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LA Knight

Also known as Eli Drake, Max Dupri, Shaun Ricker, John Ricker, Dick Rick, Dick Rick Leykis, Deuce, Slate Randall, Number Two, El Hijo de Trump

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613.04.2024JoLUVmania YEAH! YEAH! YEEEEAAAAAH! At first in NXT he was good, but when he first came to the main roster I thought he would get released within 2 months, but now hes everybody favorite. 9/10
713.04.2024Syko9.0Not the best worker but certainly not the worst. Quite possibly the greatest orator in pro wrestling today and entertaining as can be. One of my personal favorites amongst the modern wrestling crop.
810.04.2024BruceMarcos5244.0What's the hype for LA Knight? It seems that he is just some sort of a regular wrestler who happens to cosplay The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. If this was the Attitude Era, maybe Knight would thrive with this gimmick. Nowadays when wrestling has become more aware of the quality and more focused on skill, this would be a failure. No question, he got the attention of the crowd at the palm of his hands. He's got some charisma to attract the masses but doesn't have the exuding aura on making him stand out like the rest of the roster. These annoying catchphrases, like "Yeah" is similar to the annoying "What" chants by Austin. His interviews had no substance, more like Rock-lite promos. Just relying on kiddie insults and it is not entertaining at all. In-ring, he is just a run-of-the-mill wrestler, not as good as AJ Styles or Gunther in that particular. He is not even good as John Cena either. Tell me one match that Knight had a memorable match so far, none. He couldn't even thrive in smaller promotions like TNA as Eli Drake, what more in WWE where they already have big stars like Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns. For me, he is just a personification of nostalgia. But if it were for me, I would just watch the Attitude Era Raw and Smackdown shows to listen to The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin and not listen to some copycat like LA Knight. Sorry, but LA Knight is just a lame character. I'd bet in like 2 years after he retires, most of the fans wouldn't remember LA Knight's "impact and influence" and they would still remember Rock, Austin, Cena and Punk. But points for crowd impact though.
908.04.2024igskillfart4.0I dont get this guy, hes only praised for his promo skills and thats not something to be good, nobody talks about his wresting work which is what professional wrestling is, just cus you can talk on the mic doesnt mean hes a great wrestler or "the mega star", i really dont see what yall think about this. He is average at best in the ring and all people talk about is his promos. well its WWE so it make sense but any other promotion he would not do so good. srry la knight fans but thats the truth.
1008.04.2024Ringside Rebel8.0 
1606.04.2024Sweet Fighter V8.0 
2001.04.2024Darshan Joshi6.0 
2326.03.2024Charles Maidhoff7.0 
3125.02.2024new era lover9.0 
3423.02.2024IDriveAFordFusion8.0One of my favorites in WWE today, LA Knight is proving, with charisma and mic skill, that he is THAT MEGASTAR! Although his in-ring work can average at times, he makes up for it with impressive aura and charisma, along with stellar microphone segments, he definitely is a future world champion but he should be built up first by holding a midcard championship. Hopefully he gets used and booked correctly, he is still massively over with live crowds as he should be.
3523.02.2024The Sick Lebowski5.0Im Ring unteres Mittelmaß, was den Unterhaltungswert angeht. Und auch, wenn er ein guter Talker ist, sein dusseliges "YEAAH! " nach jedem, aber auch fast jedem einzelnen verdammten Satz geht mir höchstschwer auf die Testikel. Wo der Hype um ihn herkommt, ist mir komplett schleierhaft. Und das der deutsche WWE-Kommentator Walandi Tsanti ihn bei jedem Auftritt abfeiert, als wäre dieser Jesus höchstpersönlich, hilft auch nicht - im Gegenteil. Ganz, ganz wohlwollende vier Punkte, weil ich sein generelles Talent am Mikrofon anerkenne. EDIT: Einen Punkt rauf, weil er seine Rolle gut spielt und auch recht gut eingesetzt wird.
3720.02.2024actionjaxon9.0let me talk to you! .man this guy is my second favourite current wrestler in wwe right now his in ring skills pretty good his mic skills great.Now i know many people say hes in ring skills are not that good which i can say he could get better which is way im giving him a 9.1 but right now hes doing just fine and btw one thing im very sick of is people saying this guy is a rock wannabe or a stone cold wannabe look they have similarities but he is also his own thing all right people..So we are not saying stone cold wannabe we are not saying rock wannabe you know what are saying we are saying l a knight YEAH!
4214.02.2024ProWrestlingGuy3169.0Er ist der glasklare Beweis, dass Charisma und Persönlichkeit die mit Abstand wichtigsten Attribute sind, um ein Star zu sein. Viele Internet-Fans werden das natürlich nicht zugeben, aber was will von denen auch anderes erwarten. Der Mann ist endlich in der WWE angekommen, wo er halt hingehört. Bei TNA war er eigentlich die meiste Zeit über verschwendet, er hat sich ja auch in Interviews nicht wohlwollend über seine Zeit in der Promotion geäußert. Was ich auch verstehen kann, schließlich war er auch damals nicht der Jüngste. Jetzt ist Knight in der WWE und elektrisiert Woche um Woche die Massen mit seinem unvergleichlichen Charisma.
4602.02.2024GhassaneJabri3.0If you happen to enjoy LA Knight to any extent, then I'm glad you did what I couldn't. I've been reading what people have been praising about his body of work, and most of the acclaim is centered on his character and promo skills. And it goes to show how a large extension of wrestling fans are sensitive to wrestlers' promo abilities. Not to say that this perspective is invalid or that they're wrong for liking wrestling that way, but as a concept, character work and promo skills have always been the icing on the cake, the latter being the actual wrestling. No matter how much you put whipped cream on a turd, the cake would still taste like shit. And that is unfortunately how I feel about LA Knight. Yes, his character is an improvement from Eli Drake and an even bigger one from Max Dupri. But even if I think his character is derivative, it doesn't change the fact that I find his wrestling absolutely horrible. As charismatic as he is, he is also very uncoordinated and sloppy, and I cannot for the life of me remember a single match where he outshines his opponent. So I cannot in good conscience see LA Knight as nothing more than an eloquent and charismatic impotent wrestler. I hope his wrestling gets better but I don't really see that happening.
5027.01.2024BillyBobJoe38.0Even with his age I could see Knight being the future of WWE sure he may not be the best wrestler but you know who also wasn't a great wrestler Bray Wyatt and he was awesome. Also he is still incredibly over with the crowd even after his loss to Roman Reigns and as I'm writing this he is having a fatal-4-way against AJ Styles, Randy Orton, and Roman Reigns. In the near future with enough time he could get to a 9 or 10.
5125.01.2024CommisarRobe8.0At the time of writing LA Knight is a very over guy and I feel he deserves it, his promo is excellent (reminiscent of attitude era promos) his in ring work is good as well. Knight is proving he can compete at the very top of the card and deserves to be there.
6024.12.2023Herr Kritiker8.0 
6217.12.2023Khalid Ace6.0 
6411.12.2023greaterdale7.0La Knight is VERY over right now, and rightfully so, in ring wise he's pretty decent and is a good promo. But like WWE should absolutely push this guy to the moon, but I just don't think he's quite an 8/10 due to not being a good enough in ring worker, he's basically a better in every way version of The Miz.
6609.12.2023daichi10.0LA Knight is one of the biggest stars of WWE right now and he deserves all the hype he gets. He is easily the most charismatic and best promo cutter in the business right now. Every time he goes out there he shows his star power and with both his 20 year long hardwork and the push from every other super-star around him, he can easily become the face of the company. The only thing he is not perfect in is his in-ring ability, which in no way, shape or form is lacking.
6809.12.2023Anthony Leone9.0 
7226.11.2023JediSaiyanMaster12038.0Lemme Talk To Ya! I want everybody to say L... A... Knight... YEAH! Anyways, LA Knight is one of my favorite characters in WWE today, easily in the top 3-5 best talkers currently in "The Fed, " and he's showing that he isn't slowing down in the ring despite being in his early 40s. Would love to see him become world champion one day, that would be nice to see.
7424.11.2023xToniSk1989x10.0Ich erhöhe meine 9 Punkte sogar noch auf eine glatte 10. In den letzten Jahren selten so einen Wrestler erlebt, der so großartig mit der Crowd interagieren kann, wie LA Knight YEAH! Zumal ich ihn schon seit seiner aktiven Zeit als Eli Drake bei TNA feiere.
7906.11.2023alfa labarca7.0 
8004.11.2023Henne10.0Bin sehr überrascht, dass ich ihn bisher noch gar nicht bewertet habe. Dabei ist er mir seit 15 Jahren ein Begriff. Yeah. Er hat sich kontinuierlich verbessert und ist nun im Main Event der WWE angekommen. Im Alter von 42 Jahren, quasi aus dem Nichts. Top Mann.
8204.11.2023Thomas Carlson7.0Yeah Dummy. Ok mal davon abgesehen. Was In Ring betrifft da gibt es bessere. Reicht es um PPVs zu verkaufen? Ich weiß nicht. Wäre er in der Shaun Ricker Form dann vielleicht. Nur das war vor langer Zeit. Ich glaube das hier kommt Jahre zu spät. Man sollte es melken so lange es geht. Nur der Star der Liga wird er für mich nicht mehr. Da fehlt zu viel und die Zeit arbeitet gegen ihn.
8402.11.2023ALF7.0LA Knight -"YEAH": Wie soll man ihn bewerten? Ringtechnisch solide und der Look ebenso, ohne überragend zu sein. Charisma hat er aber auf jeden Fall, auch wenn seine Catchphrase teilweise sehr von "Stone Cold" Steve Austin abgekupfert sein. Aber Kopien gibt es im Wrestling zu hauf - also nichts ungewöhnliches. Und seit dem populär werden des Ultimate Warrior (Summerslam 1988) ist doch die Frage, ob man im Ring viel drauf haben muss? Oder geht es nicht viel mehr darum - egal wie - populär zu werden, damit man Hallen ausverkauft? ! Nimmt man den letzten Satz als grundlegende Aufgabe eines WWE-Superstars, dann hat LA Knight in den letzten Monaten und Jahren viel richtig gemacht. Er hat sich einen festen Platz im TV-Kader erarbeitet + einen Hype ausgelöst und wird bei WWE "Crown Jewel" 2023 Roman Reigns herausfordern. Die Frage wird sein:Schafft er es den Hype weiter auszubauen, oder ist er nur eine "Eintagsfliege"? Meine Idee wäre, dass LA Knight kontovers in Saudi - Arabien gegen Reigns verliert, um dann (STORYLINETECHNISCH) in eine tiefe Depression zu verfallen, aus der LA Knight mithilfe eines Albino-Känguru als E. S. A. (Emotional Support Animal) entkommt. Im Rückkampf sollte er dann Reigns besiegen. Gut am Mikro ist er jedenfalls. Er sollte ein Talkshow-Segment bekommen, das "LA Confidential" (LA vertraulich) heißt.
8601.11.2023nothingleftinside7.0What's not to get? He's a the only charismatic promo in an industry of frankly boring personalities. So what if he's equal parts Rock and Stone Cold? You couldn't ask for a better combo of promos to get audiences pumped. He's not great in the ring, but he's far from terrible. WWE has pushed tons of guys who were worse in the ring. Only CM Punk and MJF are on the same level when it comes to promos, and neither are as good at audience involvement. He still hasn't flashed in the pan, he's still near the top, he's still the most anticipated thing on WWE shows, all these months later. People on this site like to undervalue the most important skill in this business- drawing money. Guy has been at it with the same gimmick for a while now and lots of us have been singing his praises for years. Now he finally gets his chance. Still the most fun segment on Smackdown and probably will be for years to come. A promo, B gimmick, D+ in the ring.
8701.11.2023benny5bellys4.0I just do not get it whatsover. Has everyone else lost their mind or just me? He is fine, everything he does is fine. Nothing more, nothing less. Do you really want to watch him wrestle? It is no good being a half decent promo if you shit the bed the minute the bell rings. Very dull people will tell you it is because he works safe, which is a polite way to say they don't understand what wrestling is or what safe actually is.
9519.10.2023Bradlmao Knight has been consistently good for years and finally he's managed to showcase his charisma on the biggest stage, he's not the best wrestler in the world and much like the Miz; he wrestles a more safe style which a lot of smarks won't be a fan of but that doesn't actually matter when you've got the ability to move merch and connect with the fans.
9619.10.2023shippers774.0I think a guy like LA Knight is a prime example of how "professional wrestling" in Japan for instance is almost like a totally different thing to that in the USA - this guy feels like a superstar in WWE purely because he can talk on the mic and has a "catchphrase" that has caught on, between the ropes the guy is OK at best, everyone likes what they like and thats great - but for me rating this guy as a wrestler, 4 is as high as you can go.
9814.10.2023Grissom5.0LA Knight aka Eli Drake ist ohne Frage ein guter Talker und kann die Fans damit auch gut mitnehmen. Die Vergleiche mit Steve Austin sind auch angebracht, da die Ähnlichkeiten nunmal sehr stark und vorhanden sind. Damit scheint er aber Erfolg zu haben als softe Austin Kopie. Sobal es aber in den Ring geht wird es überschaubar. Ein Standard Wrestler der im Ring leider wenig besonderes anbieten kann und in diesem Bereich einer von vielen durchschnittlichen Wrestlern ist.