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Displaying items 1 to 33 of total 33 items that match the search parameters.
1WWE-ECW-Wrestler des JahresCAGEMATCH Year End Awards20087.
2WWE-Neuverpflichtung des JahresCAGEMATCH Year End Awards20085.
3PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated2008222.
4WWE-Most UnderratedCAGEMATCH Year End Awards20094.
5WWE-Aufsteiger des JahresCAGEMATCH Year End Awards200910.
6PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated200918.
7WWE-SmackDown-Wrestler des JahresCAGEMATCH Year End Awards20109.
8WWE-Aufsteiger des JahresCAGEMATCH Year End Awards20108.
9PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated201021.
10Most UnderratedWrestling Observer Newsletter20105.
11WWE-Most UnderratedCAGEMATCH Year End Awards20114.
12PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated201139.
13WWE-Tag Team des JahresCAGEMATCH Year End Awards20128.
14WWE-Most UnderratedCAGEMATCH Year End Awards20125.
15Most UnderratedWrestling Observer Newsletter20125.
16PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated201233.
17WWE-Tag Team des JahresCAGEMATCH Year End Awards20133.
18WWE-Most UnderratedCAGEMATCH Year End Awards20138.
19WWE-Match des JahresCAGEMATCH Year End Awards20139.
20PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated201329.
21WWE-Most UnderratedCAGEMATCH Year End Awards20147.
22PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated201474.
23WWE-Most UnderratedCAGEMATCH Year End Awards201510.
24PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated2015137.
25WWE-Most UnderratedCAGEMATCH Year End Awards20165.
26PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated2016164.
27PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated2017246.
28PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated2018275.
29Match Of The YearWrestling Observer Newsletter20209.
30PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated2020176.
31PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated2021268.
32Match Of The YearVoices Of Wrestling.com20225.
33PWI 500Pro Wrestling Illustrated2022301.