma Stump Puller wrote on 10.01.2021:
[3.0] "if the uncrowned king of carry jobs Tanahashi can't squeeze a good match out of you, there's something seriously wrong. Anti charisma combined with a half assed move set and zero fire in his matches equals a pretty terrible wrestler. Even with the talent of his wife beside him he still couldn't get much done."
smarkcalaway wrote on 27.10.2020:
[5.0] "Dull as a doorknob when he was given every opportunity in ROH, TNA and WWE. I used to sigh when his entrance music hit."
Gojo Bonito wrote on 10.10.2020:
[9.0] "His Ring of Honor and TNA work was fantastic and wasn? t given a fair chance to shine in WWE. I prefer him as a tag wrestler preferably with Matt Taven."
KyleEnjoysWrestling wrote on 09.08.2019:
[5.0] "I've never been the biggest fan of Mike Bennett, but once he started using Maria as part of his gimmick, you could tell there was something there. He probably looked the best under the TNA banner as the Miracle. But ever since WWE & they focused hard on the love side of the relationship, it's been downhill. Mike gets some blame as well, considering he had drinking issues shortly after his WWE arrival, but being Maria's bitch to that degree is not ever going to work."
jamzell00 wrote on 21.09.2018:
[2.0] "He is the definition of average. Never did anything worthwhile in impact or roh as he was always playing 2nd fiddle to someone. Now he's in the fed doing nothing on TV. Happy for the guy as he seems to have gotten his life together. Still bland asf"
Wrestling Forever wrote on 07.01.2018:
[8.0] "War bei ROH richtig gut und das nicht erst seit der Kingdom Zeit sondern meiner Meinung nach schon bei seiner Fehde gegen Steen. Guter Mann den man in jeder Liga einsetzen kann. Bin gespannt ob er es nun im Mainstream-Wrestling schafft. Potenzial ist bei ihm auf jeden Fall vorhanden. Edit: 7. 01. 2018 die WWE Zeit von ihm ist eine Katastrophe dazu hatte er 2017 einige Probleme die ich nicht hier wieder erwähnen möchte. Es ist Schade das es 2017 mit ihm bei der WWE nicht klappte. Sehr viel nur bei House Shows zu sein macht sicher auch keinen Spaß. Mal schauen ob es dieses Jahr besser wird. Ich bleibe bei 8 Punkte die seine ganze Karriere bewerten."
KingOfStrongStyle38 wrote on 02.12.2017:
[6.0] "Since Mike came to WWE he got worse in the ring, but in TNA Mike and Maria were great heels and had a great "Miracle" Gimmick andd was Ok in the ring, I think he could have a better gimmick than "Power Of Love" He is also average on the mic in my opinion"
Dragon Fighter wrote on 14.11.2017:
[3.0] "Seriously, this guy is a waste of time. He is at best pretty okay at any aspects. I saw him in Roh, tna, njpw and I am confident to say that. Nothing about him is truly outstanding. Now in wwe on SD brand, he is just there, lower mid carder. If it hadn't been for his hot wife Maria, many fans would have forgotten him for a long time."
Klabauter wrote on 13.11.2017:
[5.0] "Solider Wrestler. Nicht mehr, nicht weniger! Und das war er auch überall wo er aktiv war. Er war Material für den Main Event, aber auch immer für die Midcard gut. Das Gimmick an der Seite von Maria in der WWE hatte durchaus Potential, leider wurde es m. M. n. zu früh eingestellt. Mal sehen, was die Zukunft für ihn bringt."
Antimaster wrote on 02.08.2017:
[6.0] "Bennett hat es immer wieder geschafft in großartigen Matches zu stehen, was aber meist an seinem Team bzw den Gegnern lag. Er wirkte jedoch nie fehl am Platz. Bennett hat den Look, er ist sehr solide im Ring und hat mit Maria das perfekte Valet an seiner Seite. Im Kingdom mit Taven und Cole klasse, scheint sein Run bei WWE schon nach einigen Wochen zum Scheitern verurteilt. Eigentlich eine Schande, denn ich dachte immer, er ist für den Mainstream geschaffen."
PistolPeteMatty wrote on 19.07.2017:
[8.0] "Mike Bennett/Kanellis just has that 'it' factor that a star in pro wrestling needs. From his look, in ring work, and charisma, he's just what you think of when you think 'pro wrestler'"
WrestleArts wrote on 16.01.2017:
[3.0] "Der Look passt, das war's aber auch, da Bennett ein schlechter Wrestler, langweiliger Micworker und unterrdurchschnittlicher Schauspieler ist."
JordanACE wrote on 24.12.2016:
[8.0] "So far, he's been amazing in TNA. I really like his "miracle" thing and Maria really completes his character."
Brandon Picha wrote on 13.08.2016:
[10.0] "I feel as if Mike Bennett has true star potential, and that is why I rate him as a 10. He isn't exactly "young, " but he has improved tremendously even since coming to TNA- which is rare. Usually TNA destroys young talent, but hey!"
steviecw wrote on 14.07.2016:
[9.0] "A rare case of somebody really demonstrating star power on the TNA roster. His petulance reminds me a little of CM Punk, while his "Miracle" gimmick is really entertaining. I was a fan of his in ROH too, but I don't think he was ever quite so central. Former IWGP Tag Team Champion, ROH World Tag Team Champion, ROH Top Prospect Tournament winner and TNA X-Division Champion, seems like there's much more gold to come."
Rangozz wrote on 06.01.2016:
[10.0] "A big talker with the Prototypical Look to Suceed. It's true that In Ring he's not the Best. But, he works hard and is always entertaining. His TNA Debut pretty much destroyed his ROH perception. He's not an IWC bred talent. He won't get over with that crowd. But, he was very over in his Debut and that is a Clear Factor. How the U. K. etc. takes is also factual. But, I see him as a Rising Star with all the tool. His look and charisma is simply the thing that will have him be a corner stone in TNA. And, this gimmick is something that he has taken and ran with. It's a Bright Future and The Miracle is Here."
Hurin wrote on 11.10.2015:
[8.0] "I really don't get the hate. I think he's a good wrestler at least in the WWE style, which makes him stand out in ROH, who does a fantastic job of working ROH's crowds, they HAAAATE him. Bennett is good."
DanTalksRasslin wrote on 17.08.2015:
[7.0] "Good all-around in-ring skill set with a good look and charisma. Bennett has been growing as a tag wrestler as of late during his time with the Kingdom, but has the potential to break out as a single down the line. Seems to be custom-built for WWE in terms of everything except perhaps height - surprising they haven't gone after him yet."
Viper99 wrote on 19.05.2015:
[8.0] "Irgendwas hat er was richtig geil ist... AH Stimmt Maria! Nein jetzt ernsthaft ich finde Mike/Michael Bennett wirklich gut. Sowohl im Singles bereich als auch im Tag Team bereich mit The Kingdom (Taven/Cole). Maria ist dazu noch eine wirklich gute Managerin und ein Augenschmaus. Bennett hatte zwar noch keine wirklich großartigen Matches, aber dafür kleinere relativ gute Matches. Das Potential für sehr gute Singles Matches hat er absolut und ich könnte ihn mir auch sehr gut als Ring Of Honor World Champion vorstellen."
Matt4Wrestling wrote on 30.04.2015:
[7.0] "Zwar nicht der Größte im Ring, aber er kann sowohl alleine als auch mit Maria oder anderen Partner viel leisten, nur sollte man das, wenn er im Singles-Bereich unterwegs ist, auch merken! Das ist der größte Knackpunkt bei ihm, ebenfalls das es manchmal an Entschlossenheit zu fehlen scheint! Daran sollte er arbeiten, ansonsten Top!"
Maryan wrote on 17.03.2015:
[8.0] "OK, so I'm not going to say Mike's a lucky SOB for being engaged to Maria. (Darn, just said it). Seriously, he's a good wrestler he can do good matches and the alliance with Maria (both out and inside the ring) help them both, they basicly complete each other."
Hypocrisy wrote on 30.03.2014:
[6.0] "Michael Bennett gewinnt immer mehr an Charisma und auch seine Arbeit im Ring wird immer besser. Eines Tages wird er auch bei WWE durchstarten!"
Sandmann wrote on 11.03.2014:
[6.0] "Bennett hat sich im Laufe der Zeit sehr gebessert und mit Maria an seiner Seite wirkt er mittlerweile auch wie ein Star. Charisma und Mic-Fähigheiten sind definitiv vorhanden und im Ring ist er auch sehr solide ohne große Ausschläge nach oben und unten. Sein Stil ähnelt da schon dem WWE-Stil, nicht wirklich spektakulär sondern einfach und gerade aus. Und das tut in der Welt der High Flyer und American Strong Style Wrestlern auch mal ganz gut. Die Frage ist doch ob er mehr will und zur WWE, zu der definitiv passen würde, geht oder ob seine Beziehung mit Maria ihn daran hindert und wir ihn so weiterhin bei den Indys genießen dürfen."
jchiofal wrote on 27.12.2013:
[9.0] "On of Ring of Honor's best wrestlers has been consistently making a name for himself with strong matches, great promos, and undeniable charisma. His style is nothing like the other styles on the card because he has a slower, more mainstream style (that many fans are not at all a fan of). I on the other hand, love his matches, and how he wrestles."
BlueDiamond wrote on 23.10.2013:
[4.0] "Für mich ist er nicht mehr als ein durchschnittlicher Wrestler. Ganz normale In-Ring Skills und nicht viel was ihn extraordinary macht."
ECW Vengeance wrote on 24.06.2013:
[7.0] "Ausstrahlung und Charisma hat "The Prodigy" allemal. Lediglich seine in-ring skills müssten noch verbessert werden."
Wolky wrote on 20.09.2012:
[6.0] "Eher untypischer Wrestler für ROH. Sehr charismatisch, top am Mic und sieht auch einfach gut aus. Liefert aber leider wenig, bis fast keine, guten Matches ab. Da muss er mal noch richtig zulegen."
TAWPTierJustin wrote on 29.06.2012:
[9.0] "I was already a big Mike Bennett fan before when he was just with Brutal Bob Evans, but ever since they added Maria Kanellis to the mix back at Final Battle 2011, I think that's when Mike Bennett really started to step up his game and become better than he ever was before not just with his Prodigy persona, but with his work in the ring as well, and it has now put him into one of those situations with the fans where they really want to hate this guy, but at the same time, they're showing more respect towards him than they did in the past year. Honestly, all he needs in Ring Of Honor is Maria Kanellis in his corner and that will continue his great role that he's on and progress him to become better and better. He doesn't need Brutal Bob Evans in his corner although I think it's actually better that Brutal Bob stays with Bennett cause he has always been a great manager for Bennett considering the fact that Bob is Bennett's trainer and all, and plus, I love the pairing of these three! It's a breath of fresh air so to speak!"
Fabi89 wrote on 13.06.2012:
[7.0] "Bennett kann es noch weit bringen. Er sticht auf der Independent-Bühne mit seinem Charisma und seinem starken Micwork heraus. Es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn er eher früher als später den Sprung in den Mainstream-Bereich schafft. Im Ring kann er sicher noch einiges an Feinschliff vertragen, gerade seine jüngsten ROH-Matches gegen Edwards und Storm haben aber gezeigt, dass er auch da auf einem guten Weg ist. Vielversprechendes Gesamtpaket!"
Asuma wrote on 04.04.2012:
[8.0] "Beeindruckende Statur, Charismatisch und auch kein schlechter Wrestler. Nuff'said"
Lions Den wrote on 07.12.2011:
[8.0] "Ich belasse es erstmal beim Kommentar, da ich erst ein Match gesehen habe. Bennett hat für Indepedent-Kreise schonmal eine recht beeindruckende Statur und bringt auch einiges an Charisma mit. Auch in Bezug auf seine Technik gibt es wenig zu meckern. Wenn er es schafft, einen eigenen Charakter zu entwickeln, hat er sicherlich nicht nur bei ROH gute Aussichten. *edit* So langsam kann ich mich zu einer Bewertung hinreißen lassen. Hat mir in den letzten Wochen am Mic und im Ring gut gefallen. Letzteres ist aber noch ausbaufähig."
Fall Out Boy wrote on 29.06.2011:
[8.0] "Ich find den Kerl einfach klasse. Dass er für ROH vielleicht nicht so ideal wie vielleicht für die WWE geschaffen ist, mag stimmen, aber er bringt trotzdem Abwechslung in den ROH Roster rein. Über sein Charisma und seine Heel-Fähigkeiten gibt es glaube ich nicht allzu viel zu debatieren. Im Ring ist es solide, nicht überragend und auch nicht auf einem Level als ein Großteil des ROH Rosters, aber das macht er durch seine Art, sein Auftreten, seine Ausstrahlung wieder weg."
Rated R Champ wrote on 25.06.2011:
[5.0] "Mike Bennett ist so ein Fall, er ist nicht schlecht, er kann wrestlen und er hat auch Charisma, aber er ist in meinen Augen weit von dem künftigen Top Star entfernt, als den ihn ROH darstellen will. Momentan sehe ich in ihm nicht mehr als einen in der Masse der Indy Wrestler, von denen auch bei ROH (ja ich weiß, dass auch die eig eine Indy Promotion sind) schon etliche kamen und gingen."
jjchiofalo wrote on 13.06.2011:
[6.0] "I honestly don't understand all the hype behind Mike Bennett. He's a decent performer, with basic in-ring ability and understanding. He has all the basic, but besides that, he's just a bit above average. Nothing more, nothing less"
Navid wrote on 08.03.2011:
"Er sieht aus wie ein typischer WWE Wrestler (inkl. des Fototauglichen Gesichtes) hat aber im Vergleich zum üblichen ROHler sehr begrenzte Inring Fähigkeiten. Generell wirkt alles bei ihm auf mich sehr abgehackt wenig flüssig. Um eine Punktzahl zu geben müsste ich aber noch mehr sehen."
brianpillman wrote on 04.03.2011:
[5.0] "Optisch beeindruckende Statur, grundsolider Wrestler mit Fähigkeiten am Mic. In allen Bereichen aber noch ein sehr ungeschliffener Diamant."