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116.03.2024Conquistador374.0The golden era was full of tremendous in ring talent, remarkable & unforgettable characters, time tested story lines that will live on in both grandeur and infamy and also, Dino Bravo was there. EDIT: While I chuckle at my short & sweet review, it didn't do much to explain the guy, so I will say he *did* have a good looking piledriver and paired well with Earthquake. Sometimes his suplexes looked spirited and I appreciated most of his work at the Survivor Series he participated in as well. But. uh. eh. meh.
525.11.2023crs2856.0Dino Bravo was a star of the Canadian territories. In the ring Bravo was good early on but by the time he got to WWE he was nearing the end of his career and was not what he once was. He did have the presence and the built-up reputation of a star.
618.10.2023celticinvader2.0Admittedly, I've only seen his stuff from when he returned to WWF in 1987, but what I've seen has been SHOCKING. Slow, lethargic matches where Bravo looks like he isnt't even trying and would rather be doing anything else. His promos are nothing to write home about either.
916.07.2023CMFunk0071.0This guy was terrible as a performer and as a character. I say that as someone who's not seen his early stuff from Montreal and only witnessed his run in the WWF where he started with Greg Valentine as the New Dream Team following Brutus Beefcake's face turn. Then, he moved on to team with Earthquake in his feud with Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior. I hated this guy, and not because he was a heel. He had go away heat before X-Pac invented X-Pac heat. A true channel changer for me. But it's a shame how his life ended.
1426.09.2022Giantfan19805.0Didn't find out about his early stuff until years later when I went internet diving and he was way better in the late 70's. When he came back to the WWF in 1987, he was getting too jacked to do the stuff he used to do. Became more of a lumbering power guy during this time but was still a very passable mid card heel.
1715.07.2022Cev31 Dino was underrated in my opinion. Legendary figure, great look. Felt like he could give anyone a match. A larger than life character who was very ? pop off the page? if you were a kid during this time. Always felt like his look was as perfect as any. Of course the stories of his sad ending only add to his legend and mystique. I still remember where I was when I heard Dino passed and I was a shocked. It was on radio and a sports talk radio show with a wrestling segment. Headed home from the ballgame I attended. I was always excited to see him in a match. He was crazy over in Canada and if utilized right he could have been a huge star in the 80s and 90s for WWF. I felt like he and Muraco were similar looking powerhouse guys. Loved seeing him face off with Hogan and warrior. Because of his build, it felt like Bravo could take them.
2225.01.2021Brett19804.0Very boring and had some of the worst matches in the WWF at the time. I do not remember seeing him in a good match.
2320.01.2021Shoot Headbutt Lover5.0 
2413.10.2020BUIOOMEGA10.0He had italian origins, he was born in my own town of Campobasso, Molise. So i give to him a symbolic 10 (not the best worker on the planet, a solid wrestler with some championships in his victories). Sad end of his life.
2628.07.2019KyleEnjoysWrestling5.0He had a look & presence about him that seemed like he might have an impactful run in WWE. But it never seemed to get fully realized. Even though he never had much substance to him, he had a credibility where you could put him against a top star & he wouldn't feel too out of place.
2709.12.2018JEK 19918.0Great wrestler, very underrated. Short and strong is the words I describe him. He was very successful in Montreal`s International Wrestling. When he came to the WWE it was a very interesting. He teamed up with Greg Valentine as the ``New Dream Team``they sucked. His blond hair just stink. His gimmick as a Quebecer was awesome and having Frenchy Martin as his manager. Amazing feuds with Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior but never won any titles. He and Earthquake were a great tag team. They should have been world tag team champions defeating Demotion but instead WWF focused on them feuding Hogan and the Warrior. I believe Mr. McMahon was prejudice against Quebecers and French Canadians and wanted an American to be the champion. Just sad that he was murdered.
2924.10.2018RatingsMachine4.0In his prime years, Dino Bravo was a decent enough worker. But past his prime, Bravo regressed like few ever have, and he become one of the worst members of the WWF roster.
3019.08.2018pappahouse3.0OMG was soll man zu ihm sagen? Er wirkte immer sowas von steif und unbeweglich. Auch Anfang der 90er gab es schon tausend Mal bessere Finisher als einen Sidesuplex. Die Promos mit dem Bankdrücken waren auch einfach nur lächerlich.
3507.12.2016mdbnase4.0Im Ring stets langweilig. Arg begrenztes Moveset und hat mehr gepost als gewrestlet. Dazu ein schwaches Mic-Work das meist nur aus böse kucken und rumbrüllen bestand. Hat zwar in die Midcard der damaligen Zeit gepasst, war aber nie was besonderes. Über seine privaten Machenschaften wollen wir lieber nicht reden.
3616.11.2016Bigchiefmartin8.0Dino Bravo is remembered by many fans as a jack up powerhouse bleached blond undercarder who the WWF had around through the boom period. But by the time he was brought in, Bravo was nearing forty and was past his prime and gained bulk robbed him of his agility and a lot of his abilities. Now in his younger years, Bravo was a stocky powerful good athlete and was a good in ring worker with all-around style He had success everywhere he went, but in Canada he was a top star. In Montreal and Toronto, Bravo was one of the biggest star ever in those city's, Peak Years - `75-`85 he won a World Tag Championship in the NWA &WWWF also Plus 2 more NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles in the mid to late 70's then from 79 to mid 80's he won 2x NWA Canadian Heavyweight, 1x Canadian International Tag Team 7x International Heavyweight Champion. but when he come back Bravo was going to wrestle Hulk Hogan in Montreal the company feared their babyface champion would be booed by the 20, 000 fans and they scrapped the match. Bravo quit, but eventually came back and was made into a midcard heel for the next five years. He had limited involvement in wrestling after that and was making his money by smuggling cigarettes, which led to his murder in 1993. One of the greatest superstars Canada ever produced who was a major player through the 70s and 80s, but had his legacy spoiled by being buried in the WWF.
4125.09.2015mdkarl5.0Looked like a powerful guy, but never made the connection to me as a believable main eventer. His death was notorious as he got involved in smuggling cigeretts and was machine gunned by criminal rivals. Rick martel often talks about bravo in his shoot interviews as they ran the montreal area together in the early 1980's. I mostly saw bravo doing tag team stuff in wwf where he failed to impress me.
4427.06.2015Crippler Crossface6.0 
4720.07.2014Follow the Buzzards4.0 
4819.04.2014Macho Man8.0Eigentlich ein guter Wrestler er hätte ebenso mal Titel verdient. Man hätte noch einiges aus Ihm machen können. Zigarettenmafia kaum vorstellbar glaube eher an Drogen und Prostitotion aber deswegen jemanden zu ermorden ist unterste Schublade.
4922.12.2013test852.0Absolut grottig. Kein Charisma, schwach im Ring und Fähigkeiten am Mic sind auch nicht vorhanden. Im Gegensatz zu Bad News Brown kann ich bei ihm überhaupt nicht verstehen warum er gepusht wurde.
5022.07.2013Boris The Menace5.0 
5106.02.2013The Woerp3.0 
5515.04.2011downtown22.0Das Schöne an Dino Bravo war, dass er tatsächlich aussah, wie ein kleiner Gangster der Mafia mit italienischen Wurzeln. Guter Look, der gut dazu passte, in Form von Muskeln, gepaart mit Bierbauch, authentischer gehts nicht mehr. Allerdings war er im Ring wirklich nicht zu gebrauchen und die Promos wurden zum Glück meistens nicht von ihm selbst geführt. Unterm Strich bleibt eine Figur, die zwar auf den ersten Blick witzig ist, die Wrestling-Welt aber wahrlich nicht gebraucht hat.
5805.12.2010Necron6.0Ein Powerhouse der alten Schule. Hatte vor allem als Heel eine gute Rolle bei der WWF und wusste zu überzeugen. Natürlich sind seine Kämpfe aus heutiger Sicht eher langweilig, aber in seiner Zeit gehörte er mindestens nicht zu den schlechteren Wrestlern.
5927.07.2010Manu Adams6.0Mir gefiel er an der Seite von Earthquake am besten. Galt zu Lebzeiten als stärkster Mann der Welt und war deshalb auch ein ordentliches Powerhouse. Errinere mich noch gut daran wie er in Deutschland auf Bret Hart traf, unglaublich das er ein Jahr später ermordet wurde. R. I. P. Dino Bravo
6026.05.2010The-Game913.0Mehr ein Bodybuilder als ein Wrestler. Aber er gehörte zur Federation dazu. Das ändert aber nichts an der Tatsache das man einschlief als er wrestlete.
6101.03.2010Eddie6.0Dino Bravo war damals ein recht passabler Wrestler, den ich schon gerne gesehen habe.
6222.01.2009Fountain of Misinformation6.0 
6528.08.2008Brahma Bull7.0 
6725.05.2008Frutz6.0Habe ihn nur am Ende seiner Karriere gesehen und kann mich eigentlich nur an ein Match gegen Bret Hart erinnern. Aber er war ziemlich unangenehm als Gegner und konnte als sehr selbstsicheres Power-House durchaus ueberzeugen. In der Zeit davor sicher auch noch etwas erfolgreicher. Ausserdem Teil des Jimmy Hart-Stabels, gibt noch nen Pluspunkt.
7128.01.2008Blade Bourdeaux6.0Eine legitime Bedrohung für die damaligen Faces. Zudem als Teil der Heenan Family natürlich als Heel gehasst wie die Pest.
7221.12.2007Asgaroth 3366996.0 
7301.12.2007LexLuger4ever8.0Tolles Gimmick! Tolle Einmarschmusik! Leider viel zu früh verstorben! Im Ring ganz gut, aber ein noch besserer Worker.
7826.08.2007ecw forever6.0 
7925.08.2007Carlito Cena4.0 
8204.08.2007H-Scorpio4.0Am Mic war er mMn eher schwach. Aber da er sowieso nie zur Uppercard gehörte, hätte wrestlerisches Talent ausgereicht. Im Ring bot er auch nichts besonderes, ist aber dennoch irgendwie eine Figur, die in Erinnerung bleibt.
8330.07.2007Garvin2.0Ich habe bisher keine vernünftiges Match gesehen, an welchem er beteiligt war. Er war einfach schlecht und ohne irgendetwas Besonderes, was ihn hätte auszeichnen können. Leider zu früh von uns gegangen.