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Displaying items 1 to 12 of total 12 items that match the search parameters.
1WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2009YUKE's Future Media Creators07.11.2008World Wrestling EntertainmentWii, DS, Xbox360, PS2, PS3, PSP7.92119
2WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007YUKE's Future Media Creators14.11.2006World Wrestling EntertainmentXbox, Xbox360, PS2, PSP8.03124
3WWE SmackDown! Shut Your MouthYUKE's Future Media Creators13.11.2002World Wrestling EntertainmentPS28.7980
4WWE WrestleMania X8YUKE's Future Media Creators09.06.2002World Wrestling EntertainmentGC6.1019
5WWF RawAnchor Inc.11.02.2002World Wrestling EntertainmentXbox, PC3.5651
6WWF SmackDown! Just Bring ItYUKE's Future Media Creators19.11.2001World Wrestling EntertainmentPS26.2853
7WWF Road To WrestleManiaNatsume18.11.2001World Wrestling EntertainmentGBA  
8WWF With Authority!Genetic Anomalies23.07.2001World Wrestling EntertainmentPC  
9WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your RoleYUKE's Future Media Creators21.11.2000World Wrestling EntertainmentPS9.0077
10WWF No MercyAKI Corporation, Asmik Ace Entertainment17.11.2000World Wrestling EntertainmentN649.4295
11WWF Royal RumbleYUKE's Future Media Creators01.08.2000World Wrestling EntertainmentArcade, DC7.3610
12ECW Hardcore RevolutionAcclaim29.02.2000Extreme Championship WrestlingN64, GB, PS, DC4.2630